Status: 8/19/12- Hiatus

Bulletproof Heart

I'm a Really Lousy Sick Person

“V. V wake up.” Pru prodded my back.
“Unless your hair is on fucking fire, leave me alone.” I muttered into the pillow. Since Gee’s pissed at me I’ve been relegated to the couch and let me tell you, unless your Pru’s size, it is not a comfy place to sleep.
“V, come on. Get up.”
“We finally have a day off. Leave me alone.” I buried my head under the pillow. I had such a massive hangover. There was a blast of cold air and I figured Pru had just yanked my blanket off. “Okay, okay, I’m up.” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Can you get me a cup of coffee? Or some speed so I can wake up?”
Ten minutes later there was caffeine in my system and we were on our way to the nearest mall.
By ‘we’, I mean Pru, me….and Frank.
And we’re going underwear shopping.
So for the next two hours or so, I clutched my head from the horrendously loud music in Victoria’s Secret and listened to Frank beg to go into the dressing room with Pru.
“Are we fucking done yet?” I pleaded.
“Don’t you need anything?” Pru asked.
“No. I need to get out of this place right the hell now.” I groaned. Even with sunglasses on my eyes hurt. This is what I get for doing whiskey shots with the Rev. We finally headed outside and I dug into my pocket for my cigarettes.
“Would you lay off the cancer sticks?” Pru sighed when she saw what I was doing.
“I smoke when I’m stressed, and I think I have reason to be.” It’s been four days and Gee still isn’t talking to me.
Frank squeezed my shoulder. “He just needs time to cool off and figure out he’s being an ass.”
“I really fucking hope you’re right.” Times like these are when I need Billie to cheer me up, but he went home last night. He was only supposed to stay for a week and he was here for two weeks.
Gee wouldn’t make eye contact when we walked into the venue. By now my hangover has been stewing for a good two hours and I was pissed off from listening to Frank hassle Pru about letting him watch her try on underwear.
So I marched right over to where he was standing with Adam and Matt Sanders, grabbed him by the belt buckle and dragged him out into the cold Canadian air.
“Will you just fucking talk to me already?” I yelled. He crossed his arms over his chest and headed for the bus.
So I threw a snowball at him.
God bless Canada for having snow.
“Did you just throw a snowball at me?” He turned around finally.
“I’m trying to see if you’re still alive or if the little hamster in your head died.” I snapped. “So now will you talk to me? I don’t even get why you’re upset. Billie didn’t touch me and it was a fucking joke. Unless you think I’m the whore of Babylon who fucks every person she meets.”
“I don’t think you’re a slut. It just…really upsets me to think of another guy touching you.”
“It was fricking BILLIE. Do you honestly think he would have done anything with me, knowing that you were on the other side of the door?”
“I was too busy getting pissed off to think that through.” He sighed and ran one hand through his hair. “I’m sorry V. Forgive me?” I held my arms open for him in response.
I’d missed holding him.
Okay, I missed kissing him too.
Which we were currently doing a lot of.
“You guys made up yet?” Pru asked, opening the door. I sighed and turned around.
“Yes, Ms. Cockblocker.” A large amount of dampness hit the back of my head. I turned slowly, pulling chunks of snow out of my hair as I went. “Did you just throw snow at me?”
“Wasn’t me.” Gee smiled innocently.
“Oh it’s on fucker!” I don’t know how it happened, but all the bands were outside pretty fast joining in on our snow war. It was a free for all of snow and it was flying everywhere. I snuck up behind Gee with a handful of snow and an evil plan. I dumped it down his pants and ran, leaving him howling and doing some kind of jig as it melted and slid down his legs.
Pru and Frank looked like they were wrestling in the snow as I ran by. Then Syn threw a snowball at me so I had to stop and retaliate.
Which gave Gee time to catch up with me.
“You think that was funny?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back against his chest.
“I thought it was.” I muttered. His hands were ice cold when they slid under my shirt to squeeze my hips.
Which felt really, really good for some reason.
“Then I hope you think this is really funny.” He slung me over his shoulder and dropped me in a massive snowdrift.
By the end of the night I was sneezing horribly. Gee felt so bad because he was the one who got me completely soaked.
“I’m so sorry babe.” He said when we were going to sleep. I felt like crap so I was going to bed early and he didn’t want to wake me up when he got in.
“It’s not your fault.” I sneezed again.
The next morning I had a full blown cold and I was not happy about it. I didn’t even want to get up but I had a job to do.
“Urgh.” I muttered, taking a couple Sudafed so my sinuses would clear up. “I fucking hate being sick.”
“I don’t think anyone likes it doll.” Pru remarked.
“Oh shut up.” Of course, since I was sick it sounded like, “Oh thud up.”
I walked outside in a very strange outfit: sweatpants, a long sleeve, Gee’s leather jacket and a pair of ratty sneakers.
“Will you please take the night off and rest?” Gee asked.
“No, because then Pru would do the crowd video and I don’t want her in the pit. It’s dangerous down there.” I groaned.
“Pru!” Gee yelled over his shoulder.
“You screamed?” She said, coming up behind him.
“Can we not do a video of the show tonight?” Gee asked.
“Yeah. V, take a break. You’re sick.” Pru moved back as I sneezed again. “Seriously.”
“Fine, fine.” I wheezed.
I was totally intending to watch the show from the side of the stage.
I was not expecting to be handed into the care of Adam and Matt Rubano.
"Cause you're too damn hot to be alone around a group of horny guys." Frank said.
"But I’m around you guys alllll the time." Pru grinned.
"I can babysit Pru. They're not hitting on me.” I said. I sounded half dead and that’s kind of how I felt.
"Oh bull shit V. I'd bet that there are at least two guys on this tour dying to get in your pants." Gee muttered.
“Guilty.” Adam piped up. Matt Rubano raised his hand.
“Okay I see your point babe.” I blew my nose.
"See SHE needs to be babysat, not me." Pru nodded, proud of herself.
“Excuse me. Who got sold for a hundred dollars to Zacky?” I watched her sputter, looking for a response.
"Errrr...ummmm." She trailed off.
"I tried to buy you too." Matt Rubano added.
“As did Frank. So out of the two of us, you need it more.” I was proud of my answer.
Until I sneezed all over the place.
“Oh Jesus.” Adam cringed. “You really are sick.”
“No shit Sherlock.” I growled. “And I’m freezing on top of it.”
“I feel like such a douche.” Gee said, tucking a blanket around me.
“You owe me big time for getting me sick.” I told him.
“Next time we’re in a hotel, I’ll make it up to you.” He kissed my forehead and went to get ready.
“So, do you want to paint our nails first or do our hair?” Adam asked in a really high pitched voice.
“Just shoot me.” I muttered.
“No, cuz then Gee will hunt our asses down.” Matt laughed. “So nails or hair?”
“How about sleep? That sounds really good to me right now.” I felt like someone had hit me with a bus.
I’m a really lousy sick person.