Status: something for a contest...comments? (:

Open My Eyes


Fingers fast as lightning, flying over the frets. Eyes squeezed shut in concentration, tongue dancing over his lips as he played. Zacky Baker was utter perfection, God in his human form. Every girl Koty Bronson knew would kill to be where she was now, sitting in his room, watching him make magic with his guitar. As he played, Koty traced her gray eyes over his body, her gaze subconsciously wandering lower than it should, thoughts of what would soon be happening running amok in her curiously dirty mind.

It was no secret that all Zacky Baker wanted from girls was sex, but the girls still came flocking to him. And Koty certainly was no exception. She wanted to be able to say she'd slept with Zacky Baker, she wanted to be one of the elite. One of 'those' girls. And it would happen tonight.

Zacky finished his song, taking a moment to catch his breath before beckoning Koty over. The brunette sat down on the very edge of his bed; he sat next to her so that his electric guitar sat on the girl's lap and his arms stretched completely around her. "Put your left hand here, Koty," he instructed, placing her hand where it should go. His touch sent tiny prickles of electricity skittering over Koty's pale skin, and she tried her best to hide the shiver that coursed through her petite body. "And your right hand here. Now strum." Koty did just that, producing quite an ugly sound, and Zacky chuckled. "Try again."

"Like this?" she asked, dragging her hand over the strings once more.

"Close enough," Zacky said softly against the shell of her ear.

After this, things happened too fast. Zacky's guitar was on the ground, propped up haphazardly against his amp. Clothes were ripped carelessly away, thrown to land somewhere unknown in Zacky's room. The hands of the two young lovers were everywhere they could reach, teasing the feverish skin of one another until the small room was filled completely with the sounds of their breathy moans and pleas for more. The sex itself wasn't anything special. It was animalistic; it was tangled limbs; it was scratching and clawing; it was panty and breathless and screams of ecstasy.

By the end of the night, Koty received what she'd come for. She could finally count herself among the girls who were special enough - good enough - for the promiscuous Zacky Baker. But as the jade-eyed boy dressed himself and insisted that the brunette do the same; as he drove her home and left her standing on her front porch without so much as a goodbye, Koty began to ponder if that was really such a good thing after all.   


To Koty's complete and utter delight, Zacky Baker called her the next day. Like every other girl at their high school, Koty knew what it meant to receive a phone call from Zacky Baker the morning after: it meant she'd done something right last night. It meant she was good, not sloppy like some of the other girls. The last girl Zacky Baker had called the morning after had been Gena Palhous, and she and Zacky had dated for nearly six months.

Koty wouldn't deny that she wanted to date Zacky Baker. Dating Zacky Baker made you special, and Koty wanted to feel special. And when she and Zacky were finished, her new reputation would make her more attractive to the other boys. Koty was by no means innocent, but her previous relationships had fizzled out quickly; there was nothing behind them. 

And Koty would be lying if she denied that she thought she would be the one to change Zacky Baker, to make him see that settling down with one girl could be much more fulfilling than sex with a different nameless girl every weekend.


Koty wasn't surprised to find out that Zacky Baker didn't really 'date' girls. Whenever he called her and requested that she came over, it was the same chain of events: Zacky would play a song or two, attempt to teach Koty something which she inevitably failed to grasp, and the two of them would have sex. At first Koty was scared that she would end up pregnant, but Zacky was always safe. As time passed, Zacky became rougher, and sometimes pressured Koty to go further than she would have liked. But she was afraid of letting go of the pipe dream of changing Zacky to tell him no.

"How come you never take me out?" Koty asked one day as she sat in Zacky's room with him. She hadn't been able to resist; the question had been on her mind for days, plaguing her and driving her insane.

The boy didn't look up from his guitar as he answered, "Because."

Koty frowned. She didn't think incredibly highly of herself, but she did think she deserved to be taken out by her boyfriend. If she could even call Zacky that. So far he was what could only be considered Koty's 'fuck buddy.' "Because why?" she shot back. "Am I not good enough to be seen with you, Zacky? Because if that's the case, I can leave right now."

Zacky growled and slammed his guitar to the side. This girl was beginning to press his nerves. Although they'd never made an agreement persay, he thought she knew there wouldn't be any of this 'going out' shit. Zacky picked up his phone from his bedside table and angrily typed a text message before throwing his phone onto the bed. "Fine, you wanna go out?" he asked snarkily. "Come on, then. We're gonna go out."

"Where?" Koty questioned, following Zacky from the room. She was excited now; she hadn't expected him to cave so quickly.

