Sequel: A Royal for the Crown


11: Spark(le)

The next month went by without Tovah hearing from, or seeing Harry at all. It surprised her because it wasn’t like him to give up so easily, but she had put him through hell.

She had seen him out at clubs on weekends, sometimes with Marily, who liked throwing dirty looks in Tovah’s direction, and sometimes with whatever slutty blonde he could scrounge up while he was there. He never spoke to her, and he didn’t make a scene. So, Tovah respected his maturity and left him alone.

Tonight however, they would be forced to communicate. Tovah was currently on a plane to Sweden and she was sure Harry was on another one behind her. It was the Annual State Dinner her Uncle, King Gustaf, held every year at Stockholm Palace and Harry would be going on behalf of his father, The Prince of Wales, while William and Kate went on behalf of Queen Elizabeth who was in Australia. And as always, she and Harry would be sitting next to each other.

After a long and boring flight, Tovah exited the private plane and headed to the state car waiting for her. The driver bowed his head and took her luggage to load in the trunk. She climbed into the awaiting back seat and put her iPod in her ears instantly; she wanted nothing more than to drown out the very idea that she was back home.

The car pulled into the gates at Stockholm and Tovah sighed before she got out of the peace of the car and headed up the walk towards the door. When she got inside she saw her father and mother, Prince Eric and Princess Beatrix, waiting for her smiling.

“Hello dear child of mine” her father opened his arms and hugged her close; Tovah breathed in the familiar scent of him: cigar and cologne.

“Hi Dad” she replied in Swedish, before moving exchanges and hugging her mother, “Hi MaMa”

“A room has been prepared for you to get ready in upstairs; but tonight we will go back to Drottningholm” Her mother smoothed Tovah’s hair, “How was your flight?”

“It was okay. I’m just anxious to be home for a while” Tovah fought to keep her eyes on her parents, she was anxious, but it wasn’t the good kind

“Well, upstairs with you daughter, we are in full dress tonight” Her mother gave her another hug and Tovah smiled at them as she climbed the stairs to be pulled, pinned, and pressed into her clothes for the dinner.


Tovah stood in front of the giant full length mirror; she wore a floor length deep purple dress matched with heels of the same color, her Royal Order of the Seraphim sash across her body, the shiny star badge pinned just under her left breast and the bow and badge above, just under her shoulder. She had dismissed the maids who were assigned to help her get ready; she was anxious for a few moment of alone time before she headed downstairs to the event. Tovah could hear the guests arriving, their voices carrying throughout the palace. She sat down in front of her vanity and put the last touches of her make up on.

When Tovah had delayed until the very last second she was able to, she stood and walked over to the desk where the Fringe Tiara sat on its little blue plush perch. She remembered when she was a child she couldn’t wait to be able to wear a tiara to formal events like her mother, and her aunt Queen Charlene always had. Smiling at the memory, she picked up the diamond heirloom and looked at herself in the mirror as she placed it on her head.

She looked like a Princess, regal, elegant; a lady. She knew she should act this way all the time, but when she thought of all the people downstairs she felt nauseous. She sighed deeply and opened the door to the hallway, just as her mother and father were coming down the hall wearing the same formal Royal attire as she was.

“Let’s go, Beebee” her mother grabbed Tovah’s hand and squeezed it as she stepped into her position behind them as they descended the stairs. Downstairs Tovah and her parents met her Uncle and Aunt, and Tovah promptly curtsied to each of them before giving them a hug.

“Look at my niece! You are beautiful” Gustaf said as he let her go from her hug “Such a lovely Princess”

“Thank you, Uncle” she smiled at him

The trumpets went off, and the Swedish Royals got into their line, her father and mother behind her aunt and uncle, she behind her parents.

The doors to the banquet hall opened and the trumpets went off and the family walked in past all the guests. Tovah always admired dinners like this, all the Royals wearing their regal best, tiaras glittering everywhere, diamond badges pinned onto expensive suits and dresses. It was almost like a mini fashion show. She kept her eyes up, and headed towards her seat; Harry already standing there in a nice suit with a red tie, William and Kate on his left side. Once King Gustaf and his Queen had sat down, the rest of the guests did as well. Tovah took a breath before sitting down next to Harry.

“Evening Tovah” William smiled across the table, “You look very nice tonight”

“Thank you Will” Tovah nodded in his direction, the tiara heavy on her head. “Hello Harry”

Harry smiled at her in response, and cleared his throat, “I have to agree with my brother, you do look very much like a Princess tonight”

“You always forget that is exactly what I am” she rolled her eyes and began eating her dinner

“Do you ever wonder what it is going to be like when you start throwing parties like this?” Harry asked her

“I try not to think about it honestly. That ship won’t sail for me for a long time”

The rest of the meal went on in silence, Tovah knew it was awkward but she didn’t know how to make it less uncomfortable for everyone. Once the social mingling began, Kate and William headed off to talk to the Danish Crown Prince and Princess, Tovah decided to skip out on the rest of the evening.

