One Short Year


“Oh my god,” Rosamond yelled throwing the door to her room open.

“I definitely did not see that one coming,” Will said plopping into the chair in the corner of her room.

“What are we going to do? Our parents are down stairs planning our wedding. Where we have to marry each other.”

“That’s generally the definition of a marriage.”

“What am I going to tell Travis?”

“And what am I going to tell Melanie? But honestly Ro, it could be a lot worse. You could be marrying that gross kid your parents love.”

“And you could be marrying Miss Barbie Doll.”

“It’s weird and it’s going to take some getting used to, but at least I am marrying my best friend and not some chick I can’t stand.”

“Why do you have to be so smart?”

“It’s what I do,” Will shrugged.

Later that night Rosamond sat on her balcony with her legs tucked up under her. The cool night air stung her nose as she breathed slowly. Rosamond didn’t know what exactly to think of the events of the day. A mere 24 hours earlier she was in the arms of the person she truly loved. Part of Rosamond’s mind told her she was crazy to think she actually had a future with Travis, but there was another part was absolutely one hundred percent positive that she would marry that boy. In the two years since she has met Travis, Rosamond’s life has improved tenfold. When she was with Travis she didn’t feel like just another pretty face. She wasn’t the youngest of the royal family. She wasn’t the one who would amount to nothing. Travis made Rosamond matter.

On the other hand Will had been there for her since day one. Every memory from her childhood had will standing proudly next to her. Would it really be so bad if he was standing by her for the rest of it?

Rosamond heard her cell phone ringing inside. She ran to her bed to catch it before it went to voicemail.


“Hey Rose bud, can I pick you up tonight?”

The sound of Travis’ voice made her heart deflate.

“I’m really tired. My mom had me running around all day.” Rosamond hated lying, especially to him, but she still wasn’t sure what to tell him.

“Well rest up. I work tomorrow, so maybe we can sneak a few minutes.”

“Maybe,” Rosamond answered quietly.

“I love you Rosie.”

“Yeah, I love you too.”

The reality of her situation hit Rosamond as she hung up the phone. Before she could do anything to stop it, tears began running down her face. Rosamond buried her head in her pillow and fell asleep crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter. Sort of a filler. Wedding plans are coming soon. Hope you like it Feedback is loved.