Status: 8/19/12- Hiatus

Bulletproof Heart

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us

I moved past the fact that BILLIE JOE FUCKING ARMSTRONG was sitting in our bus and onto the fact that Pru was seated in Frank’s lap.
“When did this happen?” I motioned to the two of them.
“Somewhere between you and Gee sucking each other’s face off and Billie busting in on us.” Frank shrugged.
“I’m just glad you got your fucking head out of your ass.” I rolled my eyes and turned back to Billie. “Not to be rude, but why are you here? Is the universe trying to make me die of hotness exposure?”
“I’m here visiting Frank and accidentally getting a peep show from Pru. And I’m not sure about the hotness exposure, I’m the only good-looking one here.” Billie smirked.
“I’m not so sure about that.” I kissed Gee’s cheek. “Kitty over here is dead sexy.”
“Kitty?” Billie couldn’t hide the laughter in his voice.
“Don’t ask, they have kinky nicknames for each other.” Frank muttered. I flipped him off.
“I’d say go to hell but you’d take my girl with you.” I glared. Gee sat down and pulled me onto his lap.
“I take it Gee is no longer in the doghouse?” Mikey asked when he came in. “Whoa, when did Frank and Pru get together?”
“Like five minutes ago. Keep up with the times Mikers.” I rolled my eyes. He just ruffled my hair.
“I think that’s everyone.” Gee slid me off his lap and went to go look in the bunks.
Leaving me unanchored next to the sexiness that is Billie Joe.
“Oh hell.” I muttered, sitting on my hands. “If I accidentally ravish you in your sleep, it’s not my fault.”
“I don’t think I’d mind if it were you doing the ravishing.” Billie grinned. Gee came back just then and I launched myself at him.
“I’m guessing you missed me.” Gee laughed, putting his hands on my hips.
“I need you around so I don’t accidentally do something to Billie.” I muttered into his shirt.
So he kept both of his arms wrapped around my waist until I yawned so wide my jaw cracked.
“I think its beddy bye time.” Gee pushed my bangs out of my eyes.
“Babe.” I beckoned to Pru. “Come make sure I don’t escape in my sleep.”
“They sleep together?” Billie asked.
“It’s the source of many of our fantasies.” Frank sighed. “I think we have them on video.”
“That’s what he was jacking off to before.” I said over my shoulder as I headed into the back room. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?”
“Oh, uh, Frank and I were kinda…” Pru trailed off, twisting her hands together.
“OH YOU DID NOT MAKE OUT ON MY BED.” I yelled. “God, I am not sleeping in there.”
“Hey I was only topless! His pants and mine stayed on thank you very much.” Pru blurted.
“There’s practically stuff on the covers.” I shuddered.
“Fuck you, there is not.” She crossed her arms.
“That’s what you say to Frank babe. I'm sleeping in Gee's bunk.” Gee grinned widely.
“Who says I'm fucking Frank?”
“I will.” Frank raised his hand.
“Case in point.” I giggled.
“ forgot to say yet.” Frank said.
“No I didn't smart ass.” Pru stuck her tongue out at him.
“Okay, I'm not getting laid so V's sleeping with me.” Gee put his hands on my hips.
“Then I call the back.” Frank grinned.
“You are not sleeping with me.” Pru shook her head.
“Can I?” Billie piped up.
“Fine, we won't sleep at all if that's what you want.” Frank’s signature wicked grin popped up.
“Shit where are we gonna put Billie?” Gee muttered.
“He can take my bunk, I'm with Pru.” Frank said.
“Do I get a say?” Pru asked.
“No.” Everyone said together.
“Guess that means I'm bunking with Gee indefinitely. Cuz I am not sleeping in that bed again.” I shook my head adamantly.
“I can roll with that.” Gee kissed my neck.
“My ears will bleed.” Mikey whimpered. Poor guy has to listen to so much.
“Those bunks aren't big enough to fuck in Mikey, you'll be okay.” Pru assured him.
“Yeah, we tried that already.” I laughed. “All right, nighty night peeps.”
