Status: 8/19/12- Hiatus

Bulletproof Heart

Pimps and Sugar Daddys

We were back in Cali and about to meet Taking Back Sunday and Avenged Sevenfold.
I was so excited I felt like vomiting.
Pru and Frank were finally speaking again so everything was back to normal. According to her, after I finally got to talk to her alone, she’s settling for being his friend because he still loves his wife.
I think that’s complete and utter suckage for Pru, but she’s stronger than I am.
I’ve finally been able to get more than five hours sleep and I’m loving it. It’s also preventing me from just blurting shit out at random times. Like when I asked Ray if fairies lived in his ‘fro. They thought I was smoking shrooms when I said that.
Gee lifted me off my feet and swung me around.
“Is there any particular reason you did that love?” I leaned forward and kissed his nose.
“I think I made you dizzy, cuz your aim sucks. These are my lips.”
“I have to go get dressed.” I waited until he put me down and wandered into the back to get dressed. “Can’t wear MCR, Taking Back Sunday or Avenged Sevenfold shirts. Fuck, there go half my clean ones.” I muttered to myself, digging through my bag. I finally unearthed a Blink 182 t-shirt and a pair of shorts.
“Hey Gee, I’m borrowing your jacket.” I called down the hall, sliding my arms into his jacket. It was a couple sizes too big and I had to push the sleeves up to free my hands, but it smelled like Gee and I liked it.
Frank and Ray were talking to Fred Mascherino and The Rev when Pru and I walked intp the venue.
“Who started the party without me?” I dropped my bag off next to the pit. “Vivi Lake, nice to meet you all.”
“Who’s that hotness?” Pru whispered in my ear.
“Fred Mascherino. Jimmy Sullivan. And then there’s the fuckers we came with.” I pointed them out for her. “Oh and this is Pru Splendor.” I also pointed out Matt Sanders, Johnny Seward, Brian Haner, Zacky Baker, Adam Lazzara, Matt Rubano, Eddie Reyes and Mark O’Connell so she could know who was who.
“Hey, we aren’t fuckers. Only Gee is.” Frank laughed.
“You’re just pissy cuz your hand is your best friend Frankie.” I smiled sweetly.
“I like you.” Jimmy pulled me into a hug.
“That’s Gerard’s woman just so you know.” Frank interjected.
“And your point is? If I didn’t love him so much, Adam would so be missing right now.” I craned my neck to see where Adam, Matt Sanders and Gee were standing.
“I’m still thinking of making Matt vanish. And Zack.” Pru nudged me in the ribs. “And I’m totally loving on Johnny. He’s so little and cute.”
“Hey Frank, stand next to Johnny for a sec.” I interrupted when Johnny walked over to us. Frank stood next to him. “Haha bitch! He is taller than you! You owe me ten bucks.”
“Trade you ten bucks for Pru.” Frank grinned wickedly.
"She's not worth ten bucks.” My girl is worth way more than ten.
"Say what?!" Pru sounded offended.
"Now, say fifteen and we have a deal." I grinned.
Frank twirled an invisible mustache. "I think that could be arranged."
"Later Pru. I'm off to rape Adam." I gave her a little finger wave.
"I'll give you twenty. What am I buying?" Matt Rubano walked up and I nearly died of hotness exposure.
"Keep talking boy. I've got a thing for short guys. Oh wait, my name isn’t Pru. Never mind!" I laughed when she looked even more offended.
"Dude I'm only 5 feet they ain't short to me!" She pouted.
"5'5 girl over here says short guys."
Frank’s turning into the freaking Cheshire cat over here. “You like short guys eh? Good thing I just bought you.”
"V? A little help? Since you caused this?!" Pru begged.
"Too busy looking for Adam. Sorry babe!" I could barely stand up I was laughing so hard. Jimmy, Fred and Ray were in stitches too.
"I believe I bought her for twenty." Matt looked at me. "Right babe?"
"I'M NOT A HOOKER I CAN'T BE BOUGHT! " Pru yelled at the top of her lungs. I’ve taught her well.
“Are you really saying you aren't enjoying this?" I laughed.
"I'm not!" Pru looked kind of pissed off.
Gee sauntered up just then. “Why is Pru hooking?"
"Oh hey babe, I'm about to go rape Adam. See ya in a bit.” I kissed his cheek.
"So I can borrow your girl?" He nodded at Pru grinning.
"I don't share you. With anyone."
Gee wrapped his arms around my waist. "Now you know why I can't let you find Adam."
“Damn it. I hate it when you have a point.” I pouted, but only for a moment.
"Why is everyone trying to FUCK ME?!" Pru was saying when I paid attention again.
"Since when is being fuckable a problem?" Frank asked.
"Fuck if I know bro." Matt shrugged.
"Who's fucking who? Other then Gee and V that is?" Mikey asked when he walked up.
"Mikey, babe, I try and be quiet for you. I can stop you know." I said sweetly.
“Agree to that and die Mikey." Gee warned.
"Have you seen how pissy Gee gets when he doesn't get laid...NO THANK YOU." Mikey shuddered.
“I have a feeling I’m gonna love you.” Jimmy grinned at me.
“So, who owes me money for Pru?" I asked the group.
"My friend Ben says I do." Zacky Vengeance walked up with a huge smirk on his face. Pru screamed in frustration.
"Mr. Vengeance, Mr. Iero, Mr. Rubano, pleasure doing business with you. Have fun Pru!" I laughed.
"V?! YOU DID NOT JUST SELL ME TO ZACKY FOR 100 DOLLARS?!" Pru yelled as I started to walk away.
"I believe I did love. Damn, we shoulda done this when we were broke." People were throwing bills at me.
“Been a hooker? Cuz I so would have been your sugar daddy." Gee pressed a kiss to my temple.
