Come As You Are


"Did we just had to-"

"Yes!! We had to!!" Devon was in panic mode.

We were in Jared's car, driving with everyone inside, including Rebecca.

"Tonight is the weirdest night of my life." Rebecca said, putting an arm around Jen, who was a little dizzy.

"Can someone remind me why we're driving so fast?" Ashton murmured, tilting his head to the window in the backseat.

Jared was driving, I was in passengers, the rest were in the back.

"Lets see, Hmm. Maybe because someone got found out that he was underage drinking while he was puking next to a officer!!" Jamie yelled at Ashton, who rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't know my name..."

"He knows what you look like." Jen said plainly, putting her head back.

"If we go to jail, its been nice meeting you all in such a short amount of time." Rebecca said, probably changing the subject.

"If we go to jail, I'm punching anyone who touches me... including you Becca." Jennifer murmured, fixing her black dress.

"Enough talking about jail! We just need to get away from here!" Jared exclaimed.

I rolled my own eyes and looked at the window, seeing stores, people, cars, continuously. Couldn't they calm down? I mean, if we are trying to be found because of a stupid ginger that got highly drunk, might as well be a gang of teenage criminals.

"We can go to Canada or Mexico." Ashton said.

"Shut up." Jared said, annoyed already.

"Why don't we leave Ashton in a alley?" Rebecca requested, smirking.

"Great idea." Jamie praised the idea.

"They just want him, afterall." Rebecca continued.

"True." Jennifer agreed.

Jared didn't say anything. He just kept driving.

"Jare bear?" Jen asked for Jared.


"We can leave him for punishment... I know you don't support it but still."

"But what about you?!" Ashton exclaimed to Jennifer.

"You pushed me in!" Jen said in defends. "You pushed me Ashton!! They grabbed me and forced the thing to go down to my throat!!!" Jennifer cried, rubbing her temples with the palm of her hands.

This is when Jared reacted.