Darkness Spirals

Chapter 2

I woke up in a daze.
I tried opening my eyes but there was too much dirt covering my face. Suddenly I realized I couldn't breathe! I gasped for air but got nothing but dirt. Oh my God I'm going to suffocate! I flailed my arms and legs as much as I could but the dirt wouldn't budge. It was useless. I was going to die. I tried as hard as I could to get the dirt to budge. Nothing. I began to cry, the dirt caking onto my eyelashes. Wait a minute, I thought, If I buried alive and can't breathe then why aren't I dead yet? I pushed the thought from my mind. I'll count my blessing later, IF I get out of this alive. I concentrated hard a just moving my fingers. Yes! The dirt sifted away enough to where I could move my wrists. Cupping my hands I slowly moved my wrists back and forth in a scooping motion. A small hole formed around my hands. I dug back and forth back and forth until I made enough room to where my hands could touch my sides. I was beginning to sweat. I dug until my hands met each other then painstakingly slow I moved the dirt downward until it began to loosen. I reached up with all of my might and felt it. Air! I was going to live! A hand grabbed mine and held on firmly pulling so hard I thought my arm was going to fall off but instead I was pulled out of my dirt tomb towards to realm of the living. The cold night air hit me like a slap in the face. I gasped breathing in pins and needles. Coughing, I wiped the dirt from my eyes and shook my head. I looked around for my savior and saw HIM. Alex! I touched my throat.
“You! What have you done to me! I almost died down there!”
Alex laughed a deep throaty laugh.
“No. You wouldn't have. You're already dead, silly. Don't you remember me slitting your throat in the desert?”
I blinked. Stunned.
“You've been in that hole nearly a week. I about died of boredom waiting. Do you really think all this was just a bad dream? By the way you can stop all that breathing now. Your body no longer needs oxygen anyways. Give it a rest will yah.”
Dead? Was I really dead? I touched my throat. A thick knot of scar tissue was where the knife or whatever it was had cut me. Where was Steve and Brandon? What about the geometry exam? My mom, my dad, my sister Kelly.. surely they would be searching for me if I were gone a week. Some one had to notice..
“Hello? Earth to Kevin. That is your name isn't it? Well you won't be needing it any more. You should come up with something more.. interesting.”
“It's not like Alex is anything special” I spat. Ugh. I had dirt in my teeth.
“You can be Damien” Alex shrugged. “Welcome to your new life.”
“Gee, thanks.” I pulled myself the rest of the way from the dirt hole I was sitting in. I looked down and saw that my blood had ruined my favorite jacked.
“Damn.” I cursed.
“Wheres Steve and Brandon?” I asked as I stood and shook the loose dirt from my clothes. “And how does this being dead thing work. Am I like a zombie or something?”
“No, more like a demon. Your friends bodies rejected the change and they become zombies. I had to kill them. When you died I gave you my blood and summoned a demon into your body. It usually only takes about three days for the change to take place. I was damn near close to giving up on you but then I felt it. Deep within me something awakened. Its like nothing I've ever felt before. Sure I've made fledglings before but I've never felt something like this. Something powerful took root in your body. More powerful then I could ever dream of being myself.”
“So Steve and Brandon are dead?”
“I just tell you your the most powerful fledgling I've ever seen and all you care about it your dumb friends? Yes, their dead. As I said before their bodies rejected the change and I had to kill them.”
“They rejected the change? How did I survive and they didn't?”
“Who knows. Creating fledglings is no easy task. Even done right sometimes they turnout like mindless drones. I got lucky with you I guess.” Alex grinned his Cheshire grin. It made me shiver.
“We are so going to reek all kinds of havoc.”
I laid down on the warm bare earth trying to take in everything Alex just said.
I looked at my hands. Funny, I didn't feel any different.