I grabbing Gee’s hand and dragged him to the bunks, ignoring the cat calls. I pulled on one of Gee’s shirts and climbed into the bunk, waiting for him to get in.
“Aww, you were serious.” Gee pouted.
“Well I dunno about you but making people hear me scream all night doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to do.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my V?” I just laughed.
“Get in here, I’m cold.” I hate having cold sheets. That’s why I always make Pru warm them up for me first. He got in and we shuffled around a little until he had both arms around me and my head was resting on his chest.
“I love you.” I murmured.
“I love you too.” He kissed the top of my head and I drifted off listening to him hum something.
I had just finished setting up all my video crap when I noticed they had set up a kickball field in the pit.
Gee, Mikey, Frank, Adam, Jimmy and Fred were on one team and Eddie, Matt Rubano, Mark, Matt Sanders, Zack, Ray, Brian, and Johnny. Billie and Pru were just kind of standing there when I walked up.
“V, come play with us!” Gee grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where his team was standing. Mikey had just gotten three fouls in a row and it was my turn.
“Okay motherfuckers, watch how it’s done. I was awesome at kickball.” I said, standing at the plate.
I kicked it right into Matt Rubano’s crotch.
I didn’t stop, just kept running until I got back to home plate.
“Always aim for the pitcher’s nuts.” I laughed, high fiving Gee.
“You can play with my balls anytime.” Brian yelled from his spot on first base.
“Keep dreaming!” I yelled back.
“Pru, go for it!” Adam was yelling.
“Okay, but one of you is running for me. Jimmy, you do it.” Pru kicked the ball and hit it pretty far out, giving Jimmy time to grab her, put her on his back and start running around the bases. Pru was laughing her ass off and screaming, “Yah horsie, yah!” Another home run for us.
As we were changing to go into the outfield I passed by Brian.
“I bet I can get to home plate on you.” He grinned.
“Keep walking Gates.” I pushed against his chest. Brian was the first up to kick and I rolled the ball to him. It flew right over my head and I had to hit the floor to keep from getting hit in the face.
I guess that’s why Gee threw the ball really hard at him and got him out at first base.
“Guess you couldn’t even get past first Gates.” Johnny laughed.
“We need more girls on this tour to take the testosterone levels down a bit.” I muttered.
“That’s why we have Johnny!” Jimmy cackled.
We ended up winning the kickball game because all the bands had to get ready for the show and they’re almost like girls with the amount of time it takes for them to get ready.
Pru and I were chilling on the couch when I clicked on a video of our boys.
“Hey Pru, come check this out.” I pushed the laptop so she could see the video of “Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Both of Us.”
“Damn he’s hot when he screams.” Pru remarked about a minute in.
I pointed to Gee, who was flicking his tongue back and forth in the video. “That’s my boy.”
“I’m gonna jump that boy.”
“MY boy?”
“If he's the one in the blue tee screaming.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh. Not as hot as my boy, but to each her own.” I shrugged.
“Agree to disagree.”
“Yup. Check this one out.” I clicked over to a video I knew Pru would enjoy.
“Holy shit!” She gasped.
“Look at them go!” I laughed.
“Ummm...should I be grossed out....cause I don't think I am.”
I'm not grossed out either. I've been on the other end of that.”
“Yeah me too.” We stared at the screen, transfixed.
“What are you girls talking about?” Gee came in from the bunks.
“Nothing!” We said together. He glanced at the laptop screen and laughed.
“Hey Frank!” He yelled over his shoulder.
“Yeah?” Frank walked in.
“They're watching us make out.” Gee laughed.
Frank raised his eyebrow. “That so? We haven't done that in a long ass time.”
“It's cool, I've kissed Pru before.” I shrugged.
“Are you serious?” Gee gaped.
"I’ve showered with Pru, kissed her, slept in the same bed..." I trailed off.
“Oh God.” Frank muttered.
"Do it again." I hadn’t even noticed Ray come in. Or Mikey for that matter.
"You up for it babe?" I looked at Pru.
"Oh hell. Do I have a choice?" Pru sighed.
