Never Look Back

the juice spill

“You could’ve pulled out the futon for her, Christ Patrick what were you thinking?”

Becca turned from her side onto her back and when she opened her eyes, she was startled. Three men stood over her and she recognized John as the one who spoke. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. For a second she could barely remember where she was.

“She was already asleep! I didn’t want to bother her slumber or whatever,” Pat defended, pushing some hair behind his ear and rolling his eyes. Kennedy laughed as John rolled his eyes.

“Her slumber? What the fuck is that?”

“Her sleep John, obviously.”

“You’re such a girl Pat, honestly,” John said, strutting around with his hands on his hips. Becca rolled her eyes and pulled her long hair into a bun. She wasn’t used to being around groups of boys that bickered constantly. At least, she hadn’t been around them in a while.

Her thoughts, as usual, wandered to Kelly and where she could be right now. She stretched and then stood up, cracking her back and pushing her way through the guys. Becca found the bathroom unoccupied and brushed her teeth. Kelly could be in this very same city and brushing her teeth at the very same time.

That was unlikely though, considering Kelly would still be sleeping. It was noon in an hour but she had a sneaking suspicion that her best friend wasn’t sitting around twiddling her thumbs. And that was when Becca had a mildly good idea.

“Hey guys!” she said, bursting out of the bathroom. They all looked up from the counter where they were eating toast and bacon. “Bars. Local bars! That’s where we’ll find Kelly.”

“Do you know how many bars are in Tempe?” Kennedy asked skeptically. Becca was tired of people looking at her like that. They’d looked at her skeptically when she said Kelly was in Tempe in the first place, hadn’t they? And she was here.

“We can split up and do it over a few nights. She doesn’t know I’m here so she’ll see some guys from The Maine and she’ll say something to you. She’s been in love with you guys since forever, she wouldn’t not say hello,” Becca explained, standing next to Pat in the kitchen.

“I guess it could work,” Pat said, yielding a spatula, “Besides, what harm could it do? If she’s not there it’s not like we had anything better to do.”

“Well, of course, you would agree with Becca,” Garrett said, mysteriously popping out of nowhere and drinking orange juice out of the carton. Pat hit him in the head with the greasy spatula and juice dribbled down his chin onto his shirtless chest.

Becca didn’t say anything. Her heart raced when Pat glanced at her and bit his lip. The guys all roared with laughter at Garrett’s words. Becca could feel the blush hitting her cheeks and wished whole-heartedly that she could hide her face with her hair.

“Okay so,” she said, breaking the awkward tension decidedly, “We’re hitting the bars tonight then gentlemen?”
♠ ♠ ♠
the next one is hilarious, seriously.