I Can't Forget What You've Forgotten


Zacky Baker leaned back in the cushioned seat and stared blankly ahead out the large window that was in the hospital room; he sat still, barely moving. He often did this- spending his days in the hospital beside Krystal and staring out the window as he went off in his own world. He only went home at night, when visiting house were over, and he would return several hours later in the morning when he was allowed back in.

He came in with Cassie today, having her begging to come with him. They barely talked, just sitting in silence while she fidgeted and tried to make conversation with the man who refused to talk. He still hasn't told her what it was that he was keeping inside, and she was aching to know - a fuel added that encouraged her to try harder at striking up a conversation.

She gave up after a while, got up and left, deciding on going down to the hospital's cafeteria. She wandered around, trying to kill time until it was nightfall but her trip didn't last long. She soon grew bored and lonely, with Jimmy not picking up his phone; she went towards the elevator and headed back up to Krystal's room.

Zacky tiredly crossed a leg over his knee at the ankle, leaning his head back. He allowed the sunlight glimmering off the metal window pane to hit his eyes, not bothering to cover them up with the dark sunglasses that lay on the top of his head. He can feel the bags starting to form underneath his eyes, worse than ever from all the worry.

Krystal was constantly on his mind- never once did he forget about her. He ate with her on his mind, bathed and rested with her in his head; he constantly dreamt about her- about the day she would come back- if he were ever to get a few hours of sleep in.

His heart raced when he saw a flicker of motion out of the corner of his eyes, and it wasn't the motion of Cassie returning- he wasn't sure if she was even going to come back, but of course she would. He was her ticket back home. His head quickly whipped around the room, glancing to see if anyone else was around.

He shot out of his seat and stood up straight next to the bed, staring down at the girl's body with hopeful eyes. His breathing was barely coming along as he waited impatiently, glancing around every once in a while. When the wait became too much to wait, he ran out of the room and down the hall to find Cassie, who had just emerged from the elevators.

The darkness slowly ceased, and I could see it brighten up enough to be able to see shadows around me. It felt like my eyes wanted to automatically open themselves, but couldn't, due to the fact that it felt like the lining of my lids were glued shut. I told my brain to tell my hands to move but all I could manage to do was let out a twitch; my arms felt numb- almost like they were disconnected from my body. I felt distant from my fingers.

I heard some shuffling and soon, I was surrounded in complete silence. I couldn't process through what just happened, or even where I am. I could only focus on breathing, opening my eyes, and trying to move against the soft materials underneath me.

My eyes slowly began to open, allowing a flash of bright light flood in through the slits. I could already tell that my sense of balance is way off - I could barely feel my legs. My head felt strange and numb - heavy since it felt like I'm unable to move. I still feel tired, as though I can close my eyes and go back to sleep until I've gotten enough sleep again.

I made an attempt to move my head as my eyes wearily glanced around the empty room. My neck was aching with every centimeter it moved, but yet, it felt good to be able to move and stretch something.

I heard loud footsteps coming from outside the room's open door; a boy and girl - both adults - appeared in the doorway, looking breathless and alert. I could feel my eyebrows furrow together as I stared at them, confused as to why they were in here. What business do they have, being in my silent space?

The girl let out a shriek and ran over to me, throwing her arms around my neck as she began to sob. All the while, I kept my gaze on the boy though; something about him seems vaguely familiar but I couldn't recall what. He looked relieved for some reason, smiling straight at me as my eyebrows remained frowning together.

My attention went back to the girl who was now sobbing into my neck, rambling on at about a hundred words per minute. "...Zack told me about everything- I'm so sorry for being angry at you! I shouldn't have ignored you - I should've talked to you when you needed me. Let's forget about this whole thing..." she continued to cry as i began to block her out once again.

I couldn't lift my arms to push her away, and I didn't feel like I had the strength to use my voice and tell her to stop, to tell them to leave me alone.

Who was this 'Zack' person she spoke of- and what did he tell her everything about? Is it that other boy? And since when was she angry and ignored me? I don't know what I did wrong and I doubt she even knows me to begin with. When did I need her? But the part that had me confused the most was when she told me to forget about 'this whole thing'.

The problem is, I don't know what to forget about- I don't have any memory to look back on and forget, or at least, they seemed too good and blissful to even attempt to forget. What is this whole ordeal that I should forget about? What was so tragic?

"Okay Cass, don't kill her again," the boy chuckled, pulling Cass (was that her name?) away from me. I let out a short breath of relief, studying him as he pulled her away. But much to my dislike, the embrace was replaced by his, which was gentler and much more careful than the girl's has been, but it was warm and filled with affection. "I'm so glad to see you awake. I've missed you, Kristy," he whispered into my ear, placing a soft kiss near my ear.

A hot feeling crept onto my cheeks as my brows went back to scrunching up together in confusion, watching as he pulled away, smiling down at me. His eyes were glistening and he seemed to be filled with joy.

Am I missing something here? Are these people just mentally insane?