‹ Prequel: A Crimescene

How I Came To Be

The end

This time he would phone
But the groans weren’t pleasure
And false ecstasy
But they were scorn
They were suicide

He’d decided that it should end
She had decided that one man wasn’t enough
He wanted it over
She wanted his emotions

They talked through friendly mediators
Each confused about the situation

Their wrists red raw and bleeding
Their minds set on release

Friends are true angels
The only reason they might not be
Is because we can’t see their wings

They both nearly died that night

It was certainly over for Melekai and his Dark Queen

Over time he got over her, and her kind. He knew that it was wrong with how he acted. He knew it was foolish of him to think a relationship started on such terms could continue. In time he heard of the darkness, and he embraced it; this darkness wasn’t unclean like that which he had previously encountered, but this was his awakening.
His journal appeared, his crosses disappeared, in their place appeared dragons, the Norse, and warnings. He had begun, he found out what he wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
The real key turn.