Status: New chapter whenever I can get one haha

Midnight Transformation

The Friend,the Enemy,the Love of My Life

I woke up the next day to my alarm clock/radio playing one of my favorite songs and I knew it would be a great day. I got up and fumbled downstairs for breakfast. I poured a bowl of cereal and ate quickly,I rushed back up stairs to get ready for my day.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth then walked into my closet to find clothes that I had forgotten to lay out the night before. I dressed quickly and ran downstairs. I looked at the clock, "Still 20 minutes until I need to leave," I sighed and flopped down in from of the T.V. I had a habit of getting ready too quickly due to me leaving on sudden journeys sometimes-scratch that- a lot of the time.
20 minutes later I was off, I heard my name being called and looked behind me. My two best friends Anna May and Peter. I stopped to let them catch up and fell into step beside them.
"Hey Amy," Anna May said, using the name she's called me since we were little, "I love your boots!"
Peter rolled his eyes and I laughed "Thanks," I replied then looked at Peter " Is that a new shirt?"
"Yeah," Peter smiled, "I got it last night." It was baggy and had a picture of an owl on it, both mine and his favorite animal.
"It has an owl on it and you didn't get me one!" I laughed and poked him in the ribs making him laugh to.
"As a matter of fact, I did," he looked down at me still smiling and poked my arm, "I planned on giving it to you after school, but you ruined the surprise!"
we walked up the school steps and went to our lockers that were right next to each other. I looked at the calendar in mine and realized I had stopped keeping track of the day. "I looked at Peter and Anna May, "What day of the week is it?"
Peter started singing Friday by Rebecca Black and I started clutching my ears, "OK OK I get it! Stop singing!"
Anna May laughed, "You set yourself up for that one," she stated, then slammed her locker door shut, "come on, we'll be late for homeroom."
I grabbed my books and walked down the halls to our homeroom. We walked in and me and Peter took our seats in the back while Anna May had to sit in the front. Me and Peter started passing notes.
"Why did you get me a shirt too?" I scribbled down and slid it across the table we shared.
" I thought you'd like it," he wrote back
I almost bit my lip in disappointment that it wasn't a bigger reason, even though I was glad he didn't know about my crush on him. "What should we do after school?" I passed it over to him resisting the urge to ask if he was doing anything later like a guy who has no good pick up lines.
" I don't know, maybe you and Anna May can come over to my house so I can give you the shirt."
"Okay, we'll have to ask Anna May though.'
We continued like that until the bell rang and we had to part ways. On the way to my English class, I saw the most popular girl in school picking on who seemed to be the new kid.
"Hey Jemma!' I called to the brunette head cheerleader, "leave her alone!" I walked over and stood between Jemma and the new girl.
"Well,well if it isn't Ameranda Loserheart," she said in a cliched tone to go with her cliched insult.
" Leave her alone, she never did anything to you," I said, giving he an angry glare and lifting my arm ready to punch her.
"OK, OK I'll leave her alone!" She backed away glaring at me, probably remembering the last time I hit her, which I did with only a fraction of the power that I can, but I broke her nose anyway.That had cost me a weeks suspension, but is was worth it.
I turned around and helped the raven haired,timid new girl to her feet, "Are you okay?"
She brushed her legs off and took a shaky breath. "I-I think so."
"I'm Ameranda by the way, whats you're name?"
"Apples." Weird name for a teenager, every time I've heard a name like that, it belonged o a fellow shifter.
"Cool name! We better hurry, or we'll be late for class.What do you have?"
She looked down at her schedule "History with Mr.Sweels."
"That's room 103, just go down this hallway and take a left, 3rd door on the right."
"Oh, thanks." We both walked off and the rest of the day was routine.
At the end o the day, me and my friends met up at our lockers. "Anna May," I said, "are fine with going to Peter's house?"
"Yeah, that's fine," she said and put her last book in her locker.
"Great!" Peter said," lets go!
We walked to his house and talked on the way there. Anna May ran ahead for no real reason other than she wanted to run, and me and Peter were alone.
I was tempted to tell him that I liked him, and was about to do it too, but I chickened out.
We walked with an awkward silence until we caught up with Anna May and she gave us a looks, then started talking. I smiled, glad to be rid of the silence.
We walked into the house and me and Anna May threw our bags on the floor and flopped onto the couch while Peter went to his room to drop off his backpack and grab the shirt. He came down with it and handed it to me, and I, being the genius I am, hugged him. I quickly pulled away and blushed. I noticed he was blushing to. Anna May said something about us being a cute couple and I gave her a quick glare as I sat back down.
