Loose Ends

Lipstick Lullabys

I woke up the next morning somehow at the foot of the bed. It was just me and Bryan left on the bed, I opened my eyes to find myself by Bryan's feet. Max and Craig left already I guess. I sat up and looked around my room, Craig was passed out on the floor. I moved off the bed slowly not trying to wake Bryan up. "Where are you going?" Bryan whisperd. "Bathroom." Bryan sighed and rolled over on his side. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself. God, Did I look horrible. My hair looked like it had been teased. My makeup looked terrible, Looked like I cried. But, I didn't. I quickly grabbed a brush and brushed my hair. "Ouch." I mutterd under my breath. "Chelsea?" I jumped and seen Max passed out in my bathtub. "WHY ARE YOU IN MY BATHTUB?!" I yelled in a whisper. "I had to pee, But.. I was so tired. So, I took a piss and layed down in the bathtub." I rolled my eyes and sat the brush down running my fingers through my hair. "It's actually comfortable. Now, If you'll get outta my room.. I'm trying to sleep." Max closed the shower curtian. I giggled and walked outta the bathroom. It was still dark outside, And very dark in my house. I was deathly scared of the dark. I lived in the ghetto where a drive by, A break in, Rape, or a murder was more in likely to happen. I was deathly scared of break ins, Drive bys and murder. Honestly, I was used to rape..

I was raped by my x-step dad, My grandpa, And my cousins x-boyfriends brother. Those are things I never wanted to talk about.. I haven't even told Bryan about them. And Bryan knows almost everything about me.. Well, Besides that I liked him. I still claimed I was a virgin.. But, It was a lie...

I quickly made my way to my room and layed back down. I seen Craig made his own pallett on the floor. I guess he doesn't like water beds. I layed back down where I woke up. "Chelsea." "What?" I asked. "Lay up here, I feel alone." Bryan said sitting up. "Ok..." I sighed, Smiling. Of course.. I couldn't resist Bryan. I made my way up to the right side of the bed where Bryan was. "Where's Max?" He asked situating himself. "Bathtub." "Why?" Bryan asked sounding very creeped out. "He fell asleep in there.. Long story." I giggled. "Fucking weirdo he is." Bryan covered me up. "Yea." I layed my head on my favorite pillow. "Well, Umm.. Goodnight Chels." Bryan said scooting a bit close to me. "Goodnight, Bryan." I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.


I woke back up around 11 AM, Craig was gone. Bryan was still sleeping soundly. I waited for about 10 minutes until he woke up. He was a light sleeper. "Goodmorning." He said rolling over to face me. I smiled. "Goodmorning." "Craig left." He said sitting up rubbing his eyes. "Why?" I watched Bryan stretch. I couldn't resist myself. "Girlfriend." He stood up. "Ahh." I sighed covering myself up again. "Whats wrong?" He asked holding his hand out. I took his hand and stood up. "Cold." I sighed. "I'm gonna go see if Max is still here." Bryan said walking outta my room. I giggled and grabbed my sweat shirt. "He left, too." I nodded. "There lame." I walked outta my room down to the living room. "Do you want me to leave?" Bryan asked sitting next to me. "No, I kinda want you to stay. That pizza guy creeped me out!" Bryan laughed. "I'll stay." I smiled big. Hopeing Bryan didn't see. "So, What we gonna do?" He asked putting his shirt on. "Damn." I mutterd. "Huh?" I shook my head. "Uh, Just thinking." I lied. "Oh." "Yea.." I sighed looking at my hands. "We can go rent movies?" I urged. "Sure. Let's go!" Bryan grabbed me and picked me up. "You know I hate being carried!" I scretched while closing my eyes. "I know." I know Bryan smiled. He loved scaring me. Bryan opened my car door and sat me down in the driver seat tossing me my keys. I sighed and put the key in the igniton. Bryan quickly hopped in and buckled up. "Why do you always buckle up when I drive?" I asked backing out. "You, Drive, Reckless." He said gripping the door. I giggled and sped to the movie store.

It's the remix to ignition, Hot and fresh out the kitchen; Mama rollin' that body got every man in here wishin'.. Sippin' on coke and rum.. I'm like 'So what i'm drunk?' It's the freakin' weekend, Baby i'm about to have me some fun! Bryan singed. I giggled and sang along with him. "Where at our destination." I said stepping outta the car. Bryan grabbed my arm. "Let's skip." He said smiling. "NO!" I barked opening the door to the movie store. "What movie do you wanna get?" I asked bitting my lip ring. "Ummm.."

"Bryan?" A squeaky voice squealed from behind us. We turned around to only see the one and only... Tori Nicole Ward.

This, Is not gonna end good..