‹ Prequel: One Life To Live
Status: Going slow because I am busy with other works but will try to update ASAP!

Two Lives As One

A Day in the Life

It's the middle of the day at the Capra house, and instead of its usual emptiness, Paul, Dad, and I were sitting around the table while Ma made broccoli rabe - one of my favorites. Mel was at school during the day and she told me she had plans afterward. Although she didn't specify what the "plans" were. If I had to guess, it'd be that she was going Christmas shopping again with Bethany Lynn. I had already bought a few presents for Mel a while ago, and I've been paying Enrique - one of our men - to spy on Mel while she shopped just to get a good idea of what she wanted. Not that Mel had any idea about that. I smiled. Enrique had a lot of fun sneaking up on the girls and had a few funny stories that he told me. Enrique also said that it was pretty obvious when Mel liked something. She wouldn't waste any time. The first thing she'd check was the price, and he said her eyes went wide most of the time, and she'd set the item back down in disappointment. I knew Mel couldn't afford to buy me all sorts of presents and I didn't expect her to. But, that didn't mean I couldn't buy her whatever she wanted and more.

Even though I was paying Enrique to do my bidding, he was also getting paid extra this week because of Christmas. Dad had postponed our men for the rest of the week because of the holidays coming up and the last thing we all wanted was to get into it with other clans. Even though they had off, Dad still paid them. A big perk for guys who had families and want to get their wives and children nice presents for Christmas. You could say Enrique and the other guys were paid pretty good - $45,000 or more a year. It wasn't like Dad had an infinite bank account, but he managed to give them a higher check every year on Christmas week. I had to admit it - Dad was a good man when he wanted to be.

"Paul, does Kat have plans over Christmas?" Ma asked, tossing the steaming noodles into a bowl.

He was slouched against the back of the dining room chair texting on his phone. "She's goin' to Long Island to visit her family."

Ma paused with her stirring, and turned to us, her face sullen. "Oh, really? I'd already bought her a couple presents - you'll have to give them to before, mmm?"

He nodded, not bothering to look up.

Off the cuff, she added, "Oh, and Lance, I've gotten things for Melanie too. Do you know if she's free?"

"Yeah, she's free for Christmas."

"She's not going back to Minnesota? Or her family isn't coming here?" Ma inquired in her snooping voice.

"Naw. She hasn't talked to them in a while, Ma."

"That's unfortunate." Ma said with disdain. "Especially after her mother died. I think she should spend the day with us, Lance. Get her back to family orientated Christmases. She could even go to mass with us-"

"Ma, I don't even know if she's that religious. Plus, the whole day with us? She's got friends that want to see her on Christmas, too," I added, thinking of Freddie and Bethany Lynn.

"Oh, Lance - mass is very common in families on Christmas. I'm sure she's used to going. And even if she isn't, it would just be nice to have her around. She's so delightful all the time. And it keeps you boys in check - especially your father." Ma rolled her eyes at Dad.

Dad, who was trying to ignore us, peered up at her from his paper. "Me? It's the kids you had that cause all the trouble 'round here."

"Oh, the kids I had? Very funny, Xavier. If I remember correctly, you had something to do with them being born." She twirled her finger in the air like she always did when she was trying to make a point.

I sighed. Conversation frequently went in this direction.

"Baby, I only did what you wanted me to do," Dad explained, a grin on his face.

I rubbed my temples in consternation. Ma crossed her arms, giving him her signature glare. Dad never broke eye contact with her as he set his newspaper and glasses down. He pushed his chair back and went to stand in front of her, his hands on her waist. Ma sputtered, and he kissed her on the lips for more than what was necessary for us kids to see.

"Jesus," Paul commented, shielding his eyes.

Dad broke away from Ma. "Paul, if you're still kissin' your woman like this when you're fifty, I'll be givin' you props, boy."

Paul lifted his eyebrow, amused. Ma pushed Dad off of her, wagging a single finger at him. "You want your broccoli rabe cold? I didn't think so. Now shoo."

Dad wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Later then, mio caro."

She went back to the counter, and waved her hand dismissively. "We'll see."


