Status: Rewritten one shot.

A Silent Death For Rosaline. (Rewritten.)

A Silent Death For Rosaline - Rewritten.

I lowered my eyes, and stared into the cheap coffin. My dead body lay there cold...lifeless. I didn't look like me. My face was caked with foundation to hide the bruises and gashes. I could tell the mortition had used some sort of gel or putty to piece my face back together.

I wasn't wearing shoes, (which I SPECIFICALLY instructed in the will I had written a few months back, just in case,) a pair of jeans, (which I also specified,) and a plain black shirt. My eyes were closed, but I knew that behind them lay nothing but glass marbles, keeping my eyelids from caving in during the service.

I turned to face the congregation. To my surprise, a lot of people were there. I recognized kids from school, members of my church, and some of my past doctors, etc. A good ninety-nine percent of them looked absolutely torn apart. The other one percent....was my mom and dad. They sat on complete opposite sides of the front pew, staring blankly at my casket.

I knew I didn't have much time left, so I swiftly made my way up to podium. Though no one could touch or see me, I could see and touch the papers that lay there. Carefully, so no one would see floating papers, I looked over my sister's speech that she would later give.

Mary Beth was a girl who could always find the happiness in the worst of situations. She could always make me laugh, and when I was crying, she cried with me. I lost Mary Beth four days ago. She was walking home from school, when a car didn't stop at an intersection. She didn't deserve to die... not this way, and not for a lot longer. I miss my sister with all of my heart, and it still hasn't hit me that she's gone.

Mary Beth had her problems. She struggled with depression and bipolar disorder, but even when she couldn't make herself smile, she could make everyone around her smile. I'll never get over losing her. I looked up to her with such admiration....who will I look up to now? In some ways, I'm glad that she passed instantly, because I know that heaven will give her something that earth never could. I will always love and miss my sister, who I know is watching over me from heaven.

A ghostly tear fell from my eye, landing on the paper without leaving a stain. I ran over to my sister, who was crying into her friend's shoulder, and brushed my supernatural lips against her cheek. I whispered, "I love you, too." into her ear, before going back up to the podium.

Once there, I picked up a black pen that was resting next to my sister's speech. I pressed the tip against the top of the paper and scribbled,

I love you. I'll always watch over you, promise.

I felt myself beginning to fade away. I replaced the pen, and closed my eyes. One last tear fell from my eye as heaven whisked me away from this earth forever.