"We're meeting my friends in the park," Zacky explained as he flew down the stairs. He was angry. Taking Koty out would mean she probably wouldn't want to have sex later that night, and he'd been planning on that. If she kept this shit up, she'd be gone faster than Gena.


"Whose this pretty little thing, Zacky?" an umfamiliar male shouted at the green-eyed boy when he led Koty into the park. Zacky's friends were for some reason gathered around the swingset, although only one of them sat in the plastic swings. 

"Is this your new 'friend'?" a blue-eyed boy jeered from the ground. His words made Koty uncomfortable, and she reached over to grab Zacky's hand, an action to which he thoroughly objected. If he wouldn't be getting his fuck for the evening, Koty wouldn't be getting any comfort. 

Zacky sat left Koty's side to sit next to the blue-eyed boy, leaving Koty feeling vulnerable. She didn't know even of these people, she barely knew Zacky. She couldn't believe he'd brought her here and then left her to fend for herself. Subconsciously cursing Zacky, Koty took a seat in the remaining swing, next to a burly boy with dazzling brown eyes.

"Hey," he grunted. "Name's Brian."

"Koty," the girl replied quietly. It wasn't that this friend of Zacky's made her uncomfortable, it was just that Koty was too pissed at Zacky to make conversation with another human being.

"So you're Zack's newest fuck buddy," Brian stated nonchalantly, tipping a beer bottle to his lips. 

Koty's gray eyes widened in shock. Did any man have any tact these days? Or at least a bit of respect? "I am not his fuck buddy," Koty hissed, kicking the dirt with her feet. "I'm his girlfriend."

Brian chuckled, and Koty grimaced at him. "Hate to break it to ya sweetheart, but Zacky doesn't have 'girlfriends,'" Brian said. "He only has fuck buddies."

"But Gena--" Koty started, bringing up the other girl.

"Was Zack's fuck buddy," Brian finished. "She wasn't his girlfriend." Koty looked to her feet, hurt. Maybe she was wrong in thinking she could change Zacky. Once a player, always a player. "But if it makes you feel any better," Brian spoke up again. Koty looked up at him. "His fuck buddies usually aren't as pretty as you."

"Thank you," Koty whispered, and Brian smiled.

"Come on, Koty," Zacky called out. "We're going home." His green eyes blazed as he watched the girl who was supposed to be his walk away from Brian. He knew from the look on his friend's face that he'd been hitting on her, and that made Zacky angry. Zacky also noticed the way Koty carried herself now as she followed him back to his car, like she couldn't stand to be around him.

By the time they'd reached the car, Zacky had formulated a plan. As Koty separated from him to walk around to the passenger side, he pulled her back and slammed her against the side of the car. She squeaked in surprise. "Zack, let me go," she said, squirming in his grip.

"Get in the backseat," Zacky ordered, his voice low and grating. He saw the fear shining bright in Koty's eyes, but this didn't phase Zacky. He'd show her that she belonged to him, at least until he decided otherwise. Koty shook her head wildly, and Zacky growled, "Get in the backseat and start taking your fucking clothes off."

"No," Koty breathed, shaking her head again. "Let me go!"

"You don't wanna get in the backseat?" Zacky asked patronizingly. Koty shook her head and pushed her large-frame glasses up her nose. Zacky's green eyes burned into her skin. "Then get on your knees."

"W-What?" Koty stuttered. Zacky had pressured Koty to do things like this before; she'd given him head more than once. But that was in his house, in the privacy of his bedroom. Not in the middle of Central Park. Granted, they were in a rather secluded area, but it was still very risky to engage in sexual activity right here and now.

"Get. On. Your. Knees," Zacky growled. "Suck me off, Koty."

"No Zack," Koty said firmly. "We're in the middle of the park, so I'm not doing shit."

Zacky clenched his fists at his sides. Koty was supposed to listen him; she was supposed to do what he said. Zacky wasn't used to being challenged. Every other girl he'd ever been with had done whatever he said, usually with little to no explanation. But Koty was different. She had spitfire. "Then get in the backseat," he said for what would be the final time. 

"No!" Koty shouted, and Zacky snapped. He pushed Koty hard and she fell to the ground with a scream. The sound attracted the attention of the boys gathered around the swingset, and they sprang to their feet, mistakenly thinking their friend and his 'friend' were in trouble. 

"Who do you think you are telling me no, slut?" Zacky was yelling as the other boys arrived on the scene. And that's what Koty was in Zack's eyes, that's what they all were. They were nothing but sluts who came to him for the carnal pleasure they knew he could give them. "When I tell you to do something you do it, dammit!"