I was sitting in my green convertible stewing over whether or not I was going to go to my Aunt Elisa's for Christmas this year. Ever since a month or so ago, I haven't been on speaking terms with that side of my family. Not only that, but I've lost some of my friends in this whole ordeal, too. All over a woman. A gorgeous, intelligent woman that I'd cared for, sure, but in all honesty, was she really worth it? More to the point, how was I going to get back at her? How was I going to make up for all the lost time and bruised feelings that I'd earned in my discretions with her? Hadn't she just used me to kindle with her own misery? I took a toothpick from my headboard and stuck it in my mouth. And to see that filth Capra so in love with her, now. I didn't take her away from him, I made them closer than ever.

Pissed, I punched my gas pedal around the corner spooking a crowd of working class citizens jaywalking into the street when there is clearly a STOP sign cautioning them from passing.

There was nothing I hated more than the dumbass people in this city.


I fiddled with a pair of Betsey Johnson bikini bottoms that were incredibly delightful in their pastel flowery design. I sighed at the sight of the women surrounding the racks, selectively picking through each pair of shorts and halter tops to find that perfect size of two, or four. They most likely had memberships at the YMCA so they could actually use their newly bought swimsuits. Or, I mused as an expert bargainer, getting an extra 50% off because it was out of season. Now that I respected.

I was here with Bethany Lynn, of course, who I still haven't opened up to about my gift buying dilemma. I clucked my tongue against my teeth. Christmas was just a few days away and damn, was I nervous. This shouldn't be this difficult! I wanted my gift to him to be personal, but I had a hard time thinking clothes from a store could be personal. Maybe I was thinking in the wrong frame of mind.

Bethany came back grinning in a pair of Okeley aviator sunglasses that made her look as if she was born in the seventies. I had to chuckle. I gave her a thumbs up. She laughed. "I saw these, and I had to. What do you think Freddie will think of them, Melly?"

"Are they for him, or you?" I asked, smiling.

"Well," Bethany started, biting her lip mischieviously, "a girl's got to buy some presents for herself, too right?"

"Right," I winked. "I'm thinking he's going to love 'em on you, babe."

"Great! Now, where were we off to? Sephora?" She questioned, bringing her finger up to touch her bottom lip, while swinging her bag in her left hand.

"Um, yeah." Well, it was now or never. "Beth?"

She turned to me. "Yeah?"

"I'm trying to find a gift for, ah, Lance." I gauged her reaction - it wasn't a pleasant one. Her mouth set in a displeased frown, but she didn't say anything. "And I'm having a real hard time. Do you think you could help a friend in need?" I mentally crossed my fingers.

She took a deep breath, and tapped her high heels against the linoleum floor. "You know I'm not fond of him, Melly." She hesitated, and then said, "but I'll help you. Because you're my friend and I love you."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Beth. I really appreciate it." Before we walked off, I had to comment on the subject I didn't want to comment on, "And Bethy, I know Lance isn't your favorite person right now, but...it would make me really happy if you could see him the way I do. I was at fault just as much as he was and we've gotten past that whole ordeal and I've forgiven him - as he has me. So, if you could tolerate him and let him earn his respect with you back, it would be one of the best Christmas presents you could give me." I gave her a small, hopeful smile.

She glanced at me with an unsure expression and then finally caved. "Oh gosh, I guess. If it would make you happy, I will, darlin'. I just have a hard time bein' nice to him when he made you feel the way you did."

I nodded, "And I understand that. There was just a lot that went on behind the scenes that you might've not necessarily saw or heard of, mostly because it was tough for me to open up at that time. But, I promise I won't keep anything from you again. Cause I love you."

She smiled and nudged me. "I will admit, Melly, it's real nice to see you happy again. That much I'll give to Lance. He has a way of affecting you. I'm glad it's for the better this time."

"Me too, babe. Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, we got Mel and Bethany rekindling things, Lance and his family being their same old, same old, and...who else? :) Did any of y'all figure it out?
He will be coming up in future chapters causing a bit of a rukus, just a warning. But he won't be the only drama Mel's going to have to deal with!
On that pleasant note, comments are adored.