You Are My Saviour

Andy's Death

It was dark. Andy couldn’t see, he couldn’t feel anything. There was no body, no space or time. He was panicking and wanted to find a way out but there was nothing. He couldn’t focus on a single thought; everything was rushing past and moving in slow motion at the same time even though he couldn’t see anything. As he was panicking everything started to become compressed, and if there really was a sense of temperature, colder. Andy started to panic even more and tried to scream but couldn’t. Suddenly he stopped, hearing a very soft whine. He listened closely and with no direction or sense of movement, was guided toward the noise. As he got closer the noise became louder in pitch and started surrounding him. The noise would die and come back continuously and suddenly he started to hear muffled voices. He listened to the voices carefully and realized that he was being pulled from the darkness in a rush. The voices became louder and suddenly he was blinded with bright light and then intense burning pain. He let out a blood curling scream.