The Ghost That Saved Me


I tapped my foot anxiously as I watched my teacher hand back everyone’s tests. I knew I had done well, but I wasn’t sure what my exact grade was. I usually had more than a good idea about what my grade would be, give or take a point or two.

My teacher approached me and handed me my test face down. Without any hesitation I flipped my test over and smiled at the 97 that was on my exam. I was mad that I lost 3 points but I wasn’t going to complain about what I couldn’t change.

“Great job Ray,” a familiar voice said behind me.

Dillon Parker had a crush on me since the second grade and would not leave me alone ever since. Sure, he was nice, cute, funny, and charming…but he was so dumb. I just couldn’t go out with him.

Everyone that knew Dillon thought I was crazy for turning him down over and over again, but I had to. I didn’t get along with people who can’t have an intellectual conversation. It just wouldn’t work.

The guy I really wanted to be with was graduating this year. He was so smart; valedictorian of his class. He was a million times smarter than me and he was going so many places with his life; I could tell. I had never talked to him before, but I knew that if I did he would like me- he just hadn’t given me a chance yet.

“Thanks Dillon. What did you get?” I asked even though I knew the answer would most likely be bad.

Dillon laughed and handed me his test. I looked at it and was slightly surprised. He passed for once.

“Not bad. Better than the last couple. Way to make an improvement.” I said, and handed him his test back.

“Thanks. I really tried. But uh, I’d love to do better next time. And you’re really smart. I was thinking maybe you could tutor me? I’d pay you of course.” He said with a stupid smile on his face.

I sighed and tossed my hair behind my shoulder.

“It’s great that you want to do well, Dillon, really it is. But I’ve never tutored anyone before. I’m not sure how. I think you’d be better off with someone else. Someone who knows what they’re doing, you know?”

I almost felt bad when his smile quickly faded.

“Yeah. Maybe you‘re right. Well I guess I’ll see you next class then. Have a good weekend.”

Scratch that- I did feel bad. I felt horrible. As many times as I shot down Dillon’s offers I never felt guilty about saying no. But this time it was different. I think I finally realized that he was about to give up.

It was kind of nice to have someone like me; and I came to the conclusion that I liked the attention he gave me. But it wouldn’t be right of me to use him like that. He was a good guy and he would eventually find a girl that wanted to date him. By moving on from me he could allow himself to like someone else.

I got up from my seat and took my phone out of my jacket pocket. I dialed my brothers number and waited patiently for him to answer.

“Hey Ray, I’m coming to get you now. How did you do?”

I picked up my books and exited the classroom, politely waving goodbye to my physics teacher.

“I did well. 97. I’m a dork I know. So listen to this, I think Dillon actually gave up on me today. He didn’t push me to hang out or tell me how smart or pretty I was to butter me up. Shocker right?”

“It only took him 8 years. You deserve better than that stupid jock. You should let me find you someone. I know you only like geniuses but I swear I know guys who are worthy, just trust me!”

I laughed as I walked down the quiet hallways. Everyone always rushed to leave at the same time to catch the bus, but not me. Marek always picked me up after school. He didn’t have to; I was okay with taking the bus, and it’s not like I would be taking it for long since I had my road test in a month. But he wanted to. And I didn’t mind.

“I’m perfectly capable of choosing my own boyfriend thank you very much. And I do trust you, but not with guys. You like guys who act just like you. You’re all I can handle…two of you would drive me insane.”

Marek chuckled and turned his music on full blast. “See you’re smart enough to know my evil plan. It’s important to me that I like your guy. If I didn’t, I’d kick his ass, and you don’t like violence so it just wouldn’t work.”

“You are something else Mar, I swear. Anyways, I’m going to hang up and let you drive. I’ll be in my usual spot okay?”

“Alright Rayne, you got it. And you’re coming out with me tomorrow correct? Nod your head yes. Okay good. Bye!”

I shook my head even though I knew he couldn’t see. Sometimes my brother was so ridiculous, but I loved him anyway.

But maybe it would be good for me to go out for once. I spent so much time studying and working my ass off that I damn well deserved to have a social life. I didn’t have a single girl friend- or any friends for that matter.

All I had was Marek, but he was my brother, and siblings don’t count as friends. It never bothered me before until then.

At that point, I wanted to go to the party with my brother. But I wouldn’t drink or do any drugs. I’d just be there to watch over him and have a good time. Maybe make a friend or two and perhaps try to find myself someone to hang out with.

I never thought I would think my brother was right about partying but maybe he did know what he was talking about for once.
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