Photographs of Graves

An Epilogue for the Author

To anyone who still is subscribed and active here,

I'm impressed! As you all know, I fell out of using Mibba regularly 3 years ago - or, if we want to be honest about it based on my update schedule, it's probably closer to 4 or 5 years.

As for PoG, I don't think I'll be returning. PoG romanticized some very unhealthy relationship stereotypes in both the parts of Graves and Murphy, and I don't feel comfortable continuing to romanticize those kinds of things. I started because I was also one half of a whole fucked up relationship, so I'm not going to berate my younger self for thinking that it was healthy, but if any younger readers come across this in the future and think that this relationship is a healthy model: Don't. Don't start a relationship in an uneven power dynamic, always keep open communication, and air your problems instead of holding grudges.

However, I'm also here to tell you: Dreams can also come true. I'm 24 now, and I'm a full-time documentary film maker for an international nonprofit. Two days ago, I finished shooting my first longer documentary in Guatemala centered around the generational poverty and gang violence in their poorest areas. I have a contract to go into several more Latin American countries and a couple countries in Africa to complete the series. (And Murphy thought Graves was cool for doing that at 25 - move over, Graves, I'm cooler than you.) I'm also engaged to a man who looks like the lovechild of Adonis and Superman. Dreams really can come true.

I'm also here to tell you not to work yourself to death. I was hellbent on getting where I am now as quickly as I could - and it doesn't work that way, especially if you have mental illness. It wasn't until I was a depressed, penniless college dropout that I started taking care of myself instead of working myself to death, and let me tell you, you DO do better. And that 4.0 you think you need? I graduated college after 6 and a half years with a 2.9 and I'm still getting paid to fly around the world and do what I love. You're going to be okay.

I'm considering coming back to Mibba and writing another story in the near future - something a bit healthier. I won't be able to do daily updates like I did in the beginning, of course - the 40-hour work week life has some downsides - but I miss writing regularly, and I have some ideas in mind if you're interested.

So, to all of you, thank you for your support over the years. This story, despite its more toxic elements, was formative in my career path today, and all of you were part of that. Keep following your dreams. Maybe I'll see some of you soon on the next adventure.

With all my love,
