

“Well, Ev, what do you expect me to say?” Evanna Sokson’s best friend Claire Chesapeake whined as Evanna circled her, watching her through the lens of her camera as they walked to their AP biology class. McKinley High’s halls were like a chaotic zoo, the fact that Evanna could manage them while keeping her eye on the camera focus was a miracle in itself.

“I don’t know. Anything… inspiring.” Evanna said dramatically, making a large swooshing motion with her free hand.

“Well I don’t know anything inspiring!” Claire groaned, annoyed as they entered the classroom set their stuff next to Evanna’s lab partner and their other best friend, Wendy Hoom.

“Uh-oh.” Wendy said without even having to look up. “She needs inspiration again?”

Claire nodded exasperatedly and put her head in her hands as she slumped into her seat. “You try to talk to her.” She spoke into her palms.

“I don’t know if that’s possible.” Wendy clicked her tongue and shook her head. “What is the rousing excuse this time?”

“Creative slump.” Claire said with overdramatic sarcasm.

Wendy gasped. “Oh no! Whatever will we do?!”

“Haha, very funny guys.” Evanna replied sarcastically. “But I-“ She froze mid-sentence, her mouth gaping slightly.

“Evanna? Umm, Ev?”

“Helloooooo anyone in there?” Claire sang waving her hand in front of the motionless Evanna’s face. “Ohhhh, boy.”


Claire sighed as she followed Evanna’s gaze to the one thing that always made her freeze up like this. Wendy took the camera out of her friend’s hand, and focused in.

“Artie Abrams.” She said in a narrator’s voice, zooming in on him as he spoke with some of his buddies. “Smart, handicapable, and a wicked talented singer.”

“And secret obsession of a certain Evanna Sokson.” Claire added with a snicker.

Evanna ignored their banter, and was engrossed by the sight of Artie. His cute, smooth brown hair, his sweet glasses, his melodious voice. You know, all the usual conditions of a crush.

And with those usual conditions comes the usual symptoms.

The flippy stomach.

The racing heart.

The inability to stop staring, or even blink for that matter.

Yes, it was the… usual… disease.

“Hello, familiar anxiety.” Evanna sighed solemnly.

“Come on Ev, just go talk to him.” Claire shrugged. “You are friends, after all.”

“Hardly, we only talk because we sit by each other in Spanish with Mr. Schue.” Evanna argued.

“Well, still, you talk to him don’t you?”

“Only 2nd period.” Evanna muttered stubbornly.

“Well, one period a day is sufficient enough to go say hi.” Wendy said, nudging Evanna slightly.

“Yeahhh, umm, another time.” Evanna responded nervously, catching herself before she fell. “Now’s not the time for making an idiot of myself. Now’s the time for inspiration!” She exclaimed as she grabbed her camera again, and focused on an obviously annoyed Claire and Wendy. “Annnnnnnnd, action!”


“Ok, find your seats, guys.” Said their AP biology teacher, Mr. Beenay.

Evanna sighed. She switched off her camera and slumped down into her chair.

“No,” Wendy said leaning over whispering in her ear. “Now’s the time for cell division.”

As Mr. Beenay immediately dove into a monotonous drone about molecular blah blah blah, Evanna rested her chin on her hand and sighed. She wished she had the guts to just talk to a guy like Artie. From between the fringe of her slightly-too-long dark brown bangs, she could see him carefully taking notes between whispers with his friend Mike Chang.

Artie was such a special, shining diamond in this drab, dull Ohio town. Maybe that’s why Evanna was so drawn to him, he shone in a way that she wanted to capture but couldn’t quite reach. It was just like her creative slump with her filmmaking. Nothing exciting was happening, nothing new, and Evanna was just waiting for the day that she and Artie would collide.