Three Quarts

in which dan is thoroughly humiliated

Dan kneels in the bathtub, on all fours, waiting.

Dan is vaguely aware of the sounds taking place behind him, where Josh is getting everything prepared. Josh was always very meticulous about this. Dan can almost imagine him with the bowl on the counter, the metal pot hooked up to the IV pole ready to be filled, waiting for Josh to finish carefully adjusting the temperature down with splashes of cold water from the tap. He'd have the thermometer dipped into the bowl, stirring it, and at that thought Dan hears Josh put the spoon down on the counter. Josh had really invested in this kink of his. He'd spent good money on the IV stand and a proper enema system, with a metal bucket instead of a bag – it's more sanitary, Josh had said – and even an inflatable enema plug and everything. Dan supposes Josh is lucky to have a boyfriend actually willing to cooperate with him on this. The enemas weren't his favourite but it always made Josh so... well, Josh loved giving them. Dan looks up over his shoulder when he hears the bucket above him filling.

“How much is this one?” Dan asks.

“Three quarts,” Josh says. Dan swallows. Josh was easing him up. He wanted him with four quarts in him eventually. He'd tried a three quart one before but he hadn't been able to finish it. He'd cramped up too bad with about half a quart left. Dan looks forward and he hears Josh placing the bowl back on the counter. “This is a warm one too. A bit short of 40 degrees.” Warm, psh, Dan thinks. That's a hot one. He sighs, nodding. Better to just take it. “Okay. I'm gonna put the plug in.”

Dan chews on his lip as Josh spit-lubes him up a bit, just pressing one finger into him. The inflatable plug was easier than the regular one. Josh rubs the base of Dan's back a bit and Dan feels the plastic against his skin, pushing into him. He relaxes as Josh gives it three pumps. There's a few more seconds of plastic clicking and Dan looks back as Josh sits on the edge of the toilet lid, his hand on the clip that holds off the flow of hot water.

“Ready?” Josh asks.

“Yeah,” Dan says. Ready as he usually is, which isn't very ready.

Dan feels the first rush of hot water fill him and he gasps. It's hotter than he expected. Josh closes the clamp.

“Too hot?” he asks urgently. Josh could be firm about his giving enemas, but he would never hurt Dan. Not this way, or without permission, at least.

Dan waits a moment, considering it, before shaking his head. “No, this is okay,” he says. Josh rubs his hand on Dan's back again and he feels the water running again. Dan rubs his stomach a bit, trying to ease the flow a bit better to avoid the cramping. But it doesn't really work. Dan's first cramp hits him low in his gut, his hand flying to the spot where it hurts. He whimpers a bit and then he hears plastic noises and then Josh is rubbing his back. “Fuck, cramp,” Dan says softly.

“I know,” Josh says. “You're half a quart in.”

“Half of one?” Dan whimpers, and he doesn't mean for it to come out; it was supposed to be a thought.

“Yes,” Josh says. He sits back up, letting go of the clip again, before Dan's cramp is even all the way gone. He winces, but it passes and then it's just the water filling him hot again. After a few more minutes, Josh says, “Okay, I'm going to put your second quart in,” and Dan just nods. Josh usually didn't narrate the measurements to Dan but since this was so hot and such a heavy volume Dan supposes Josh wanted to go easy. He makes a mental note to thank him later.

Dan knows the second quart is starting from either the new rush of hot water or the sound of it pouring into the bucket above him. Dan exhales slowly, still rubbing in an attempt to stave off the cramps. They're there, just a dull ache right now. He can feel his stomach filling out a bit from all the water he's already taken. This is when he starts to feel disgusting, when he hits about halfway through the second quart. He's trying to focus on Josh's hand resting on his lower back but all he feels are the impending cramps, waiting for the next rush when Josh starts the third quart.

Sure enough, Josh's hand leaves his back and Dan feels his chest tighten, waiting. The third quart was the worst. He'd take it. He'd take it for Josh. He makes this horrible pained noise as this cramp coils up in his side, his hand squeezing there, and he accidentally stutters out, “I can't.”

“Yes you can,” Josh says. He closes the clamp and notices the shape of Dan's belly, his jeans tightening. That was his favourite thing to see. Dan shakes his head.

“Josh stop I can't do a third,” he says urgently.

“Yes you can,” Josh repeats firmly. He starts the flow again and Dan whimpers, his eyes leaking tears. He'd be crying hard by the time Josh lets him release it. That was always the humiliating part. Sitting on the toilet, holding onto Josh and crying. Dan always got nice rim jobs afterward, but he isn't sure he's up for one after these wrenching cramps. He lets out this tiny sob. “There's maybe two cups left, love. Just a few more minutes, then you can hold it while I clean up.”

“Josh I don't think I can hold it,” Dan says, but Josh ignores him. He steps away and Dan can see the plug in his hand, waiting, and that should help. Okay. Dan's cramps fade a bit as the flow lightens.

“Okay,” Josh says. “That's all three quarts. Now hold it.” Dan lets Josh deflate the nozzle, only a bit of water slipping out before the nozzle is replaced with the plug. Dan is crying openly now, his stomach unbearably full. He has the feeling like he might vomit but nothing would come out anyway.

Dan waits.

He listens to Josh take everything down, the metal bucket, the tubing, the bowl and the spoon and he leaves. Dan is a whimpering mess, his hands balled in tight fists. He doesn't like three quart enemas, he decides. Especially not the hot kind. Josh comes back in and he hears the toilet lid lift.

“Okay. Sit on the loo and take the plug out, then you can let it go,” he says. Dan nods, standing a bit shakily with his slightly rounded stomach. Josh swallows visibly. Dan sits down and reaches between his legs, fingers gripping the base of the plug. Then he pulls it out and there's this embarrassing splash into the toilet and Dan chokes out a sob. Josh rubs his back, whispering little “ssshhh” sounds, “it's okay”s and all the lot. Dan just holds onto him, still holding the plug tight in his hand for dear life. Dan is still letting it go when Josh flushes the toilet once, letting Dan squeeze him, still crying. This was the worst part for Dan, worse than the cramps and worse than the pain of holding it in.

Once Dan is finished, Josh flushes the toilet again, lifting Dan up and holding him to his chest. “You did so good babe,” Josh says lovingly, and Dan nods lazily.

“Do I still have to give you head,” he whimpers. Giving head while crying was always horribly difficult.

“No,” Josh breathes, “but just a handjob would be perfect.” Dan nods.

“Okay,” he says softly. “Can we go to bed? My stomach is sore.”

Josh takes Dan to bed and Dan gives Josh a sloppy handjob and swallows his cum and Josh gives Dan tummy rubs until he falls asleep.