Status: Completed, My first one shot with Bryan. :)

Bryan Monte - One Shot; Christmas Special!


"Momwey!" Madison screamed laying on the floor playing with her new barbie. It was only Christmas eve, But. Me and Bryan couldn't resist letting her open one present. I watched Bryan rock Molly to sleep. It was 9:30 PM, Christmas eve. I was happy to spend it with my family.

"I'm gonna go put Molly in her crib." Bryan said standing up. I smiled and watched him walk up the stairs. It was amazing how one guy could make me smile so big. "Wook Momwey!" Madison squealed scurring toward me. "Well, Whats her name?" I asked putting Madison on my lap. "Ummm, Chelswea." Madison said smiling. "Aww! You named her after me?" Madison got a big smile on her face. "Thank you babygirl." I squeezed her and kissed her head. "We better go put you to sleep so Santa can come tonight." I stood up with Madison clinging onto my hip still playing with that baby doll. "Santa!" Madison screamed throwing her arms in the air. I smiled. "Yes, Santa's coming tonight!" I walked into Madison and Molly's room to find Bryan singing softly to Molly. I smiled. "Your a great dad, Bryan." I said putting Madison down in her crib. "Thanks baby, You're a good mom." Bryan wrapped his arms around my hips hugging me and kissing my neck.

It was good we had our own little place to spend Christmas together. This was our first Christmas together. I grabbed Bryan's hand and led him to our room.

"What do you wanna do, Babe?" Bryan asked jumping down on the bed. "We can watch a movie until we fall asleep." I layed down next to him. "Or, We can sleep so we can wake up whenever Madison and Molly start crying." I smiled. "Alright baby, Goodnight." I said getting under the covers. "Love you." Bryan said kissing me. I poked my lips out giving him a kiss goodnight.


It was 7:25 AM when Molly started crying. "Merry Christmas." Bryan said holding Madison. I sat up and grabbed for Madison. "Merry Christmas my favorite people!" I kissed Madison's cheek and got up and lead her down stairs. Bryan already beat me downstairs with Molly. "Ready to open presents?" Bryan asked Madison. "Ya! Ya!" She screamed squerming on my hip. I smiled and sat her down infront of the Christmas tree. She opened one, two, six, ten presents from me. Then about 10 more from Bryan. Then probably about 20 more from my mom and Bryan's mom. It was a Christmas to remember. Molly got more presents then Madison, Though. I watched as Madison played in the boxes. I looked over at Bryan and smiled.

"Baby." Bryan said sitting down on the floor. "Yes?" I asked. I seen Bryan reach in his back pocket to pull something out. It was a black box. "Chelsea Jayne Turner, I love you." He opened the box and there layed a ring. Tears rolled down my face. "Will you marry me?" He asked smiling. "Yes!" I screamed throwing myself onto Bryan. "I love you, Chelsea Jayne." He kissed me one, two, five times. "I love you too, Monte Bryan." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

This was gonna be a Christmas I would remember for the rest of my life...