"Zack, what the fuck is your problem?" the one named Brian exclaimed as he helped Koty up off the ground. He brushed the dirt and rocks from her shirt and took her into his arms, away from Zacky. The girl held on tight to him, scared of the green eyed boy towering over her.

"She--" Zacky started.

"She didn't do anything, Zacky," Brian spat at his friend.

"Take me home," Koty whimpered to no one in particular, and Brian nodded. Fixing Zacky with a glare, Brian led Koty away from the green-eyed boy. She was shaking; Zacky had obviously scared her.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked her gently. After a few seconds, Koty shakily nodded. "Is anyone gonna be home when you get there?"

This time, Koty shook her head. "No," she whispered. "My parents are out of town for the weekend, so I'm all alone."

"Well I can't just leave you in an empty house," Brian said. "You're gonna come stay with me." Koty raised an eyebrow at him. He wanted her to stay at his house with him? She barely knew him! And Koty didn't want rumors going around that she was sleeping with one of Zacky Baker's friends, which was what would inevitably happen if she stayed the night at this boy's house. "No one will know you're there," Brian added, reading Koty's face. "It'll just be me and you, sweetie."

"O-Okay," Koty replied uneasily as Brian began driving away from the park.


"This is my room," Brian said, pushing open the third door on the right. Koty stepped inside and studied the interior. It looked quite a bit like Zacky's had; there were band posters adorning the walls and random articles of clothing scattered around the floor. There was also a guitar in the corner, propped up against an amp. "You can sleep in here and I'll sleep on the couch downstairs."

"I can't let you do that," Koty replied blankly, her gray eyes still locked onto the guitar. She wondered if he was as good as Zacky. She quickly turned her gaze to the boy who stood in the doorway and added, "I didn't know you played guitar."

Brian smiled. Thirty minutes ago this girl was shaking and scared, and now she was more interested in his schecter than where she would be sleeping. "Yea, I do," he said, walking over to the girl. He laid his hand on her forearm and she stilled. "I'm pretty good."

"Show me," Koty challenged. With a chuckle, Brian picked up his guitar and slung the strap over his broad shoulders. Koty noticed he was right-handed, the exact opposite of Zacky. He played a little something, and Koty was impressed. She clapped politely for him and watched his ego swell just a bit. 

"Have you ever played?" Brian asked curiously as his hands dropped from his guitar. Koty shook her head no, told him Zacky had attempted teach her but she hadn't picked up on anything. He noticed the glint in her gray eyes when she spoke of his friend; it was fear and disappointment. "Well maybe I can teach you," he added, hoping to cheer her up.

"O-Okay," Koty stuttered. She cautiously walked over to Brian and sat down on his bed. He placed the guitar on her lap and then looped his arm around her so that he could reach the frets. Against her will, Koty's stomach churned when the boy touched her. But it was a strangely good feeling; it made her skin tingle.

"You know where to put your hands?" Brian asked, and Koty nodded. She fingered one of the cords Zacky had taught her and strummed. "That was good," Brian complimented. His warm breath drifted over her cheek, and Koty couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Try another one."

"How's this?" Koty asked hopefully after playing another cord.

"You're pretty good for someone who doesn't play," Brian said. He moved even closer to Koty, so close that she could feel his heart beating against her spine, and Koty's hand stilled over the fretboard.

"I'm tired," she said suddenly, moving away from Brian. "I think I wanna go to sleep."

"Okay," Brian sighed, releasing the girl. He thought he'd sensed something forming between the two of them, but it seemed he was wrong. Brian stood up to leave, but Koty took his hand and drew him back. Taking his face into her hands, Koty pressed her lips to Brian's and kissed him softly. She had no idea why she was doing this. Some things required no thought process, just an urge from the heart.

"Stay with me," Koty requested when she broke away. Brian smiled and nodded. Koty removed her glasses from her face and set them on Brian's bedside table as she laid down in his bed. Brian stood up once more only to remove the thin cotton shirt he wore before sliding into bed next to Koty. Without thinking, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his warm body.

As she fell asleep, Koty thought about Zacky. They weren't thoughts of regret; rather, she was thankful that she'd had some type of relationship with the jade-eyed boy. Because if she hadn't, she never would've met Brian, who - although she'd only known him for a few short hours - was honestly one of the sweetest men she'd ever met. In a way, Zacky had opened her eyes to Brian, someone who obviously saw Koty as a human being with feelings and emotions rather than a meaningless blob of flesh only here for sex. 

Brian mumbled something in his sleep, and Koty smiled. How such a sweet person could be friends with someone like Zacky was beyond her. But like she'd been thinking before, Zacky was all bad. He'd led her to Brian, and for that Koty could only thank him.