"Prolly not. They're gonna pester us until we do."
She sighed again. “Fine get your pretty ass over here. Oh wait." She put on lipgloss. "Okay I'm ready now."
“Ready boys? Keep your pants on." I warned.
“I gotta keep my hands out of them too?" Frank snickered.
"DUH." I rolled my eyes.
"Good God." Pru muttered.
"That goes for you too Gee."
“Damn it.” He muttered.
"Didn't say anything about us." Ray whispered to Mikey.
“I HEARD THAT.” I glared at them.
"You ready to get this over V?" Pru asked.
"I expect a real kiss full of tongue just so you know." Frank told us.
"I can handle that." I put Pru on my lap. She was so tiny she could fit.
"You should be careful what you wish for. Vi's an awfully good kisser." Pru giggled.
“I'm surprisingly okay with my girlfriend kissing someone else.” Gee said thoughtfully.
“As long as it's Vi. I'm good.” Frank said.
“Yeah, you guys can only kiss each other or us.” Gee warned.
“I agree and I'd really like it recorded so I can watch it later.” Frank laughed.
“I don't think so buddy. This is a one time only deal.” I so did not want him to have video of me. God knows what he would do with it.
"Yeah so make sure you commit this to memory." Pru agreed.
"Ready?" I asked.
Pru rested her hands on my shoulders. "Let’s do this." I pretty much pretended she was Gee while we kissed. I even threw in a little tongue.
“Oh hell that's hot.” Gee muttered.
“Holy hell. Feel free to start removing clothing.” Frank moaned.
“I second that.” Gee called out.
Pru pretended she was lifting my shirt and I slid my hands up her thighs. She moaned into my mouth, a completely bizarre experience for me.
“Holy fuck when do we get a hotel next?” Ray muttered. I pulled away from Pru and laughed.
“You fuckers are so gullible.”
Pru laughed with me. “They really are.”
“AWW KEEP GOING.” Gee whined.
“HELL YES. I want to see skin.” Frank added.
“I second them.” Ray called out.
“Strip then cuz you aren’t seeing anything off us.” I crossed my arms over my chest, a hard thing to do because Pru was still in my lap.
Frank looked over at Gee with one eyebrow raised.
“I'm down if you are.” Gee shrugged.
“We get naked you girls get naked?” Frank asked.
“I dunno about Pru but the only time I'm naked around Gee is when we're alone.” I was not cool with public nudity.
“Ummmm...I get naked when I'm in the shower, not around anyone else.” Pru trailed off.
“Okay that doesn’t count cuz we used to shower together.” I smirked.
“OH GOD.” Gee moaned.
“Holy fuck.” Frank groaned. “Can you kiss again?”
“Told ya, it was a one time deal.” I winked.
“I’m finding this reallllyyy hot.” Mikey remarked.
“Please get naked?” Frank begged.
“Like saying please it going to make a difference in the answer.” Pru rolled her eyes.
“Pretty please?” Gee gave me his best puppy dog eyes.
“Answers still no babe.” I laughed.
“I'll kiss Gee?” Frank offered.
“That'll just make me jealous and I'm a bitch when I'm jealous.” They really didn’t need to see me get jealous.
Frank looked over at Gee. “Is that why she was pissy with me yesterday? Just for the record he kissed me that time.”
“Your ass is grass as soon as Pru gets off me.” I grumbled.
“My ass is grass as soon as Pru gets you off?” Frank grinned.
“Sorry babe, I couldn’t help myself.” Gee shrugged.
“It's okay Frank's a ho.” I laughed.
“Frank is pretty hot on stage so I understand.” Pru remarked.
“If I was a ho I’d have fucked Pru by now.” Frank muttered.
“Pru doesn’t do hoes. Gee's judgment lapsed, I'll admit that.” I’m really mean to Frank, I’ve noticed.
Frank just laughed. “It's lapsed a lot over the years then.”
“Oh man you just want me to kick your ass don't you?” I growled.
“I don’t suppose you have a whip in your possession?” Gee asked.
“Gee is a freak so he'd appreciate it.” Frank added.
