Status: On hiatus.

Cryptic Apocalyptic


The room was poorly lit, but what light there was, was focused directly over the large oval table where the four boys sat. They were all wearing jeans and T-shirts, most with sunglasses coving their eyes to give them a slight air of menace.

Behind them stood the three mortals, each having assumed a very forward, aggressive stance (not that they would ever actually be called on to protect their masters). Matt was at the helm with Johnny on his right, and Brian on his left. Zacky sat next to Brian, while Martin guarded Jimmy’s unoccupied seat by Johnny.

Prominent members of society in Vegas- the guys with the real power- began filing in, most with a few bodyguards. Quite a few were looking around apprehensively but a surprising number seemed to know exactly what was going on, and even bowed before the boys, calling them 'Your Excellence', or 'Your Highness'.

"Todd, Chester, Phil," Zacky greeted a couple of the more outgoing ones, though his voice was tight with an air of business dealings which was all but unavoidable in a situation such as that.

"Alright, what's this meeting about and why is it so damn important?" Mr. Bellier was an impatient man, and unlike most he gave no sign of being affected by the subtle warning and natural authority the boys gave out.

"Sit your ass down, show some fucking respect, and we might actually tell you, asshole." It was safe to say that Brian did not like anyone taking that tone to either him or his cousins. Mr. Bellier's entrance to Hell would not be a pleasant one.

All the men sat down in the few seconds after Brian had finished speaking, some more quickly than others.

"Let's make this shit short and straight to the point," Matt began as soon as he had everyone's attention. "We own Vegas. We own you. We're only up here on a little vacation of sorts and we want things to be extra fucking crazy in our city before we have to go back home. You're all going to do exactly as we say, this is your only chance, your only warning, so I suggest you don't fuck this up. You have no idea how bad the consequences will be if you do."

"Ooh, very scary," Bellier mocked. "I'm fuckin' shakin' in my goddamn boots over here. Let me give you some advice, punk. The next time you decide to play 'bad guy' keep it to the streets, where you belong. This game is for the big boys, and you just might get hurt." Matt was red and trembling with rage, and the others had already began to leap from their seats at the offender. One thought command kept them where they were, away from tearing out his throat with heir teeth.

In this time Bellier had gotten up and left with his entourage, two others making to follow his example.

"I wouldn't do that unless you want to share his fate. He's going to fucking regret ever disrespecting us." Just the vision of Matt fuming, no less the tone of his voice as his spoke, was far more than enough to convince the two deserters.

"You are all our servants," Zacky told them. They eagerly agreed. Chuck took his cue and pulled out the files he had composed for the boys. They contained the plans and instructions needed for their high-powered servants. Each became enthusiastic as they realized the part they were to play and the rewards it could bring them. It seemed there was only one man dumb enough to cross them and no one wanted to know what was about to happen to him.

"Jimmy?" Lila mumbled groggily. She'd only just begun to wake up, and her fluttering eyelids were still inhumanly heavy. Everything felt slow, dry and confusing.

"I'm right here, Lie. How are you feeling baby?" He stood before her shirtless and holding two steaming cups of coffee. It was enough to make her rethink the unkind look she had been about to give him. He smiled at her silence and roaming eyes, crawling on the bed on his knees. "Fucking silly of me for forgetting. You must feel like total shit right now, but don't worry cause you'll be fucking really high in a couple of hours." He took a sip of his coffee before resting it on the nightstand, continuing to hold hers out for her. "I fucking can't wait for you to meet all the guys without the death threats. You're gonna fucking love 'em!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Hold up a minute there, Bub. My head is spinning and I feel like I'm about to puke up my Pancreas or something! It's about time you fucking start telling me what's going on!" She hadn't that the bed windows and walls were shaking until she paused to huff a breath. The dark liquid had sloshed over the rim of the mug Jimmy held for her, staining his silk bed sheets. He abandoned his hold on it, choosing instead to use both of his hands to stabilize himself.

"Lie, I never meant to keep anything from you. She saw the sadness in his eyes half a second before she felt it for herself, utterly replacing the fuming anger she'd just experienced. It wasn't even a very strong emotion, but it was so unexpected that it just throttled her. Human emotions were incomparable to these new ones. She did the first thing she could think of to make it stop. Lila flung herself at Jimmy, kissing along his fiction tattoo while he chuckled. "You'll get used to it soon, babe," he assured her, pushing her hair behind her ears.

"It's all different," she confided once she had calmed down enough to actually notice the sensory changes. She brushed her fingers over his chest intently. "The colors, the smells, the feelings." She kissed him passionately, making them both completely forget the subject at hand. It was the first kiss they were both entirely clean and sober for.

"Jimmy," her voice was breathy as she pulled back. She couldn't retract more than a few millimeters from his lips, but that was all she seemed to need, or want for that matter. "I can't explain it, but I'm really fucking thirsty and tired." Before she could go further with her thought her love cut her off at the pass.

"Shit, I forgot! Those are just side effects of the transformation." He handed her his coffee from the nightstand and cleaning up the spilled one with a flick of his wrist. "The dehydration will only be a problem for a day or so. It's got a lot to do with the Hell Fire in your blood now, but I'll guess I can always explain that later." As he had been speaking, she had been hungrily drinking the coffee.

She looked at the dry bottom of the mug, thinking about how much she could really go for a nice cold glass of water at that moment. Needless to say, before she could realize what she was doing, water sprung forth from nothingness and filled the cup to the exact level of her need.
She blinked, looking at it with a mixture of awe and perplexity. Jimmy watched her, more amused than he had ever been in his time without her. She took a sip, raising her eyebrows as she noticed that it was the best fucking water she'd ever tasted. It tasted like the sound of glass breaking, which was familiar and oddly comforting noise she was particularly fond of. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at her lover.

