What Lies Beneath

Just couldn’t shake it

I couldn’t help but giggle as I opened my eyes. Soft warm lips were laying a trail of kisses down my neck. I turned and looked at Sean, who was grinning proudly. I leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips, which he was quick to return. If ever there were a perfect way to wake up, I imagined this was certainly it.

“Mornin,” I said as we finally broke the kiss.

“Ready to get up?”

“Depends,” I smiled, “how long until we have to start working?”

“An hour,” he chuckled, “hence I woke you up.”

“Ah, crafty,” I nodded, “well then, I guess I’m ready… I call dibs on the bathroom.”

I quickly threw off the blankets, and crawled over Sean. He just watched as I grabbed my clothes from my suitcase.

Today felt like a comfortable day, so I just grabbed a simple dress, heals, earrings, and I was set. I wasn’t feeling makeup today, so the world would just have to deal with my face as it was. I hummed to myself as I dressed, I could faintly hear a radio in the distance.

“That was fast,” Sean said, as I excited the washroom, causing me to jump slightly, “you have a pretty voice, you should sing more often.”

I playfully smacked his bum as he walked into the tiny washroom, “I might just start. Be careful what you wish for.”

He took no time at all to get ready, and then we were off to get breakfast. We sat with Jamie, who happily talked away as we ate. It amazed me that he seldom ever ran out of things to talk about; it was a nice trait, something I truly enjoyed about him.

It wasn’t long before the whip was cracked, and we set off to work. Yet another day of tuning and testing. I was surprised to say it, but I was getting a little bored of it. I liked getting to stretch my legs once in a while and do different things at my jobs. But this one was sadly pretty straight forward, everyone had a job… and that was pretty much it.

The guys of Avenged seemed to be more involved today, helping out here and there. After a while Zacky came and joined me.

“How’s everything going, gorgeous?” he smirked

I couldn’t hold back the giggle, as I stuck out my tongue at him childishly, “as well as it can go I suppose. How about you?”

He shrugged, “meh, you know.”

“Ah, yes,” I said sarcastically, “of course.”

It was his turn to chuckle, “there’s just something sexy about a lady playing a guitar… especially when it’s mine.”

I felt a slight jolt in my stomach and a blush rise to my cheeks, “thank you?”

“You’re welcome,” he smiled, “beautiful.”

“So I see the bands helping out with stuff today.”

He nodded, “yup.”

“So… why aren’t you off being helpful?” I smirked.

He gasped in mock offence, “I’m keeping you company, is that not enough for you?”

I pretended to think about it for a second, “I suppose so. You just sit there and look pretty.”

He smiled, and chuckled. Though as soon as he looked past me his smile dropped to a slightly confused look.

I followed his gaze to see Sean, who looked away quickly when our eyes met. ‘Weird,’ I thought as I looked back over to Zacky, eyebrow raised.

He shrugged, holding up his hands, “I have no idea what that was… but he was defiantly giving us the stink eye before you looked over.”

I just let it go; it was probably one of those macho protective guy things. Something I didn’t care to get involved in, or try to understand. If he wanted to get huffy and weird when I talked to other guys, that was his problem. I had lots of guy friends, and wasn’t going to stop talking to them for anyone. No matter how much I liked Sean, bros before hoes.

“Dudes weird,” Zacky stated, pulling me from my thoughts.

I frowned, “what makes you say that?”

“Just the way he’s been acting. I duno… he just gives me this weird off feeling,” he looked me in the eyes, “ya know?”

I shrugged indifferently. I didn’t think Sean was weird, but he did talk to me and treat me differently then he seemed to with everyone else. Zacky observation made me feel a little uneasy; I now had this weird feeling in my gut. And I just couldn’t shake it.
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Hunters outfit.