Status: Merry Christmas! :)

Love Like This

They were two best friends who had never had any form of physical attraction towards the other. Sure, they could admit that the other were unbelievably attractive, there was no mistaking that to the outside world they would be a beautiful couple, their heights and faces complimented the other very well and their closest friends couldn’t see why the inseparable best friends hadn’t formed a more than platonic relationship in the years they had known each other. But to the 22 year olds they were more than happy with just living in their friendship. Holding hands, and pecks on the cheek were the norm, they had done it for so long that no one even read into it, they just accepted it as a Brian/Autumn thing.

Inspired by a prompt found on Mibba's prompt thread.

Brian Dales / Autumn Collins

Word Count: 3, 676
Written: 28th July - 25th December 2011