Sequel: A Royal for the Crown


5: Fighter

“Why would you tell Harry the reason we aren’t as close as before, is because we used to sleep together?” Tovah yelled at William as she burst through his apartment door at Kensington Palace, causing the door to slam against the wall. Kate, William’s wife, sat in a chair in their sitting room reading a magazine and laughed silently to herself at their exchange.

“Because it’s true!” William said flabbergasted, grabbing the door and shutting it behind them

“It is NOT!” Tovah turned on her heels, her hands on her hips

“Yes, it is. Please stop yelling, you sound ridiculous” William rolled his eyes at her, and sat down in the chair next to his wife, inviting Tovah to join them

“I have every right to be upset. You shouldn’t be telling him things like that! It just gives him stupid ideas” Tovah plopped down on the sofa across from the couple and closed her eyes

“It’s not my fault my brother is in love with you” William smirked

“He is not, shut up”

“Always has been, always will be” Kate interjected, turning a page

“Shut it, both, of you” Tovah sighed. She did not want to hear this.

William looked at his wife and they both smiled; they both knew that this conversation was over.
“How are things going with you otherwise?” William asked, eyeing Tovahs slender frame.


As Tovah left Kensington and walked out to her car, she saw Harry there walking hand in hand with Marily. She couldn’t resist. Tovah shut her car door, and walked towards them.

“Hi Harry. Hello Marily” Tovah said politely to the couple. Harry instantly dropped his girlfriend’s hand

“Hi Tov” Harry smiled big, Tovah noticed Marily didn’t smile at all, “What are you doing here?”

“Visiting William. I had to come here and scold him for putting ideas in your head” Tovah teased

“What ideas?” Harry asked confused

“Just the idea that you and I are incapable of being friends because we used to have sex. And that you’re apparently still in love with me” Tovah saw Marily’s mouth snap shut, her jaw tight, “Stupid, really. But I got him all sorted out don’t worry!” Tovah laughed

Harry’s eyes got large, and he quickly went to reach for Marily’s hand, but she folded her arms on her chest and abruptly turned and walked away from the two of them

“Bye Marily!” Tovah called out to her, before turning her attention back to Harry. “Hm, she seems upset”

“I cannot even believe you” Harry stammered, before turning to run after his girlfriend. Tovah laughed to herself and walked back to her car. She put on her sunglasses as she started the engine and then drove off.


“And she tries to pretend she doesn’t love him” William said to Kate. The pair of them stood at the window, watching Tovah drive out of the Palace grounds.

Kate ran her fingers through her husband’s hair, “She’s a fighter. But I don’t think she has any idea what she’s fighting for”
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Filler :)