What Are the Odds?

Shouldn't Have Happened

“Zaynah, he’s talking to me.” I said.

Zaynah cleared her throat and signaled towards Ashley.

My eyes widened she was sitting next to Ashley Purdy, I couldn’t believe it. Zaynah loves Ashley. She then signaled towards Christian, I couldn’t believe my eyes, Christian Coma was sitting in front of me.

“You okay chick?” CC asked “you sort of fainted on us ha.”

“Uhh- uhh” is all I could managed to get out.

“She loves you dude, she’s star struck.” Andy said. The van then started moving.

“Fan-girl?” he asked me. I turned to see if Zaynah could help but she was talking to Ashley. I couldn’t ruin this for her I thought.

“Y-yes.” I managed to say. Fuck I’m such an idiot I thought.

“we have lots of fan-girls, don’t be so shy” Jinxx said.

I looked over to him and smiled.

“your friend seems like she’s not shy.” Jake added.

I turned to see her still talking to Ashley. Why couldn’t I just talk like that CC.

“I’m sorry, what’s your name? April was it?” Andy asked.

“Uhh yes.” I answered.

“Hi. I’m Andy, but you must already know that.” he said

I laughed, “haha yea, and that’s Jinxx, Jake, Ashley and Chisrtian.”

“She saved you for last CC.” Jake joked. CC just smiled and laughed.

“Obviously they have favorites.” Jinxx said.

“She loves me obviously guys” Ashley interrupted.

“Obviously April loves CC” Andy said “I thought she might love Jake though to be honest.”

“Don’t take this from me Andy!” CC joked. I don’t think I have a say in this apparently. Suddenly I felt car sick, like I was about to throw up all the food I ate.

“hey, you okay?” CC asked. I opened my mouth to answer but instead I vomited all over the chair where CC was sitting at. Smooth I thought.

“fuck!” CC yelled
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This is a collaboration story. We each do every other chapter.