In a Heartbeat

Chapter Ten

Princess Evangeline’s POV

I spent the next morning after breakfast with Matthew, walking him down the main street of Kingdom Cardolian’s largest town, showing him the stalls that highlighted our local products. He seemed to enjoy seeing sea-themed merchandise, since he lived rather inland, and the stares he got seemed to boost his confidence too. It was not every day that my beloved town saw a Prince and Princess walking their streets in their fine clothing, holding hands, laughing, and mingling a bit with locals, so I think we made a bit of an impact. It was good for me, because I liked seeing my people happy. The only detail wrong was Matthew. Despite the fact I was getting along with him more and realising that we were quite compatible, he was not Brian.

We returned to the castle for a meal of freshly caught fish, which was delicious, and I noted that my father and Matthew appeared very comfortable together. Even though it was great that my father accepted the man who was to take his place soon, it unnerved me a little. My father liked my future husband more than I did. This reminded me about how I desired true love, which led my thoughts back to Brian. So, as soon as I had said goodbye to Matthew on his horse and watched him gallop away along the small path in the dense forest, I almost ran back into the town. Hurriedly, I scanned the stalls again, looking for one with a higher quality of food upon it. Finding one, I rushed up to it, the people moving out of my way as they stared at me, probably puzzled as to why I had returned.

“My Princess, you are back already?” the man behind the stand asked with a bow of his head as I searched the piles of fish.

“I am. I need your best fish, please,” I told him, realising that I had no clue which was better. The food I saw was never in its pure form like this; it was always perfectly cooked and presented.

“I do not understand, my Princess. I have already sent my son to deliver the best catch of the day to your castle,” the man replied, though he still got some wrapping out from underneath the stall.

“This is not for the castle, and it is also not of your concern. Please just give me the fish,” I said in the kindest, yet firm, voice I could manage. He nodded and busied himself with getting the fish.

“Is this enough?” he held out the wrapping and I nodded. That would feed the family easily for a few days with delicious produce. The man finished covering the fresh food and then passed the relatively heavy package into my arms.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile, causing him to bow his head at me again, his face showing he was quite pleased to make me content with his work. “Kind sir, do you know where I can find the Haner household?”

“Of course! If you continue towards the sea, my Princess, then take a left where those performers are, continue down that route for about ten houses or so and then you will see a bungalow with ‘Haner’ written on the door,” the helpful man answered.

“Thank you very much,” I said with one last smile before following his directions. Two minutes later and I was standing on the little wooden porch in front of that door, feeling quite nervous. I knocked and then waited, hoping that this would go well. Laughter sounded from inside before I heard some footsteps, which got closer until the door opened to reveal a man who looked fairly like Brian, but simply older and with light brown hair. Shock spread across his face as he saw me and he hesitated before bowing his head and lowering himself a bit.

“My Princess… It is an honour to see you…” he mumbled before looking back up at me.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. You are Brian’s father, correct?” I asked politely, a small smile on my face as I tried to hide my nerves. It was crucial this went as I had been hoping. Brian did not know I was doing this, but I am certain he would want it to happen perfectly too. Then, there might be a chance that I will not have to marry Matthew…

“I am… My name is also Brian, but I am Brian Senior, my Princess,” he replied and quickly stood aside, holding the door open. “Do you wish to come in?”

“I do, thank you.” I entered his home, spotted the kitchen area and walked to it. There was a woman there, arranging flowers into a vase, but she stopped when she saw me in her house.

“Oh... my… my Princess…” she breathed, hardly able to speak, from surprise too, I assumed. She gave a curtsey and I nodded my head at her.

“I wish to give this fresh fish as a personal gift to your family,” I told them, holding out my arms for one of them to take the food from me. The woman did and placed it on the bench, opening it to reveal the good quality fish.

“But… this is the best catch… We cannot afford this…” she whispered before looking at me. I nodded with a grin to show her it was really hers and she curtseyed again. “My Princess, you are truly wonderful. Thank you so much!” Happy that I had pleased Brian’s parents with my generous gift, I focused back on the reason why I was visiting.

“Brian Senior, I wish to speak to your mother and you in private, if you do not mind,” I announced and Brian’s father frowned a little.

“My mother? She is quite sick, as she is very old… She hardly talks anymore…” he said quietly. That information did not deter me, though. It was imperative that I spoke to her. When Brian Senior realised that I was still keen on meeting her, he started walking out of the kitchen. “This way please, my Princess.” We left Brian’s delighted mother in the kitchen to begin preserving the fish. I was led down a narrow hallway to the very end. Brian’s father opened the door and let me enter first. As I walked in, I saw a burning fire close to a bed that had a huge pile of blankets on top, hiding a frail figure well. Brian’s father urged me to sit on the seat next to the head of the bed and I examined the woman’s crinkled face. Exhaustion was written all over it, and I knew that her end was near.

“Mrs Haner…” I said once I got enough courage. “This is your Princess speaking. I wish to talk to you.” The weary eyes opened slowly and glanced over at me. The brown seemed so dark, yet so faded and distant at the same time, that it made me shudder slightly. Poor woman…

“My Princess…” Brian’s grandmother whispered.

“I would like to ask you something about when you were very young. You are the only person who can give me the answer, and you have to understand that it is very crucial that you answer truthfully,” I told her slowly, making sure she would comprehend me.

“I under… stand… Wh- What is it… my Princess?” she murmured in between deep breaths.

“I wish to know if you were involved with King Henry the Fourth when you were younger,” I said and I felt Brian Senior’s eyes on me.

“What does this have to do with anything, my Princess?” Brian Senior spoke, coming to my side.

“Brian told me that he had royal blood in him. I am just questioning if this is true or not, as it is vital to his future,” I answered hastily before looking back down at the dying woman. “Please, you have to tell me, did you mate with King Henry the Fourth when you were younger?”

“Yes…” she hoarsely replied and I smiled. Brian was not lying. He was royalty…

“Excuse me, my Princess, but just because she claims to have mated with that King, that does not mean that it was successful! She was also with my father, and he is not royalty, I assure you!” Brian Senior raised his voice a bit, soon backing off once he noted who he had just spoken to angrily.

“Brian… Your father… We had not mated yet… We were only… good friends at the time… But… He protect… ted me… He told everyone we had… mated… that… we were a couple… that the child… was his… If he did not… I would have been shamed upon! And… cast out… killed… I was a disgrace… for mating with the King…”

“So… Mother… I am half royalty?” Brian Senior said with wide eyes.


“Why did you not tell me? I could have given you a better life!”

“I protected you… It is what… mothers do…” the woman said with a hint of a smile before closing her eyes. Her chest was still rising and falling a bit, so I assumed she had fallen asleep.

“Thank you for your time,” I said as I stood and walked to the door.

“My Princess!” Brian Senior called and I turned to face him. “Please, tell me… What do you wish to do with this information?” I hesitated, thinking over my answer.

“You will see in due time. But for now, I ask that you keep this between you and I. If not, there will be grave consequences for you and your family,” I said, then left the room. I said goodbye to Brian’s mother before exiting the house and hurrying back to my castle. This was terrific news! Perhaps things were easily going to work themselves out after all!
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So, I really need inspiration to keep on writing this.... Come on, show me some love in the comments!!!

And of course, I have to promote this wonderful story that has some seriously amazing ideas in it, so please read and subscribe.

Also, check out this sexy one-shot, and this Synacky if you haven't already.