Zacky threw one arm around Pru’s shoulders. "So we heading to my bus?"
"Help! Someone?!" Pru begged. The best quality I think I have is rescuing my best friend.
"Okay, okay boys. Pru only sleeps with me and I have to fucking beg. Hands off my girl." I removed everyone’s arms from around Pru.
"I'm pretty sure she's slept with me." Frank laughed.
"You climbed into bed with me and I was fully clothed thank you!" Pru protested.
"Unless he's counting his bathroom fantasies.” I chuckled. I only noticed Zacky was trying to sneak off with Pru when Frank’s face looked like a storm cloud.
"Sorry Zack you can't have her." Frank grabbed Pru’s hand.
"Thank you Frank!" Pru’s face lit up. How Frank can’t see how she feels about him is ridiculous.
"Why? I bought her fair and square." I think we may have a problem here.
"Finally got his head out of his ass." I muttered.
"Zip it V. You're the one who tried to sell something that's not yours." Frank didn’t even turn to look at me.
"Hey, I didn't sell. You guys threw money at me like I’m Pru’s pimp." It was true.
"Yeah well I don't need to buy what's mine. So sorry Vengeance go find a groupie." Frank pulled Pru closer to him.
“What the fuck did you just say?!” Pru gaped at Frank.
"Oh you're in deep shit now Iero." Gee snickered.
"You're mine." Frank smirked.
"Like hell!" She pulled free and started to walk away.
"I wanna see how he gets out of this one.” I crossed my arms over my chest and waited.
"I'll prove it." Frank grabbed her by the shoulders and laid one hell of a kiss on her.
“YES!” I started doing a touchdown dance. “We did it!” Frank and Pru finally came up for air. My girl looked a little shell-shocked.
“This tour is gonna kick ass.” Jimmy broke the awkward silence. “Vi, if you ever wanna leave Gee…”
“I don’t think that’ll happen, but thanks for the offer Jimbo.” Gee’s arms had just locked around me, like I’d actually consider it. “Oh come on Kitty.”
“Did you just call him Kitty?” Mikey’s eye started to twitch. Everyone was staring at us.
“Don’t ask. Just get used to hearing me call him that.” I hid my face in Gee’s shirt.
“Her nickname is Vixen, so get used to that too.” Both of Mikey’s eyes were twitching.
“And this is why Gee has blue balls.” I sighed and let go of Gee.
“I suffer for my little brother.” Gee plastered a martyr expression on his face.
“Bullshit.” Ray rolled his eyes. “Every five seconds their faces are glued together.”
“You know what, just cuz none of you are getting any does not mean we have to discuss our relationship in public.” I put my hands on my hips and gave them my best “I mean business face.”
“She’s gonna be in charge of us all. Watch.” Zacky muttered to Johnny.
“You betcha Vengeance.” I winked at him and went to set up my equipment.
Adam came over and sat on the edge of the stage to talk to me.
“So you and Gee are together?” He asked.
“Yeah. I don’t know how I got so lucky that I got to come on tour.” I explained Pru’s road blog idea and how I got wrangled into doing it.
“I don’t know if anyone’s told you but you get this light in your eyes when you talk about him.”
“I love him. A lot.” I shrugged.
“Then he’s a lucky man.” Adam jumped down to give me a hug.
“So Mr. Lazzara. I hear you and my boys have toured together quite a bit.”
“They’re awesome guys. And calling me Mr. Lazzara makes me feel like you’re my secretary and that’s just gonna give me naughty thoughts.”
“Oops.” I giggled.
Adam left to do sound check and I went over to where Gee was standing alone. I knew something was wrong from how pissed off he looked, but I wasn’t expecting him to move away when I tried to give him a kiss.
“What the hell Gee?” I stepped back, the hurt clearly evident on my face.
“I saw you and Adam.” He growled.
“Doing what? Cuz unless I missed something he just hugged me.”
“Oh sure.”
“You’re fucking jealous.” I gaped at him.
"You told me yourself that you wanted to rape him."
“Yeah, as a joke. You know what Gerard, fuck off.” My temper got the best of me and I stormed off.
Gerard’s POV/
I barely managed to keep from snarling when Adam came over to me.
“You’re a lucky guy you know that?” He smiled.
“Your girl. Vivi. She was telling me how happy she is with you. You’ve got a great girl.”
“That’s why you hugged her?”
“Yeah. I’m not moving in on your girl.”
I’m a fucking idiot.
Vivi was smoking cigarette after cigarette down in the pit, something I knew she did when she was upset about something. I don’t know how she could even see where to point the camera because of the cloud of smoke around her.
“Well I was there on the day/ they sold the cause for the queen.” I sang and her head snapped up. Her expression softened as the song went on and when it finished I mouthed, “I’m sorry” to her. She blew me a kiss and I caught it.
After we finished our set and Avenged was getting onstage, I found Vivi looking for me.
“I’m so sorry babe. I was a jealous asshole. Adam told me what you guys were talking about.” I stared down at my feet and scuffed the tip of my shoe against the floor.
“Gee, you’re gonna have to get used to seeing other guys around me. Pru and I are the only girls on this tour and you know I’m an affectionate person.”
“I know. I’m just a douchebag. Forgive me?” I held my arms open and she hugged me.
“Forgiven. Just don’t get pissy on me like that again.”
“When you’re mad at me you’re gonna call me Gerard aren’t you? Not Gee or Kitty?”
“Damn straight.” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me.
If I could, I’d never let go of her.