He laughed, "You should really get used to that. You'll never need to want anything ever again." He was smiling; proud of the fact that he could provide anything her black little heart might desire- that no other man could ever compare to what he could give her. He tightened his grip on her at that thought, his mood turning sour until she spoke again, the bells in her voice clearing his mind of any doubt or negativity.

"Hold on a sec!" A light of realization was shining in her face, and she turned to look at Jimmy in the eyes. "Does that mean we can have kids?!" She was abnormally excited at that prospect. He knew without ever being told that Lila wanted lots of the little demons to call her own, and he did too, he supposed, but he was only a few million years old! He'd just gotten on earth! He was nowhere near ready for that step in their relationship.

As a newly transformed immortal she really had no concept of what the word meant in it's truest meaning. She hadn't had the capacity to really understand time before. As the enormity of the question sank in Jimmy's mouth dropped open and his eyes widened in panic.

"Uh," He couldn't explain things that difficult to understand in one conversation, nor could he ever knowingly put her into the depression he knew it would cause her. She'd see it as his fault... wouldn't understand... He had to think fast.

"Jimmy?" Her eyes began to water with assumptions, while her lower lip trembled with worry.

"Look, a puppy!" Jimmy screamed, pointing desperately to the newly existent Hellhound sitting calmly with a bow around its neck.

"Puppy!" Lila screamed, clapping her hands like a little girl. She leapt off the bed and scrambled to her knees in front of it, playing with it's little paws and ears with making cooing noises and talking to it in funny voices. Behind her back Jimmy closed his eyes and tilted his head downward, thanking Lewis with every fiber of his being for having had the state of mind to teach him how to summon Hellhounds into existence.

Living things were extremely difficult to create, especially something immortal and/or magical. Lila had so much to experience and was so new to this life, that she would appreciate his avoidance one day. He knew she couldn't be as ready as she thought she was. It was a lot harder to have a child as an immortal. Lewis had been around for about 13 billion years or so that Jimmy knew of and he only had three sons! Papa Gates was maybe 10 billion or so years old and he only had one! For now she could focus on the puppy. The nice, loving, devoted, immortal, indestructible, puppy.

"Thanks again for chilling w/ us last night. I know we've never partied on Earth before or anything, but it was awesome. We fucking have to hang out again before one of us has to go back to Hell. Btw we left you a lovely parting gift.
-Zacky V. Syn G. M. Shads J.C.

"Bloody fuckin' hell." Billy's usually perfect blond hair was sticking in all directions and his expression could only be called the long lost bastard love child of lost and amazed. Dave didn't look surprised, but seemed very much in need of caffeine and Advil among other things. Billy's shirt was missing, as were Dave's pants. The both of them were looking over at their 'lovely parting gift'. It was a blow up doll dressed in their clothes being sodomized by a large plastic pig with multiple multicolored mohawks. The dummy was holding the hotel bill, which had a little bow taped on it. Dave was the one, who gathered the courage, or perhaps the curiosity, to pluck the receipt from the doll and take a look. He let out a long whistle and muttered, "Fuck me."

“Bellier, you have fucking four seconds to convince me to show you any inkling of mercy." Matt was all business, his pressed black dress pants and shining hoes nicely complimenting his button down shirt. His hair was slicked back and his shades were set perfectly in place.
He had one leg crossed over the other and one fist inside his palm. He was sitting in a very expensive black ergonomic swivel chair behind the desk of Jean Bellier: casino owner, loan shark, and moron.

"What the fuck are you doing in my office?!" he demanded instead of answering the challenge he had been issued.

"Giving you one chance to plead you case. Not that it fucking would have done you any good anyway." Bellier looked over his shoulder for his bodyguards only to find them missing and Brian and Zack standing on either side of him, staring intently at him with looks of deformed gleam.

"What the hell is this?!"

Matt laughed. "It's funny you should ask that. Because that's exactly where you're going to be in a few hours." Zacky and Brian took hold of his shoulders, thrusting him into the less decadent chair.

Johnny appeared suddenly from nowhere, leaning against Bellier's desk and playing with his stapler. The businessman jumped and tried to get up, but the iron grip of the men flanking him was inescapable. He started babbling curses and threats about what would happen if they so much as touched one hair on his head.

"Fucker, I'm gonna destroy you. But first I want to make an example out of you. Did you know you're the one of the very few people in this world who has been idiotic enough to even think they could get away with defying us?" Matt swung his legs to the carpet and walked over to Bellier. "Can't have a bunch of motherfuckers trying to cross me, now can I? That's just way too much work, even with a nice plague on hand. So we'll just have to show them what will happens if they get foolish, wont we?"

"I-I-I'm sorry! You can have whatever you want! Take whatever you want! My wife, my car, my house, the business, anything! I'll do whatever you want, I'll say whatever you want!"

"It doesn't matter!" Matt growled in his face, with all the volume a lion could achieve and more. "You said no to us, and that's an insult that you won't live through. No one ever will."

"Dear God," Bellier whispered as he saw Johnny smile and advance waving a tool belt full of special equipment.

"No one's listening," Matt reminded him.

The next morning was a wonderful one for the Vegas news. They reported that Bellier's receptionist opened the door to his office after finding his two bodyguards eviscerated with their heads on two piles of papers on her desk like paperweights.

In his office, she reputedly found Mr. Bellier himself, nailed to the wall with railroad stakes. His tongue had been cut out and had a pen stabbed through in which held it to a note stapled to his forehead. His body was more or less a chunky pulp. He hadn't been sparred any pain. Despite this and the note the police were officially calling it a robbery gone horribly wrong. Strangely enough they decided to release all the details to the public, which they almost never do. Most people understood. The message was very clear.

No one says no to us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one took so long to get out. >.<
