Status: Coming Real Soon!

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead


'I'm on a Highway to Hell!
Highway to Hell....'

I laughed and shook my head before moving some hair that got lose from my messy pony tail. Looking around me, I saw that things were deserted. Holding onto the railing as Kam took a sharp right, going around a dead dog.

"You okay up there,Vy," My twin sister, Emily called out the window.

"Just dandy, Em," I called back.

I heard her laughter before turning the music down.Looking all around me,I caught sight of a CVS. Banging in the roof of the Hummer, I called out to the girls that there was a CVS to our right. Three minutes later, Kam slowed to a crawl before stopping completely at the front entrance. Jumping off the roof of the car, I landed in a crouch beside Rose. Taking out my 9 mm, I unlocked the safety before nodding at the girls. They nodded back at me before making our way inside. Splitting up, I told them to meet up back at the entrance. Walking down each isle, I made sure to have my gun close to my face. Grabbing a basket, I emptied it out before getting the things we all needed.

This all started on New Years Eve. The clock struck twelve, indicating that it was the New Year. We were all in my apartment, things were going great. I was with my best friends and my sister and we were celebrating the new year. That was when I heard the first scream of terror. Running towards the widows with the girls beside me, we looked down to the streets below and saw it. People were running for there lives. Others were on the ground, being ripped apart. The people that were ripping apart the bodies under them ate there insides. That's when I knew that what he said was all true. Looking over at Emily, I saw that she was looking at me, a knowing look in her eyes. Looking at the rest of the girls, I saw that they knew what we all had to do. Nodding my head, we all ran to my room and dressed into some body fitting jeans, muscle shirts and leather jackets. I handed the girls each a pair of Doc Martins before flipping my bed over. Under my bed was four huge boxes. Boxes that contained any kind of gun known to man along with some grenades, machetes, and rocket launchers. Getting four duffel bags, I placed light clothing in it before taking hold of it. The girls took hold of the boxes before we ran out the door and towards the garage.

Shaking my head, I looked at the shelves before me, I got some face was and other things that we needed. Hey, just because there were Undead out there doesn't mean that we have to stop looking the way we do. Going down the isles, I got some nail polish, something that Rose, Kam, Karley and Emily can't live without. Me, I can go without it. As I got every toiletries that we needed, I headed over to the isle where my twin was at. Despite Emily and I being twins, we were polar opposites. While she had blonde hair with baby blue eyes, which she got from out mother, I have black hair with hazel eyes, which I got from my father. Our facial structures were the same, and so was our body. We were both curvy with nice handful of breast and a gradable ass. Those were Kam's words. Shaking my head, I smiled as I saw my sister at the end of the isle, getting some dried food.

"Hey, Em," I said as I stopped beside her.

"Hey Vy," Emily said with a smile before taking what we need. Which was some nuts, beef jerky, some dried fruit and other things that looked too weired.

"Fuck, I can't believe he went through with it," I murmured under my breath.

"I know," Em said as we walked out of the isle and looked for the girls," I thought he was bluffing. But turned out that he wasn't."

"Yeah," I said, nodding in agreement," But it's a good thing we trained for something."

Emily laughed a bit before nodding her head. As we walked to the entrance of the store, I saw that the girls got everything we all needed.

"You all ready to head out?" I asked as we headed out the store and put everything in the back.

The girls all nodded in agreement and I was about to say something when I smelled it before hearing it. Looking down to the street, I saw more then five Undead coming our way.

"Fuck! Get in the fucking Hummer! Now!" I yelled as I ran and jumped onto the hood before laying on my stomach on the roof. Making sure that my feet were secured under the railing on top of the Hummer, I brought my gun before me and began to shit.

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!" I yelled out as I continued to shot.

As they dropped as soon as the bullet went through there head, I looked around me to see that more were coming out way.

"Mother fucker," I muttered as I took a grenade from my side.

Taking off the safety latch, I waited for a moment before throwing the thing to a large group of them. As soon as it exploded, Kam drove faster. Body parts was flying everywhere, but luckily, none hit me. Still keeping a look out to make sure that none of them were following us, I sighed in relief before supporting myself on my hands before taking a seat on my ass. Running a hand though my black hair, I banged on the roof before calling out to see if they were all alright.

"Yeah," I heard Karly call out," How about you?"

"I'm okay. Where the hell are we going?" I asked as I looked at my surroundings, seeing that we were in the freeway. It's kind of funny that all the cars were either parked off to the side, or piled up on each other. If one was in our way, Kam would go around it.

"Huntington Beach," Kam called out this time.

I didn't say anything, just looked out in the distance. Since this epidemic hit, I haven't seen anything other then the Undead. Sometimes a little dog, but they would died in moments of coming out. All the birds and other animals were all in hiding. Shaking my head, I rubbed the back of my neck before leaning back into my hands loving the air in my face.
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