Status: Awake.

The Grief Striken Blade.

Frozen Bones.

I was walking along a white blanket of snow alongside a road with a number of various cars all shapes and sizes scurrying hurriedly like mice. They each beamed a streak red light for a fraction of a second. They delivered cool rushing air, along with fumes as they zoomed by me. I decided to sit down on the snow, where a bush sat a few spaces next to me. I sat there so long a counted every detail of falling flakes.
Then, after a moment, I thought I imagined something moving the plant next to me. I assumed it was an animal, but then, I heard quiet noises. Small laborious strange moans that grew into various inhuman gurgling noises I can hardly describe coming from bush. After a few moments of peculiarly sounds that came directly from the plant. It stopped. It was holding its breath.
I took the silence as a moment to rattle my brain with several questions. What was it? Was it a dog? No, it moaned. Was it a person? I thought back to the noises that /it/ made. Impossible, a human can’t make that type of noise. I came up with a number of things, but none seemed possible.
A fresh series of noises cloaked the atmosphere, sending my blood chilling as the thoughts kept going out of control. The usual moans and groans shifted into sobs and bawls of hysteric misery. My hands began shaking. Terrified instinct took over, and I /had/ to look. I collapsed on my knees.
There it was a half decomposing rotting body. Bugs scurrying along the decaying ribcages as maggots infested the eyeless socket. The bones were close to brown and the rest of the body was torn viciously from the number of families of larva that feasted on what little left flesh that remained. The corpse’s clothes were torn and destroyed so much there was little much to describe. Around the legs there was dark pink fabric covered in what seemed to be mould. Hanging on the rotten ribcage was white fabric which was smeared in a black moss.
I gaped in horror as I examined the skeleton. I lost myself in every terrifying feature as something bony wrapped itself around my hand, I shivered in fear; the corpse held my hand. The terror shattered my sanity as a let out a scream. I hurriedly shifted away in an amazingly bolting pace as the adrenaline shot through me. I tried to get up with all that I had, but its deadly grip created a force that kept me down. It did something that tore my being.
“H-H-HeLp m-m-E!” It cried in merciless quivering misery.
“No!” I screamed, as it pulled me towards itself.
I managed to stand up and tried to run but my shaking legs tripped me backwards. The corpse’s, more like bones now, skin which was used as homes to bugs melted off revealing its whole bones. It slowly began to crawl, the rotten bones falling off because it was weak, towards me. Each pace made my heartbeat ten times as fast as any human’s heartbeat. I tried to jump up and flee, but its tight grip on my hand created a blunt force preventing my escape. I squirmed in every which way I could, but it drew no good.
It heaved me towards itself with great effort as I, unsure of what it was doing, fought. It managed to pull me right where it wanted me, in front of it. It seized this opportunity and started to maul the ground while it screamed echolike in my ear.
“HELPMEHELPHELPMEHELPMEHELPMEHELPME!” It stung my ears with such brutal pain.
It dragged me towards the mauled ground, grazing and burning my body as it did so, and pushed me down deep into the ground. I realised what it was trying to do, bury me deep into the earth. It had succeeded its gruesome goal. I screamed but dirt blocked my air ways.
“Help.” I croaked weakly, wheezing bit.
Then darkness came and the earth swallowed me.
My eyes shot open to see the oddly shaped blue eyes of Freddie. Freddie was barefoot in his dark blue denim jeans, which were creased so badly it gave away he had slept in them, and a white hand-me-down white singlet that was given to him by one of the caretaker’s brothers.
“You alright?!” he shouted all a little too loudly.
I found myself standing up right and Freddie’s tightly gripped hands on my shoulders, while standing in the glistening moonlight. I looked down at the ground, it looked different than my bedroom carpet, and it was cement. I looked up and faced the left to see rows of rusty roofs the houses each radiating light, I was on the roof of the orphanage.
I fell into flabbergasted silence for a minute or two as I scanned each surface, then feeling the shock dying down, I spoke. I felt I should answer Freddie’s well needed question, but first things first,
“How did I get up here?” I asked, shuffling back a bit from the edge of the roof.
He threw his arms outwards carelessly.
“Hell if I know.” He said smirking.
Freddie reached into his denim pocket and fished out a small silver device that I couldn’t quite make out solely in the moonlight. On a string of what seemed like endless passing silence, I took in a piece of the society we were sitting above. A small metallic click eventually broke the chain of peace. I looked around to see the clicker, to see the metal device ejecting a bright vibrant orange flame near a small rolled up cigarette placed in Freddie’s mouth.
I immediately blurted out thoughtlessly,
“You’re smoking now?!” The shock made this seem like he just ran over a homeless person.
“Yeah, you want one?” He offered, holding out a small slightly damaged cardboard box with what seemed like a queen of hearts you would see on the front of cards.
“No, I do not want one!” I yelled, so loud I caused a far house turned on their lights at the exact moment.
“Alright, alright!” Freddie yelled, his hands waved down “No need to bark at me!” he muttered angrily, putting the box back.
I thought back to the skeleton’s plea for help and shivered with it.
“Hey, who did what to you?” Freddie asked suddenly.
“What?” I said, bewildered.
“You kept saying he did it to you.” Freddie said exhaling “and then you kept saying help me.”
The skeleton’s hair raising voice echoed in my head.
“Did I?” I asked, unsure what to say next.
Freddie nodded.
“I think we should go back to bed.” Freddie said leading me back out the door.
Once we headed back to our rooms in silence I lay in bed unsleeping, afraid to sleep again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, comments?