Sequel: A Royal for the Crown


3: No Explanation

Tovah sighed and closed the lid to her computer in frustration. Her uncle Gustaf who was the current King of Sweden sent her emails every single day demanding she call him back, inform him what she was thinking when she wore THAT outfit out publically, how were her grades, when will she be leaving London to return to Sweden and take care of her duties. She couldn’t take it; with each email she became more and more exhausted.

The pressure on her to return home and start living the life she was born into was becoming unbearable. Her uncle, who had just turned 70 this year was starting to put his affairs in order for when his time on earth ended. He and her Aunt Charlene had been unable to conceive a child during their marriage, so Tovah was 2nd in line to the throne behind her father; Gustaf’s younger brother Eric. Once Tovah’s father succeeds the throne, her title would change to Crown Princess. This meant she would be jailed into Sweden forever.

She envied Quinn; being just a year younger than herself and escaping the future that had been planned out for Tovah since her birth. Quinn had all of the freedom. Tovah realized this is probably why the relationship she and her sister had with Will and Harry were matched perfectly; Diana had known what she was doing when she forged the friendships between the four of them. Quinn had always been closer with Harry, putting up with his relentless attempts to seize hold of Tovah like she was a prize, and enjoying the freedoms they both were able to have together. Tovah cherished her friendship with William. He had given her someone to vent to when the pressure of being the firstborn seemed too much to bear, and offered advice only someone in their positions would understand. While the lights in William’s eyes sparkled whenever he asked about her and Harry, she never talked to him about how she was feeling. It was Quinn who had to deal with both ends of that issue; and she did this flawlessly.

For a time the papers were constantly abuzz with rumors that Tovah was romantically involved with Will. It seemed to be the perfect match, but neither of them had ever seen the other in any way but best friends. Not to mention, if that happened, one of them would have to give up their crown, and neither could bear to put their sibling through the trauma of that change. Tovah especially could never do that to Quinn. Ever since she herself was a child, Quinn talked of nothing but becoming a Pediatric Surgeon, and she had been accepted to Johns Hopkins over in America for medical school. Tovah couldn’t take that dream away from her baby sister.

Tovah got up from her desk and laid down on her bed. Her last encounter with Harry had been interesting. It seemed every time she saw him lately he become more and more aggressive with her; not that she minded. Making Harry lose control had always been a specialty of Tovahs. When they were teenagers, Harry had once punched a hole through a wall at Buckingham Palace because Tovah denied him. She smiled at the memory; she had teased him all day, and they’d snuck off in an abandoned corridor during a formal dinner reception to make out. Just as Harry had her pressed between his body and the wall, his mouth on her throat, breathing ragged, hands trying to lift up her dress, she slipped away and ran. He’d caught her of course, bloody long legs of his, and grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back to him. Tovah had smiled up at him, and told him it wouldn’t ever work between them, and then swiftly exited the hallway. Harry, angry as hell, put his fist through the wall nearest him. He had broken two fingers, and sprained his wrist from the blow.

She was selfish and she knew it. Anything she really felt about Harry she kept locked inside, to never be explored. She couldn’t allow it to happen. But really, she had no idea what she felt for him. If anything at all.

Paul had been her biggest mistake by far. Tovah shuddered, knowing she deserved anything karma dealt to her in the future. She’d strung Paul along, using him only to make Harry jealous, for sexual gratification, and just for company. He’d fallen in love, and therefore Tovah had ended it with him instantly. No attachments. Of course, then he went crazy, like, restraining order crazy.

“I really should get my head examined” Tovah thought out loud, rubbing her eyes. She rolled over to her side, and scrolled through her text messages.
3 from Harry.
It was Friday night after all, he wanted to her go out with him. She sighed and put her phone down. Not having the heart to delete them.

Her stomach growled but she ignored it. She felt vibrations and looked at her phone. She groaned; Her uncle’s office was calling.

Tovah sighed and answered it. Preparing herself for battle.
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