“Trust me. I know.” I laughed.
“I don't even know what to say anymore.” Pru muttered.
“Shower?” I asked.
“Now?” She looked down at me.
“I'm really hot.” You decide the connotation. Pru got off my lap and held out her hand.
“Holy fuck you're both fucking dick teases.” Frank yelled.
“Damn straight.” I smacked him upside the head. “That’s what you get for moving in on my man.”
“I needa come out more often.” I’d completely forgotten Billie Joe was here. “Can you girls get naked for me?”
“I'm so torn right now.” I sighed.
“I'm confused.” Pru added.
“And I'm horny.” Billie grinned.
“You should explore every option until you're not confused anymore.” Frank nodded emphatically.
“I agree.” Gee piped up.
“I think my tight pants give me away.” Frank covered himself with his hands.
“You wear girls' pants that’s why. We don’t get boners.” He was short enough he could probably fit them, in my opinion.
“Gee wears girls pants, get it right.” Frank shot back.
“I saw the tag when I was taking them off him. Men's pants babe.” I laughed.
“You sayin you want to check mine?” Frank smirked at me.
“I'll leave that to my less discerning friend.” I pointed at Pru.
“Pru's been trying to get into my pants since day one.” Frank sighed.
“Yeah she ran out of clean ones.” I giggled.
“Yeah that's why she wanted in them.” Frank rolled his eyes.
“No I really was just lonely.” Pru grinned so wide I thought her face would crack.
“That's my girl.” I put my arms around Pru’s waist.
“You want in mine babe?” Billie offered.
“Hands off Billie. It's me or V.” Frank warned.
“Same goes for you V. Pru or me.” Gee added.
“But, but.” I pouted.
“So my options are V or Frank?” Pru asked.
“Or both.” Frank grinned.
“Sorry, Gee's my one and only. Well, I cheat on him with Pru but that’s apparently acceptable.” I shrugged.
“I think it's more then acceptable, right Gee?” Frank asked.
“I'm thinking its encouraged.” Gee nodded.
“Now being the opportune time or explore that acceptance.” Billie finished.
“Which is why I need a shower. And a pair of handcuffs.” I sighed.
“Are you gonna tie Pru down?” Gee asked.
“No it’s to keep me from taking Billie up on his offer.” I winked.
“I can roll with that.” Billie stroked an invisible beard.
Pru pouted. “I don't get cuffed this time?” Their reactions were hilarious.
Frank’s mouth dropped open.
Ray’s expression mirrored Frank’s.
Mikey’s jaw was practically on the floor.
“Oh my God.” Gee gaped.
“Holy hell.” Billie moaned.
“Nope, sorry babe. Next time.” I squeezed her waist.
Pru blinked. “What? I'm submissive, so what?” She turned to me. “You promise?”
“Cross my heart and hope to laugh my ass off at these gullible fuckers.” I laughed.
“Wait...we aren't being serious? I'm sad now.” Pru stuck out her bottom lip. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head.
“I swear to God I need use that bathroom first.” Frank groaned. Pru nearly died laughing. “You're gonna have to fight me for it.” Gee winced.
“While you fuckers do that I’m gonna take the girls in the back.” Billie put one arm around the two of us.
“Must...resist....hotness.” I gritted my teeth.
Pru licked her lips. “Do I have to?”
“Well I suppose if we go together we still have the boyfriend or each other requirement filled…” I pondered.
“No touching allowed Billie.” Frank warned.
“That’s cool. They can handle that part.” Billie winked.
“You guys think we're a couple of sluts don’t you?” I glared.
Pru fanned herself. “I think I might be turning into one.” She grinned.
“I think you wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do without approval. That was a good answer, I’m proud of myself.” Frank said.
I sat down next to Gee. “Okay, fun time over. Whoever needs a bathroom trip go for it.”
“See you later then babe.” Gee laughed.
But he never went in.
Billie, Pru and I went in, pretended to have a threesome and then dragged Mikey into it.
Which is why the bathroom no longer has a door.
And why Gee is no longer speaking to me.