One Short Year


Rosamond absolutely hated it when her parents threw stuffy dinner parties. She had to get all dressed up and sit pretty and hold in her burps. This dinner party, however, was less suckish due to the fact it was with her best friend’s family. So while they were pretending to behave and listen to the boring conversation, they were really making faces across the table when their parents weren’t looking.

When Rosamond got home Will had informed her that he was getting married. He didn’t know who to and his parents hadn’t actually told him yet, but he overheard them talking about it. The first thing he could think to do was come tell Rosamond. The sat up for the next hour weighting the pros and cons and speculating about who it would be before Will went back home. The next morning Rosamond’s mom informed her of the dinner party, but didn’t tell her who the guest were. She was delighted when she saw Will walk through the door.

After the plates were cleared from the table both families made their way to the parlor. All four parents looked towards Rosamond and Will.

“Rosie dear, you are getting to the age where you will soon have to make many decisions,” her dad said in the voice he made business deals in.

Oh no, Rosamond thought.

“We want to insure you have a bright future and are cared for after you move away from you mother and I.”

Please don’t say it, she thought.

“Will is a great guy with a bright future. And you two have always been so close. There is no doubt in our minds that Will is a great match for you.”

Oh my gosh, she thought.

Will looked at Rosamond in shock. Neither of them could believe what was coming out of her father’s mouth. She was the girl Will was going to marry. Last night when they sat up talking trying to guess who the lucky girl would be neither of them had ever thought in a million years that she would be his “perfect match”. Sure, they had been best friends since they were like one. And it is true that whenever anything major happens Will is the first person she calls. But Rosamond has never thought of him in a romantic way. He was always just the best friend.

“Are you saying that I’m marrying Rosamond?” Will, still unable to grasp the concept.

“That is exactly what we are saying darling,” Will’s mom replied with a huge smile on her face.

“I don’t even know what to say,” Rosamond whispered more to herself than anyone.

Will’s mom handed him a ring. It was just a simple silver band with a diamond. It was a simple ring, but it was still gorgeous. Will slipped it onto Rosamond’s finger with an odd look on his face. They smiled awkwardly at their parents.
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Hope you like it. I love feedback.