Status: On hiatus.

Cryptic Apocalyptic


“Can you believe this motherfucking cocksucker is trying to tell me what to fucking do?! Every dick fucker since that twat Cain has been trying to tell me what to do!‘Oh, you have to play less fucking music videos on MTV, they just aren’t pure enough!’ Kiss my dick! I want you boys to go up there and show him what it means to be impure! This fucker thinks he can tell me what to do. Well this is the last straw! He’ll fucking see. New York will look like a picket fenced playground when we’re done with this shit. I’d go with you, but someone has to run things down here.” Lewis Black grabbed a bottle of water, only to have the plastic melt over his hand at how pissed off he was. “Fuck!” he screamed, only to have one of the Berrys, his loyal followers, hand him another.

“Dude, this is fucking awesome!” Zacky screamed, shooting up from where he had been lounging in front of his father's thrown.

“I know you boys are excited,” Lewis advised, still steaming as he riped the pristine white letter into shreds and watched it burn. “Hell knows I was too when I first
went up.” He gave the boys a warning look. “Just watch where you put your dick and don’t blow our cover. The last fucking thing I need is to sort out mass riots because you three let slip that you’re the heirs to my thrown. I still can’t believe those fuckers don’t realize we exist. Stupid apes.” He rolled his eyes, sipping his water. “Take some friends and go have fun, boys.” All three high fived and ran out with the Berrys to their rooms to get ready.

M. Shadows was the oldest, and by far physically strongest. He was extremely intelligent and street smart, and surprisingly the most even tempered of them, keeping the others in line. He had a great gift for strategy and commanding troops.

Zacky Vengeance was the second oldest, and a true romantic at heart. His temper was notorious however, and he had a quick mouth, making socializing and keeping friends a true obstacle for him. He was more of a lady's man than the others and was manipulative as shit.

Johnny Christ, being the baby of the family, was always viewed as the weakest, and had a face that was open and impossibly easy to trust and fall for. He was a bit of a trickster, playing dangerous practical jokes on humans. He had a terrible problem of getting drunk and shooting his mouth off though, which aggravated both his brothers, and often lead others to come to his rescue when he got in over his head.

“Fuck, someone get the others too!” Shads ordered as he tossed his duffel bag out of his room and met his brothers in the hallway. Vengeance gave a quick and joking solute, dropping his bag and running in the direction of the stairs, heading to the Gates of Hell to recruit their keeper, Synyster.

“I’ll get The Horsemen,” Johnny volunteered excitedly, disappearing around a corner that Matt could have sworn wasn’t there a second ago.

The Imperial Evil Palace was a place of eternal twists and turns. Surprises came around each bed, and the walls themselves often moved and morphed. The floors were mostly either marble or red velvet- the ceilings so high they often couldn’t be seen. It was a wonderful world of excess, with every commodity anyone could ever dream of. The ornate black wood of the trim doors and furniture were all engraved with dark symbols, depictions of unholy events or just plain out cool shit. The Palace was an impenetrable safe-house.

Shadows inwardly sighed, knowing he would miss his home. He had spent his entire life playing the the fires and mercilessly punishing those his father felt deserved it. But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he wasn’t about to give it up.

He snapped his fingers and a large black backpack full of cash appeared in his hands. He threw it with the rest of the bags. He figured that should be about everything they needed. A map of the US materialized in his hands, and he began to survey it. He thought the U.S was the greatest fucking country in the worldand very corruptable. He knew the others would defiantly agree with him. The only problem was where in the U.S. to go.

New York seemed like an obvious choice, being notorious for its sins. New Jersey was also pretty good, with it’s reputation being what it was. The only problem was that both places were too far north. Hell wasn’t exactly a cold place, and he wanted somewhere more in the south where the boys could all be more comfortable.

He tucked the map in his back pocket and smiled as the Berry brothers showed up and helped him carry the bags down the stairs. He could have levitated them all in, but he wasnted to get used to doing it the human way for a change. The Gates of Hell were only about a five minute walk from the palace, so it didn’t take long for him so see the others gathered excitedly around, Syn leaning against the wrought iron bars, smoking one of his beloved Marlboro's, content in the fact that as an immortal they couldn’t do Jack shit to him.

Rev. was bouncing on the balls of his feet, probably high off of Coke as he preferred to be, one strap of a ratty black backpack flung over his shoulder. He was even more excited than the others because he was going to be the first Horseman set foot on Earth. None of the others could come it seemed. It was a considerable dissapointment.

Surprisingly enough, Lewis and Papa Gates were waiting as well. Lewis and Papa G were brothers- which is why Syn was appointed to one of the most important and prestigious positions there was. He was the Gate Kepper. Normally the souls of the dead would be filing in through those towering iron entrances as death dropped them off where they belonged, looking like scarred rabbits. But for the occasion they had been redirected to come through the back way, which was just a wall of fire and not quite so intimidating and impressive.

“Boys, I want Brian to go with you, to keep you fuckers out of trouble, and also to keep up appearances.” Lewis snapped his fingers, and each person present found a very nice, expensive phone in their hands. “Keep these with you at all times so we can stay in touch. With so many of you up there I’ll have to stay down here 24/7 and it’ll be too hard to communicate telepathically from such a distance. Try to use your powers as little as possible, even when you think no one can see you. The more you use them the more likely you are to be exposed. Oh, and humor me please; just use your real names and not your fucking nicknames while you’re up there alright? The last fucking thing we need is someone wondering why they’re partying with Vengeance, Christ, Plague, and Shadows. Now have a good time, and be sure to fuck lots of shit up for your old dad.”

He nodded to Syn who raised his arms to either side of him and concentrated, making the gates swing open and fire and sparks shoot towards the limitless black sky.
Lewis stood back and waved pleasantly as the group stepped forward to the gates, Syn now shaking in excitement. For all his countless years of tending to them he’d never stepped foot through them.

Brian's father put a hand oh his son’s shoulder as they waltzed through the Gates into darkness with the others. The last thing they heard before their bodies were engulfed in a seemingly spontaneous green-blue flame was Lewis yelling, “I’m sending you to Orange County, California! They have some really bitchin' music there and it’s few hours from Las Vegas and LA!”

When they next opened their eyes they were standing in the foyer of a rather large house with their backs facing the grand front door. The sun was glaring in obnoxiously at them through all the windows, and every surface seemed to be painted an immaculate white. It had clearly never been lived in before. The floor was marble, inlaid with a gold. The ceiling streached up impressively far, and two winding unnecessarily large staircases led up to the
expansive second floor.

Matt dropped his bags and snapped his fingers, making all the curtains slide shut and turn from a guasy white to a a thick black. It still wasn’t enough to block out the bright light he wasn’t used to at all(probably owing to the huge intricate glass dome overhead) but it did help. The windows in the place were fucking huge. His phone vibrated in his pocket, so he pulled it out to see one new text.

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New stories are nice, aren't they?
It's short, but it'll do.
Maybe if we get some nice feedback on this one, I might post another chapter up today. :]