Little Hell

Act 1

With her high heels making temporary imprints in the snow, Blaire quickly made her way into the most expensive, most prestige, and most elegant café to enjoy the same cup of tea that she asked the same waiter to serve to her every evening at four o'clock. The café was a warm delight as she rushed in from the cold.

"Good afternoon Blaire," the waiter said as she sat up at the bar stool.

"Same to you Jacob."

The warm tones of the café offered a sense of comfort for the young adult and it was the exact reason she came every day.

"Blaire," Jacob said as he handed her, her tea, "why don't you ever bring anyone along?"

"I'm allergic."

"To what?"

"People," she said with a twisted smile.

He said nothing else and walked away quietly to offer someone else a beverage. Blaire sipped her tea and admired the artwork that was hung on the yellow walls.

"How could someone be allergic to people?" a voice asked.

She spun in the bar stool and faced a young man with a curious expression and brilliant blue eyes.

"Eaves dropping?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Only a little," he admitted honestly.

She took another sip of tea. "Well," she said, "quite easily actually."

"Enlighten me."

"When you get fucked over repeatedly you start to lose hope in the human race itself."

“That seems like an awfully sad way to look at it.”

“Life is sad.”

He looked at her through his pretty blue eyes and saw a broken but beautiful girl. It made him curious as to what made her this way. So curious that he moved down two bar stools so he was right beside her. He also got a kick out of her thick British accent.

“My name is Kale.”

“Kale?” she asked.

“Do you not like the name Kale?”

“No it’s very fitting to your face but I’ve never heard of it.”

He smiled. “And yours?”

“Ally,” she lied.

“Really?” he said unconvinced.

“Do you not like the name Ally?”

“Ally is a beautiful name but I’m almost certain that the waiter called you Blaire.”

“So you were eaves dropping more than a little.”

He shrugged and sipped on his black coffee. Blaire studied his face. He was wearing a black beanie that pushed his brown colored bangs over his eyebrows and had barely noticeable stubble growing under his lip. He appeared to be dressed all too casually for Blaire and she noted the fact that he was wearing a pair of loafers.

The waiter, Jacob, appeared at the counter and Blaire gave him a smile.

“Thank you for the tea,” she said as she placed a five dollar bill on the counter, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hopped down off her stool and adjusted her well fitted dress then turned to Kale. “Bye.”

She walked out of the coffee shop with a slight poise that made Kale watch her until she left.

“Don’t fall for her man, you’ll only end up losing,” Jacob said as he wiped down the counter.

Kale looked at the now empty seat and considered the waiter’s words as he finished off his coffee. Somehow he knew that Jacob was right but decided that it would be best for him to find out why for himself. A fool he was.
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I haven't written anything in a long time. If you're curious as to where the title came from it is in fact from City and Colour's new album & song that I'm in love with. Feedback would be fabyalus. <3