Status: New chapter whenever I can get one haha

Midnight Transformation

An injury in our ranks

We ran to Quinn's favorite hunting spot, where we knew he would be, Me sprinting ahead and Annabell trailing behind.
"Quinn!" I screamed when we got there, scaring the rabbit he was about to spear, "Oh, thank the gods you're okay!" I covered my mouth, trying not to cry with relief. When their was another gunshot,and a scream of pain. Wait, was that me?
I looked down and saw blood oozing form a gash on my leg, no, that was from a branch i scraped against... So who screamed? I turned around,knowing the answer, and saw blood coming out of a wound on Annabell's leg.
"Gretchen!" I cried, cursing when I remembered I had sent the healert out o get more herbs for medicine. "Quinn, grab my bag, it has some bandages in it."
He handed me the bag quickly, I took off my necklace and put it on the wound, using the bandages to press down on it so I wouldn't get blood on my hands. I willed the Magic that I had stored in the necklace to heal her wound. It complied making the hole in her leg close, and slowly fade into a pink line."thank the gods,"I breathed, I still had a lot more magic than I thought.
Quinn sat down beside me, obviously concerned. I glanced at him, and he had a look of relief that instantly made me feel better.
I grabbed my bag, untied the blood soaked bandages, and threw them into a white trash bag, brought from my time, and grabbed a washcloth, walking to a nearby stream to wet it down and wash away he extra blood on her leg and my necklace. Then I went through the process of waking her up. I waved smelling salts under her nose and she opened her eyes.
"Lucky I had a lot more magic than I thought, or you would've been a goner! You need to replenish your supply ,and because of you, I need to also," I said, hugging her as I yelled.
"You need to go home and rest, And I need to go back to my time and hang up my necklace, I'll take you'res too because there's a full moon tonight.", a said getting up and brushing the pine needles off my dress, "an both of you, be careful tonight, there's something not right in the forest, and someone has an illegal weapon."
I touched my necklace, knowing I only had enough magic to get home, and whispered "Martare" and the magic enveloped me in a shower of glitter. "Bye," I yelled, knowing they would barely be able to hear me, because I was already half way gone and changing clothes.
When I got back into the security of my room, I ran outside and hung the necklaces on the old oak treein my backyard,where they would be bathed in moonlight, and hid them with a quick invisibility spell that any young shifter or fairy could do. I tip toed back up into bed,knowing It was going to be extremely hard to get to sleep, due to me being home about an hour earlier, only a few seconds had passed since I left due to the whole delayed time thing that happens when shifting. I quickly drifted off to sleep,though,knowing I would have to wait a whole 24 hours before going back.
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By the way they have guns so long ago because fairy technology is VERY advanced.
Comments appreciated
and I hope you like the story