She kissed her parents goodnight before headed out of the hall for her coat. She was outside waiting for her car to take her to Drottningholm when she heard footsteps behind her.

“Can I come with you?” Harry asked

“Why?” Tovah asked surprised

“Well, apparently, Will, Kate, and myself are staying with your family this weekend. Plus, I thought we could talk”

Tovah stared at him for a few moments, “Sure” she nodded before turning her back to him

When the car pulled up, Harry opened Tovah’s door and she smiled at him in thanks before climbing inside. The car ride was as awkward as dinner had been and when they entered Drottningholm Harry followed Tovah up to her bedroom. As soon as she got inside she tossed her coat across her vanity chair and instantly took off the fringe tiara; setting gently on her vanity. She pulled her long hair out of the pins that held it up, and then removed her Order sash and badges.

“Much better” she said, Harry smiled at her

“Lets go out on the balcony” Tovah pulled open the French doors and they walked out into the warm spring air. She knew Harry wanted to know why she had treated him so awfully when she last saw him, but she couldn’t explain it to herself, let alone him. Harry never really pressed her when it came down to her feelings and she was grateful for it. But, she owed him something this time.

Tovah and Harry leaned over the balcony of her bedroom that looked out over the Gardens at Drottningholm. Neither of them saying a word, just enjoying the silence and Tovah was silently breathing in Harry’s cologne; it always made her feel weak and girly.

“Are you back with Marily?” She asked, avoiding his eyes

Harry looked at her, and then back out over the garden. “No, I just wanted a companion for a few nights is all” He looked back at her, and she nodded in understanding.

“I care about you” Tovah said suddenly, looking at Harry who smirked, “I do. And I am sorry for treating you the way I have been. It was wrong”

“I’ve been waiting for years to have you apologize to me” Harry said sarcastically, his stupid grin wide across his face

“You’ve just ruined this moment you realize this?” Tovah scuffed and crossed her arms across her chest

“I know, but it was worth it” Harry stood upright and took his suit jacket off, and opened it to Tovah, who after a moment’s hesitation put her arms through the sleeves

“Thank you” She said quietly

“You really do look beautiful tonight, even without the sparkle on your head” he smiled, and she smiled back at him

“You looked quite dapper yourself, Prince Harry”

Harry laughed and took a step forward, slipping his hands inside the coat and onto Tovah’s waist. She didn’t move away, and she didn’t say anything, so Harry took another step and pressed his body against hers

“Harry…” Tovah didn’t look up at him, her breath catching in her chest

“My eyes are up here, Tov” Harry joked, but it got Tovah to look at up, and he took the split second of eye contact to press his lips to hers.
Instantly, Tovah let out a small moan; Harry loved the intimacy with her for this reason, the noises she made.

Tovah brought her hands to Harrys stomach; she could feel how fit he was through his dress shirt; he deepened their kiss and slipped his tongue into her mouth, and he was rewarded with another round of pleasure noises

“YEA! TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!” Harry broke the kiss and looked across the balcony down the Palace wall from Tovah’s, only to see William and Kate standing on the adjacent balcony clearly a little tipsy from the after dinner party. Kate was laughing, and attempting to pull her husband back inside the Palace, all while trying to look apologetic.

“SHUT UP, You are SUCH an ASSHOLE” Harry yelled back, Tovah laughed hiding her face in Harry’s chest. They could hear William and Kate laughing across the way. Tovah slipped her hand to Harry’s and pulled him behind her into her bedroom.

“Give it to William to be a mood killer” Harry ran his hand through his red hair, shutting the balcony door behind them, but he was smiling

Tovah didn’t say anything. She pulled off Harry’s jacket and then her shoes. She turned, her back facing him and pulled her long blonde hair up. Without her even asking, Harry stepped forward and unzipped her from her dress, he moved his hands inside the now open fabric and around to her stomach as the dress fell to the floor. Harry could feel her stomach muscles twitch under his fingers and he sighed, breathing in her scent.

Tovah left Harry’s grip and went behind her changing screen, Harry could see her pulling a nightie over her head.

“I, uh, am going to go” Harry picked up his jacket and headed towards the door

“Harry?” Tovah came out from the screen, dressed in a mint colored silk night shirt. Harry looked at her and he saw his own reflection; independent, intelligent, and craving attention and love. But at the same time, she was a match to him in the most unattractive ways, the things he had always been criticized for, for being abrasive, and damn near impossible to control.

“Yea?” he finally choked out

“Will you stay with me?” She asked

Harry dropped his jacket and instantly took his dress shirt and pants off before turning the lights off and climbing into bed next to the girl he was so painfully in love with.