Blessed With a Curse

The Sound of Settling

A young red head girl, about the age of three, her hair a light shade of brown. She was pale, and had the most vibrant green eyes. "Mama," the girl piped up. "Is this our new home?"

The young women next to her could't be more then twenty, and unlike the small girl next to her, she had a darker shade of brown for her hair, which was in messy curls. Her eyes were also brown, though sometimes appeared almost as if they were blue. The young women smiled as she watched the airport come into view. "Kind of, we're meeting Jimbo here."

"Jimbo," cheered the small child.

The older woman laughed, "Yes, Jimbo."

"Ladies and Gentle men," the stewardess came on the intercom. "On behave of everyone of Southwest airlines we would like to welcome you to Huntington Beach California. We hope you enjoyed your flight today, and hope that in the future you'll choose us again for any traveling you may do. If your journey does not end here, and you have a connecting flight all the information can be found at the information desk. Thank you for Flying Southwest, hope you have a great day."

"Mama, I want out now," the girl whined trying to unbuckle her seatbelt.

"Lux, not yet. The plane hasn't parked yet." The older women scolded.

The little girl, named Lux, pouted, crossing her arms. She leaned back against the airplane seat glaring at the tray in front of her. As soon as the plane parked though, and the fastened seatbelt sign was off, Lux began to struggle yet again. "Okay, okay, here let me help you." The women reached towards her daughter, releasing the seatbelt. "Better?"

Lux nodded, reaching out towards her mother to say "carry me." She rolled her eyes at her daughter, before picking her put and placing the little girl on her hip. She quickly swung her bag over her shoulder and moved into the aisle, making baby steps to the tunnel. "Where's Jimbo mama?"

"He's waiting for us, we'll see him soon, promise." Lux only nodded before resting her head in the croak of her mothers neck, she was exhausted. When they finally made it out of the crowded plane, they followed the crowd that lead them out of the terminal. As they approached the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones, the older women couldn't help but spot a very tall, very familiar man with black hair. A smile instantly appeared on her face as she picked up her speed. She shook Lux slightly to awaken her from her tiny nap. "Lux, wake up sweets. Take a look at who I see."

Lux glanced at her mother lazily, and slowly glance behind her, in the direction that they were headed. That was when she say him and instantly seemed to spring to life. "Jimbo," she cheered.

The man, Jimbo, also known as Jimmy to friends, and the Rev to fans, suddenly held up a glittering sigh that read. "LYDIA OLIVE HARPER AND LUXINTHA MEROPE HARPER WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME!" But as soon as the two women reached the point where he was allowed, he literally threw the sign to the side, hitting some older man, and ran to the two girls. "Harpers," he cheered bringing them into his arms. Both giggled at his child-like antics.

"Hey Jimbo," Lydia greeted her old friend.

He pulled back slightly, "Good to see you." He looked Lux, "You've grown!"

"Yeah," cheered Lux. "Soon I'll be as tall as you!"

"No," he protested.


"But you're still so tiny."

"No, I'm a big girl. Mommy told me so."

Jimmy raised his eyebrow, "Mommy said so huh?"


He looked at Lydia, "Well mommy, did you do this?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Don't bring me into this. I just want to go get my things and leave."

"Answer the question."


He gasped dramatically. "Traitor."

"That I am. But honestly, she's my two year old kid, what do you expect?"

"Touché, alright let's go get your bags losers."

And they did eventually get their bags, which was surprising since Jimmy acted no older then five most of the time. When they finally got home though, Lydia couldn't help but feel relieved, she just wanted sleep. To make things better was that Lux was already asleep in the back seat. "You go ahead in," Jimmy said throwing her the keys. "I got Lux."

She nodded, "Thanks Jim."

She went ahead inside after grabbing her shoulder bag and the biggest bag that she possessed. There wasn't much in it, all her other things would be arriving in a week. She placed the bag in the entry as she finally got a good look at her new temporary home. It was large, larger then she expected. Though, like she predicted it appeared like any guys batchlor pad. She walked forward, ended up in the kitchen. It was apparent no one really cooked in it, even though it was the most fantastic kitchen she had ever seen. She thought of all the possible things someone could make in such an expansive kitchen. She was soon brought out of her by Jimmy. "She's in her room, fast asleep."

She turned to look at him, "Thanks again Jimmy, I promise we'll be out as soon as possible."

He walked up next to me and leaned against the black marble counters. "Don't worry about it, you can stay as long as you'd like. Honestly, this place is too big for me."

"I don't wanna be an intrusion."

"You aren't one."

"Lux will be, she's demanding."

He shrugged, "Happens. You look tired though, maybe you should hit the hay too."

A slight yawn escaped from her lips at the mere mention of sleep. She nodded tiredly, "Yeah, maybe."

"Come on, I'll show you to your room. It's right next to Lux's." She trudged up the stairs behind him, feeling more exhausted with every step. Finally at the top of the stairs, he stopped at the second door to the left. He opened the door. "Lux is right next door, and the bathroom is right across the hall. " He told her as she slowly walked into the average sized room. It was nice really, a queen sized bed, black dresser, and beige colored walls. "If you need anything, come bother me about it."

She smiled, "Okay."

"Good night then," he said with a smile as he began to walk down the hall to his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter, hope it was okay. I haven't written in a while, so I thought I sound give it another shot since I got a new computer that doesn't fail me. (: