Loose Ends

Time Will Destory Us

"Tori!" Bryan screamed with a glem in his eye. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Chels." Tori said. I waved. "I'll be out in the car." I sighed. I grabbed a random movie, Payed for it and quickly made my way to my car. I watched Bryan through the window. He still had the glem in his eyes. He had the biggest smile on his face. I loved seeing him happy, But.. I just wish he could be happy with me. I sighed and a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't help but let the tears fall.

You seem quiet shy, But you're oh so cute and i'm the kinda girl that would love to be yours if you'd ask me too so, Just take a chance. Try to hold my hand I swear i'd never let go just let me know if, You'd be my man. My phone sang making me jump. I looked at the caller ID and it was Max, Obviously.

"Hello?" "Where you at? "Movie store. Why?" "I'm bored.. Is Bryan still with you?" I sighed into the phone. "Yea." I sniffled wiping my eyes. "What wrong?" "Tori's here at the movie store, And Bryan is head over heels in love with her." I whinned into the phone crying even harder. "It'll be alright, BooBoo. Give him time." "Whatever.." "Wanna hang out later? "Uh, Sure." "I'll be over later. K? "K." The line went blank, I sat my phone back down and looked inside the movie store. I couldn't see Bryan no more.

"UNLOCK THE DOOR!" I jumped looking over to the passenger side seeing Bryan laughing. I unlocked the door and let my brown hair fall in my face. "What's wrong?" He put the other movie down on his lap. "Nothing." I sighed putting the car in reverse. "Are you sure?" He asked. I kept my eyes locked on the road. "Yea." I sighed putting the car in park infront of my house. "I got some scary movies." He said opening the door. "That's good." I stepped outta my car.

I stepped infront of my house and unlocked the front door, I threw the random movie I picked out on the couch. "What movie did you pick out?" He asked sitting down on the couch. "Umm, I don't know." I picked the movie up and looked at it. "Ummm.. Bikini girls on ice.." I sat the movie down slowly. "Why?" Bryan asked, He sounded very creepd out. "I don't know. I just randomly picked up a movie.. I was wondering why the movie store clerk was lookin' at me weird." Bryan laughed. "Wanna watch it?" He asked. "NO!" I screamed. Bryan laughed once more.

A few hours passed, Me and Bryan sat there laughing and joking. Max finally came over around 10. He brought someone with him. He was super tall. Long choppy black hair. He was cute. Very cute. "BooBoo, This is Ronnie." Max said. I smiled and waved at the man. "Your names Chelsea, Right?" He asked sitting next to me. I smiled. "Yea." "Well, It's nice to meet you." Ronnie said smiling. I couldn't resist that smile. "You too." I said, Still smilng. "And you're Bryan, Right?" He asked looking at Bryan. "Yea." Bryan barked. "Whoa, Dude.. Chill." Ronnie said. Bryan rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go smoke a ciggarette." Bryan said standing up. "You don't smoke?" I said standing up. "I do now."

"What did he mean by 'I do now'?" I asked Max. "Dunno. He's been acting different since Ronnie came over."
