Sequel: A Royal for the Crown


10: She always panics

“You kissed her?” William asked, smirking at Harry from the doorway to his bedroom

“This news didn’t require you to come over here” Harry didn’t look up from his MacBook

“You KISSED her”

“Yea, I think I established that when I texted you last night”

Will chuckled and walked inside Harry’s room and sat down on his bed. “So, then what happened?”

Harry sighed and turned around in his chair to face his elder brother. “Nothing” he sighed and put his hands behind his head

“Wait, NOTHING?”

“Nothing. We kissed, she panicked, she left” Harry rubbed his eyes

“Why did she panic?”

“Why does Tovah do anything she does? She’s a bloody lunatic”

“No, she’s just. Different” William said

Harry nodded and looked at his phone. “She won’t answer anything; calls, texts. She’s avoiding me”

“Typical Tovah. She will come around in her own time”

“I just hate this. I finally gain some ground with her, and make my move and she turns crazy. I will never understand her”

“I don’t know little brother. Part of me wants to tell you to give up on her. But, you’ve been trying to catch her since we were kids”

“I know. Believe me, I think I am just as crazy for constantly chasing her” Harry said

“So, what are you going to do?”
Harry parked his car inside the gated yard in front of Quinn and Tovah’s flat. He cut the engine and took a deep breath before getting out of heading to the door.
He stopped on the porch, and raised his hand to knock; but before his fist even grazed the wood, the door opened and Quinn stood there with a silent smile on her face

“I wondered when you were going to show up”

“She told you, did she?” Harry walked inside and Quinn shut the door behind him

“Of course she did” Quinn reached up and hugged Harry, and sighed in his ear, “one day when you two get married you can quit putting both your brother and I through hell with you” Quinn smirked

“Let’s just try to get through today” Harry looked up the staircase

“She’s in her room” Quinn squeezed his hand and headed back towards the dining room, Harry could see her textbooks and notes scattered across the oak table

Harry climbed the stairs and reached Tovah’s bedroom door. “I feel like I am here way too often” Harry thought to himself before knocking
Tovah yelled something in Swedish, which Harry did not understand, so he took a breath and opened the door
Tovah was leaning over her balcony, wearing nothing but a matching lingerie set. Harry cleared his throat and shut the door behind him

“I don’t speak Swedish” he said walking towards the opened balcony doors

“Well, I thought you were my sister. And I told her to go away” Tovah turned back around and looked over the garden

“We need to talk” Harry stood in the door way, Tovah closed her eyes; Harry’s voice ran up her spine and she got goosebumps

“About what?” She replied roughly

“I kissed you”

“I remember that” She turned around and faced him

“And you kissed back” Harry walked into her room and returned at the doorway with her silk robe, he held it out for her and she took it

“Putting clothes on me now? That’s a change; usually you’re clawing to get me naked at every opportunity”

“Don’t change the subject Tov” Harry shook his head

“There is nothing to talk about. We kissed. We’ve kissed millions of times throughout our lives” Tovah walked back inside, brushing her body against Harry

“Why are you so stubborn? Why can’t you just admit that you have feelings for me too?” Harry yelled at her, and she stopped in her tracks

“Don’t flatter yourself Harry” Tovah said over her shoulder

“Damnit Tovah! Look at me!”

Tovah turned around and looked Harry in the face; his cheeks were red with frustration, and his hands were balled into fists. She couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Get out of my bedroom Harry. Please try your hardest to get over this pathetic crush you have on me” Tovah bowed her head to him, and then turned around and walked into her bathroom, slamming the door behind her. When she heard her bedroom door shut, and Harry’s car speed out of their gate, she slide down the door to the tile and cried.