Status: Working on it...

Bae Heroes

Bae Academy. High school for both male and female students.
Instutution that contained two large woers, four floors in total and a large fence surrounding it's gradnes and perimeters.
High class, as some would say. It had a very good opportunity in the art's department and with it's flexible hours and sceduels was not only a good place for students that were largely involved in competitive sport but those of the students that were involved in the media... yes... idols. If you ask me this was nothing but a place where rich kids who had an infatuation with a certain idol begged their parents to enrole them in in their flase hopes of somehow becoming involved with their obsession. All in vain though and to me a very amusing sight indeed.

That's where I'm heading... don't get me wrong, i was far from rich. As a matter of fact, if the enrolment in any school in Korea was my decision this would not even be on the list. However, my benefactor, Master Chung Lee, was a good friend of someone on the board of directors of the school and easily got me enrolled in the exchange student program in the school claiming i was a very bright student with an enormous potentioal. Oh how dissapointed was the director going to be whne he would lay his eyes on me.
My name is Rider Storm. I love to draw, sing, and dance.... when... no one's looking and i'm very involved with sports. I'm about 5'4, yeah short i know, not not that much of an attractive persona. I'm stubborn and painfully striaght forward and not much of a girl at all. My passion is sports and art is mearly a hobby. I'd like to think i can make friends fairly easily, in my own strange way of randomly starting a conversation, and attempt to be nice to everyone.

Now don't get me wrong, in Korea and in Bae Academy, i was a foreng student. My appearance of laarge green eyes and distinctive facial features got people to look twice at me on the street. Why am I here again, under the guidance of master Chung Lee? Well because my baster back home though it would be a good idea to test my potentioal as a student and as an instructor and send me abrod for a while to study the Korean way of Martial Arts and Education.
In other words I was stuck... in Korea... alone...
Oh boy....