"Thanks Peter," I said awkwardly, shoving the shirt into my back pack, "it's awesome."
We went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips then grabbed our bags and moved to the dining room to work on our homework. We each had a subject that gave us trouble that the other two could help with, so we did our homework together.
When me and Anna May left,we went to my house for our weekly sleep over, usually I don't shift during our sleepovers, but I was tired of keeping secrets.
We walked into my room and dropped our stuff then went down and ate some pizza. Then we go upstairs and talk and go on the computer, then a few hours later, at around 11:30 she got ready for bed.
"Why aren't you getting ready for bed?" she asked, brushing her hair. I felt sick to my stomach, I wasn't sure how she would react when I told her.
" I have something to tell you," I managed to squeak out. I took a deep breath. "You might want to sit down."
She looked concerned, like I was going to tell her I had cancer or something. I sat down next to her. " I'm going to just come out and say this. Anna May, I'm not human, I something that's known as a shifter."
There was shocked silence, I knew it would be like this. Although, instead of a scared face, she had more of a curious look."Whats that?"she said after a few seconds of the silence piercing the room.
"Basically, every night at midnight, unless I take a special herb like I do during our sleepovers, I travel back in time, and turn into a princess. While I look, act, react, and have similar instincts as a human, I'm not. My instincts, while similar, are more heightened and sensitive than humans, and I have a portion of my brain that controls magic."
She still looked calm and understanding, like she wasn't surprised at all. "I'm really not surprised." she stated, I expected as much,"I wasn't sure what you were, but I knew it was something not human, you always react faster and are more sensitive to different sounds and noises, you always seemed like you've needed to have something in check, I'm assuming that's the magic now, I just have a few questions, first, do your parents know?"
I was surprised that she wasn't surprised, and that she's noticed that much and put it together. "Yes," I replied, "they always have, my mom was a shifter also, before she died."
She nodded like she expected as much, "Also, how do you travel back in time? Some sort of time machine, or is it the magic?"
"The magic."
"How do you use the magic you've stored, and how do you store it?"
I looked at her, "to answer that, I'll be right back." I ran downstairs and out to the backyard. I went to the tree and slipped the necklaces off the branch. I looked at the moon, "it's almost midnight," I whispered to myself.
I walked back inside and up the stairs, necklaces in hand. I sat on the bed, "As soon as I touch this yellow necklace, which is mine, It transfers a small portion of it's magic that it got by hanging from an oak tree under the moon into a small storage space in my brain.The
time to basically charge it is when the moon is full. The other necklace is my friend Annabell's, she's a fairy, so she doesn't shift, she just uses magic. I had to bring hers home with me and charge t because both mine and her necklaces were used completely when she got shot in the leg with a gun that could only be brought to that time by another shifter.I had to help her heal the wound"
She gave me a look, she looked like she was thinking, "so shifters can bring things in between there two times?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Can you bring a camera and take a picture of your dress?"
I had to laugh, she could be such a girl sometimes! "Sure."
"and one more question, can I watch you shift, at least for the part in this time?"
"sure," I knew it wasn't invisible to other people, I've set up a video camera to test that.
I had a matter of seconds left, " I have to go now, I'll be back in a matter of minutes though, it only puts me about 20 seconds after I leave when I shift back, I'll explain better later." I stood stock still, touched my necklace grabbed a camera, and made sure I had Annabell's necklace safely in my hand, and whispered, just loud enough for Anna May to hear, "Mortare," and I saw the pink tendrils of magic swirling around me, mostly around my clothes, but enough around my head to move my air with their soft breeze.
And then, the magic was gone, and there was a girl my age standing in the meadow with me in a purple dress. It was Apples.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it's been so long since my last post! I had a little bit of writers block... but I'm back now! I know only a couple people read this, but that's okay. I made it long to make up for lost time. by the way, to clear any confusion, Martare means return in the language of magic and Mortare is travel.
owl shirt:
School outfit for this chapter:
Ameranda's princess dress:
Apples princess dress: