Loose Ends

If This Is Heaven, Then Baby I Don't Wanna Know Hell

I sat down on the cold wooden bench at the park. It wasn't my favorite place to be. But, It was Bryan's favorite place. I watched as the little kid in him shined through. It made me smile. I watched as Craig, Bryan and Max all pushed each other down the slide like the immature teenagers they were. I couldn't help but giggle. My giggles caught the attention of the boys.

"Come join us, Chelsea!" Screamed Craig. "No thanks." I shook my head. Craig rolled his eyes and quickly ran back up the stairs for the slide. I watched as Bryan slid down the slide, He always made me smile. I sighed while pushing my brown hair outta my face. The park always bored me. I wasn't to fond of spending my summer days at a park. I mainly liked swimming. But, Max wasn't ever up for swimming. Max, My best friend. The guy I told everything too. He was the only guy who knew I liked Bryan. Max always knew how to make me feel better.

As for Craig.. He was like an older brother for me. Always there when I was crying. Always there to fight the guys who fucked me over. Always there to make me laugh. I couldn't ask for better friends. Craig has been my friend since birth. Our moms met leaving the hospital. And thus, Our friendship was born.

And Bryan.. Bryan.. Bryan... Bryan. His name put a smile on my face. His voice sent shivers down my spine. His smile, Oh my goodness. His smile sent me into a frenzy. I could go on and on about how much I admire Bryan. I could write a whole book of about 1000 pages. I loved everything about Bryan. His eyes, His smile, His body.. Oh Lord! His body. The way he slept. Not being creepy or anything. As again, I could go on and on. But i'll leave it as.. I love him.

It was getting late, But not to late. Those boys kept me out all night. Sometimes, Even for a whole day and another whole night. But tonight, They couldn't. We had my whole house to ourselfs. My parent's are divorced, My dad's always working and doesn't really care who I have over. My dad worked as a lawyer. He sometimes had to go outta the state. Ok, All the time. But, It didn't bug me. My brother was obviously gone. And my sister moved out years ago. My baby sister stayed with my mom when my dad was gone. My parent's divorced on my 16th birthday, Just last year. My 17th birthday was coming up soon.. Very soon.

I waited until the boys got tired until I mentioned we should go back to my house. Of course. Craig wanted one more time down the slide. There is no way that boy is 18. More like 7. I sat on the wooden cold hard bench for about half an hour until Craig decided he was tired.

"What are we gonna eat tonight?" Craig asked. "I don't know." I said unlocking my front door. "Pizza." I finished. "Good!" Craig joked holding his stomach and falling onto the couch. I sighed and grabbed my phone and ordered the pizza. "15 minutes." I said sitting next to Craig. "WHAT!" Craig screamed falling over. I watched as his black hair flowed into his face. He closed his eyes and just layed there. I of course laughed. The littest things amused me.

About 14 minutes passed, And Craig was still "passed out" on the couch. Groaning and complaning about how hungry he was. "Dude, Shut up you fucking fat ass!" Max screamed playing Black Ops. "I'm hungry!" Craig whined sounding like a five year old. Max and Bryan chuckled. I shivered. "Whats your problem?" Craig asked sitting back up. "Nothing.. Uh, Cold chill." Max looked over at me like he knew why i had that shiver. "Ok.." Craig said scooting away. "Aww! Come here Craigifer!" I jumped on Craig landing on his lap. "Get off me, Weirdo!" Craig tryed as hard as he could to push me off. "No! I wove you Craig!" I kissed his cheek about 3 times before I heard the doorbell. "I'll get it." I said standing up. "Nice ass. Fix your shorts and your tank top. I can see your tits." Craig said. I sighed. "Whatever." I walked over to the door and answerd it, Totally ignoring Craigs command.

"Damn!" The pizza guy screamed. "What?" I asked. He stood there looking me up and down. "You eating this pizza alone, Lil mama?" He bit his lip. "Uh, No." I handed him the 20 dollars. "I'd sure love to eat your pizza, Baby." He blew me a kiss making me roll my eyes. "Yea, Keep it in your pants, Punk!" Bryan said appearing behind me. "Who are you?" The guy asked. "Nobody you need to know about. So just hand her the pizza and get the fuck outta here!" Bryan grabbed the pizza harshly. "Man, Fuck you. I'll be back. I've got this address memorized mami." He winked and walked away. I slammed the door. "Fucking men." I sighed sitting down. "You want some pizza 'mami'?" Bryan joked. "NOT FUNNY!" Max and Craig looked at me and started laughing. "Stop. Seriously." I said letting my brown hair fall in my face. "Aww, Cheer up booboo." Max said sitting on my lap. Booboo was my nickname. Everyone called me that.. Besides Bryan.. Bryan usually called me Chels. I sighed and stood up walking to the kitchen. "Thank you." I said to Bryan while grabbing a piece of pizza. "For what?" He asked sounding totally clueless bitting into the pizza. "For sticking up for me." I took a bite of the cheesy pizza. "I could tell that guy was creeping you out." He got off the counter and walked toward me. "And besides. I couldn't let anyone talk too my best friend like that." Bryan wrapped his arm around me. Still, With that damn pizza in his hand. "Thanks." I sighed putting the pizza on the table. "Your not gonna eat?" He asked. "Not hungry." I sighed. "Where you going?" "My room." I put my head down as I walked up the stairs toward my room.

"BooBoo, Can I come in?" I heard a voice ask from outside my door. "Max?" I asked. "Yes. Let me in." He started fidgitng with the doorknob. I stood up and unlocked my door letting him in. "Lock the door." I said sitting back down on my bed. "So, Whats wrong?" Max asked sitting next to me. "You know.." I sighed looking at the picture of me and Bryan on my phone. "I'm sorry... I'm sure he likes you?" Max questioned. I knew Bryan didn't.. He was way to in love with my best friend. Tori. "He don't." I threw my phone down. "Why?" I looked at Max. "He likes Tori." I whined throwing myself back on my bed. Max sat ontop of me tickling me. "Cheer up BooBoo!" I screamed. "STOP IT MAX!" I screamed even louder. "NO!" I started kicking and laughing and screaming. "HAHA! MAX! HAHA! PLEASE STOP!" I begged and pleaded. I hated being tickled. "Their gonna think were fuckin'." Max said. "I know, Now stop." I said calming down. "I'm not getting off you, though. You're comfortable." I giggled putting a pillow under my head. "Your horrible." I sighed closing my eyes. "I'm tired." Max said laying down next to me, Making my water bed jiggle like skin. "Me too." I sighed turning around facing Max. "You think Bryan and Craig are tired?" I shruged my shoulders. "Let's go ask." I stood up, Grabbed Max's hand and lead him downstairs.

"You tell me." I said looking at Bryan and Craig sleeping. Max chuckles and threw a pillow at Bryan and Craig. "The fuck man?!" Bryan barked jumping. "Let's go to bed." Max helped Craig and Bryan up. Bryan walked up beside me sleepily. "Put your arm around me." I sighed. Bryan put his arm around me slumping like he was sleep walking. "Your bed is big, Right?" Craig asked. Craig never stayed the night with me. He only came over to play video games with Max and my brother. "Her bed is fucking huge!" Bryan said. "It's a water bed." Max finished for Bryan. Bryan layed his head on my head, I'm just really short. I smiled looking at Max. "Told you." Mouthed Max. For once.. I felt wanted.

"You, Lay there." I said pointing to a spot on my bed. "Fine." Craig said diving on my bed. "I wanna go swimming now." He said getting under the covers. I giggled and layed Bryan down on my bed. Max layed next to me. "Shut the light of, Dumbshit!" I yelled to Max. He shut my lamp off and cuddled up next to me. "Goodnight." Bryan sighed sleepily. "Night errybody!" I said perky. "I love you, Bryan." I mummbled. Max smacked me lighly. "I hate you." I said. "Love you too, Chelsea."

"Who said that?!" I asked. "Max?" "No! I don't love you." Max said. "Whatever, Max." I sighed and layed my head down falling asleep..
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Lame. :/ But, Goodish, Right? c: