Status: In progress

Abigail: The Accident



Even though he was out of my league, Trevor didn't act at all like he was better than me. It actually seemed he thought I was too good for him. I giggled. "What?" he asked, sounding a little upset by my accidental breaking of the silence. "Nothing… I was remembering a joke Alyssa told me during Science." I lied. "Can I hear it?" he asked supsiciously. "Shit… You got me." I admit, defeated. "Haha. What were you ACTUALLY giggling about?" he says, looking down towards me(He's almost three inches taller than me) and play-shoving my shoulder.
"You really wanna know?"
"No, it's stupid. You'll laugh."
He puts his left hand in the air, his right hand on his heart, and says, "I, Trevor Jacobs, hereby swear not to laugh at Abby Gray's reason for randomly giggling, so long as I shall live… Cross my heart and hope to die…… Try me…"
I start giggling again. "You promise?" He picks me up by my shoulders and brings me up to eye level. "Do I have to say it again?" he asks, very jokey. "No! Put me down!" I yell, playfully kicking him in the stomache.


"Okay, okay! Ow! You got some leg power!" I drop her gently back to Earth and pick up her backpack. "So? What were you giggling about?" I ask, hopefully not too desparately. "I was just thinking, YOU seem so out of MY league, but, you ACT like I'M out of YOUR league..." she says this much, and I'm out. I can't hear a word she's saying, and all I can SEE is her beautiful face, the way she constantly brushes her hair out of her eyes, the way she blushes at the simplest embarrassments. Or was it her make-up? Oh well, I don't care; she's beautiful whether she's embarrassed or overloads the make-up…

All of a sudden, she stops in front of this three-story, white marble house. "Is this your house?!" I ask, stunned. "No, it's my aunt's… I'm staying with her while my parents are on a cruise. She spoils me to death. I hate it." she sounds kind of guilty. I wonder why? "Why do you hate it?" I ask curiously. Hesitantly, she looks from the garage, to a window on the third floor, then to the humongous front door, "It's just so big and empty with just me and her. I really wish I had someone to keep me company…" She says this almost hinting at me to come inside. "Hey, did you finish Mr. Meyer's homework? 'Cause I'm having some troube dividing fractions.." I lie. "Aaaaahh, I dunno. Lemme check." She pulls out of her backpack a purple folder labled "MATH!:)" and opened it to a bunch of unfinished homework. "Yep! Wanna come in?" she asked, a little embarrassed. I picked her by the forearms, brought her up to eye level, and kissed her on the nose. Her face turned red and I smiled. I set her down, picked up her stuff(she had dropped it when I picked her up), and she led me inside the grand marble house.
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It's really bad, I know... BUT, I'm really trying to work harder on my writing skills. SUBSCRIBE!! :D