Status: update once a week if possible :)

My Guardian Angel


"Come Christine!" Raoul yelled "We musn't be here when the mob comes after the Phantom!" Raoul grabbed my hand and we ran to the boat. When we got to the boat Raoul helped me get in."Raoul wait." I said as I got back out of the boat and ran back through the underground cave.

"Christine no!" Raoul yelled after me. I ran back to the Phantom's twisted underground world of darkness and found him sitting in front of his desk. He was holding a toy monkey with symbols attached to the hand playing a song that sounded familiar but I couldn't quiet remember what. Before I emerged from the shadow I heard the Phantom sing to the music the monkey was playing, it was 'Masquerade'. I stayed in the shadows and listened to the sweet voice of my tutor and old friend, when he was finished I slowly walked out of the shadows. The moment he saw me he never took his tear filled eyes off of me."Christine I love you." He said softly

I looked down at the ring on my finger and took it off, I looked at it for a while before I gently placed it in the Phantom's hand. Tears formed in his eyes then rolled down his face, I started to walk away then took one last look at my guide and guardian before I ran back to Raoul in the boat. Raoul helped me into the boat then picked up the oar at the floor of the boat and started to row away from the underground world of darkness. As we rowed away I looked back to see my angel of music looking at me, I held his gaze for a few moments then broke it and looked towards Raoul as I held onto his arm tightly.

~Phantom's P.O.V~

"I will always love you Christine." I whispered to the boat carrying Raoul and Christine. Then as if she heard me Christine turned and looked at me from the boat. I could only hold her gaze for a few moments before she turned and looked at Raoul. As they disappeared into the fog of the lake I heard the mob getting closer; the rage from my beloved leaving me boiled over. I grabbed the nearest object sitting around and unmasked the dusty mirrors, then hit the mirror with the object. I felt a sense of great disapointment when only large cracks were visable on the mirror. I went to the next mirror and the same thing happened, only crackes. Then finally I got to the third mirror it gave away and a small hole appeared instead of large cracks, I looked around to make sure nobody could see me. Then I made the hole bigger with another blow from the object in my hand, soon it was big enough for me to walk through. I looked around one final time before I walked through the secret escape route and let the blanket drift back down over the mirror.


~Christine's P.O.V~

"Raoul did we do the right thing?" I asked guiltily

"Yes Christine, he told us to leave him." Raoul said, he pulled me closer to him on the carriage bench and kissed me passionately.

"But the mob-" I started

"The Phantom is okay to take care of himself." Raoul reassured me

"If you believe so." I smiled weakly then looked out of the window of the carriage.

"I do." Raoul grabbed my hand "Now we can start our lives together without that pesky Phantom."

"Raoul he was my angel of music how can you say that!"

"Christine he was holding you back." Raoul said as he let go of my hand. I just looked out of the carriage window again as a single tear escaped from my eye.

~2 months later~

It has been two months since news of my angel's death was brought to my attention, I got the horrid news the day Raoul bought me a replacement ring for the one my angel ripped from my necklace. When Meg told me that the Phantom had burned to death in the Opera Populaire I had wanted to cry, but I couldn't because Raoul was watching my face for a reaction. That night I cried late into to night after I was sure Raoul's cousin Maggie had gone to sleep and couldn't check on me in my room in her small vacation cottage not far from the Opera house. Since I couldn't stay with Raoul his cousin Maggie had oh so genorously been forced to take me in for a week before Raoul and I would run away and elope. When I had finally gone to sleep that night I had had the most realistic and strange dream.


"Christine." I heard a man whisper right when I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked around my small room. My attention was drawn to the door leading to the balcony outside my room right next to my bed, it was open and letting a light breeze in and the white curtains where dancing with the wind. I cautiosly got out of the bed and went over to the doors and stuck my head out to see if anything was there or if the voice was just my imagination. At first I saw nothing then something
moved in the darkness of the night. "Who is there?" I asked into the darkness nervously

"Christine follow me." I heard the same voice whisper almost too quiet to hear.

"Who are you?"

"I am your angel of music." The familiar voice of my angel louder this time but only slightly above a whisper

"Angel!" I said excitedly "I thought you were dead!"

"Your angel will never die." He held up a gloved hand towards me and I took it as he helped me down the stairs of the balcony. "Come, my carriage is not too far from here."

I ran through the night with my angel by my side, he took me to his carriage and we rode to the Opera Populair. "Angel what are we doing here?" I asked as I looked at the Opera house, a shadow of its former breath taking self.

"I want you to sing for me one last time before I have to go away forever." He said sweetly

"But Angel you can't go!" I said as I felt the sting of tears forming in my eyes

"Christine everyone thinks I am dead, so I must leave."

It grew silent as we walked into the burned entrance that had blackened from the fire, as we walked farther we started to see the occasional small scrap
of burned clothes or a torched shoe. We walked past the dressing rooms for Piangi and myself and they were in ruins I thought we wouldn't be able to go through the small hallway but my angel led me as we and turned left down a dark hallway that lead to the back of the stage, also in horrible ruins. When we got back stage I looked around at the destroyed props for the last play in the opera house, 'Don Juan Triumphant', all the memories flooded back to me and I thought I was going to faint. I pushed past it and and got onto what was left of the stage, I didn't realized my Angel had left until I looked out at the crashed chandelier in the middle of the room and burnt seats when I saw my angel sitting right in the center seat of the first row, I guess because his usual seat of box five had fallen and shattered from the impact of hitting the floor. I took a deep breath as I thought of a song to sing, then it hit me I knew the perfect song to sing.

"Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye
Remember me once in a while please propmise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me...

We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember, stop and think of me

Think of all the things we've shared and seen
Don't think about the way things might have been

Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned
Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind

Recall those days. Look back on all those times.
Think of things we'll never do
There will never be a day when I don't think of you

Flowers fade the fruits of summer fade
They have their seasons so do we
But please promise me, that sometimes you will think of me!" My angel smiled at my choice of song

"I love you Angel."

"I love you too Christine."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first POTO story I hope any poto phan out there enjoys this story/chapter. ^.^