Little Hell

Act 3

"Go on a date with me."

These six words are what sparked a certain curiosity that Blaire didn’t even know she held. Up until that very second she thought she was a robot playing a boring game of Life. She couldn’t let anyone know she had an ounce of emotion left in her however, so she made herself appear completely opposed to the offer.

"Excuse me?"

“I can tell that you’re only faking your lack of interest.”

"I'm busy."

"I haven't even said when," Kale chuckled.

"Which clearly gives you my answer," Blaire said with venom in her words.

She left her money on the counter like she always did then left without saying goodbye. Jacob replaced Blaire's seat and only smiled at Kale with a look that said I told you so. Kale rolled his eyes then left almost as abruptly as Blaire did; only hoping to catch her before she got into a taxi.

“Don’t run away before you even give me a chance,” Kale said when he saw Blaire standing on the sidewalk with her arm reached out for a cab to halt.

“I appreciate the offer but I can’t.”


“I can’t even begin to tell you.”

“I’ve got time.”

“Five years worth of time?” she asked just before a taxi halted beside her.

“If it means you’ll agree, then absolutely.”

“Get in the car.”


“You said you have time, so get in the car.”

Kale only imagined victory from here on out. Little did he know, Blaire’s plans didn’t include him being in control, as they never did. Blaire told the driver to take her to a place called Saint Wails, then turned away from Kale with her legs crossed and her elbow rested on the ledge of the window.

“What is Saint Wails?” Kale asked after a while of silent driving.

Blaire smiled and continued to ignore him until they reached their destination. He was surprised when the car stopped at a very shady part of the city in front of a tiny little art gallery.

“This is Saint Wails?”

“This is Saint Wails.”

Blaire quickly handed the cab driver a hundred dollar bill when Kale exited the vehicle then got out after him. The building looked terrible from the outside. The white paint that covered the walls was lined with dirt and the light up sign that featured the name of the gallery had letters missing. Kale went to open the door only to find that it was locked.

“It’s closed.”

“Has been for years,” she said as she reached into her Channel purse and pulled out a single key.

“We’re not breaking in are we?” Kale asked with a tint of worry.

“You can’t break in if the building is yours.”

After she unlocked the door, the two of them went into the building and Blaire quickly turned on the lights. She looked at Kale who was now speechless as he stood looking at the gallery. The outside and the inside were two completely different places. Beautiful paintings lined the eggshell colored walls and chandeliers lined the roof. Blaire’s high heels made light taps against the hardwood floor as she pulled off a sheet that was on top of more paintings.

“This place is yours?” Kale asked, still mesmerized as he started walking around the room and taking in all the artwork.

“My dad bought it for me eight years ago for my twelfth birthday.”

“Your dad bought you a building for your birthday?”

“Before he passed away he wanted me to have somewhere to go that was mine and that would only hold good memories of him.”

Kale looked at her a little more seriously now as he tried to see through her dark eye shadow and way too expensive clothes and figure out who exactly she was.

“Why did you take me here Blaire?”

She gave him a small smile. “Your story wouldn’t be a good one without any twists now
would it?”

Kale returned the smile then continued to walk around the gallery.

“Who painted all of these?”

“I did.”

You painted all of these?”

“Don’t act so surprised,” she smirked.

“You’re incredible.”

A warm feeling hit Blaire’s heart and she decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to act on her sudden emotion. The story needed to end just as abruptly as it began.

“We need to leave.”

“Right now?”

“Leave Kale,” Blaire said with her arms crossed.

“Wow, okay. See you-“

“No. This is it. Make up the rest of the story.”

“I didn’t come here just for the story Blaire.”


“Why won’t you let me figure you out?”

“The door is that way and a cab will be outside waiting for you.”

She stood in her gallery with a look that couldn’t be deciphered. It looks like impressing Blaire was going to be trickier than he imagined.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something shorter but I hoped you liked it nonetheless. <3 c;