Status: Slow but I want to write it damn it! Comment and subscribe!

All the Lights on You

A New Chance At You


“Great rehearsal guys! See you guys tomorrow!” Christine smiled at Ryan watching him dismiss the group in the pit from their practice. She was happy she got to stay and watch, seeing how they were coming along but as well seeing most of her friends in their prime talent wise.

She continued to sit on the edge of the stage with feet dangling into the pit area so she could be away from them but still close enough not to distract them. She had this constant feeling of joy from knowing how excited the group was to work together. Regardless of the issues the past couple days she felt the production was going to happen finally.

She felt a bump under her feet, “Oww. Damn it Christine.”

She looked at Dallon, “Hey, it’s your fault you’re tall.”

He reached up and pulled on her legs bringing her closer to the edge, “Oh well, it you’re fault for getting in my way, shrimp.”

She tried to push back against the stage to not be pulled into the pit but Dallon continued so he could grab her and drop her into the pit. She glared at him as he rested his arm on her head. She loved Dallon; he was a brother she never had in terms of their friendship, the two always pranking each other or teasing one another.

“How’d we sound?”

Christine shrugged with his arm still on her head, “Alright. It’s slowly coming together.”

Ian looked back at them, “We’d be farther if Ryan and Amanda could stop arguing over the music.”

Christine laughed, “Yeah, they always fight and always will.”

“Oh, what do we have here?” Christine looked over where Dallon was looking and could see Spencer with her friend Kelsey, “Oh, the drummer getting it on with the cellist. That’s hot.”

Christine chuckled with Ian as he shrugged, “They both have rhythm, it works.”

The three continued to stare at the two talking before Christine started to weave away, “Its awkward watching him flirt. I can’t watch anymore.” She continued to move away trying to get to Ryan who was sitting next to Amanda in front of the small keyboard.

“Ross, its cleaner this way.”

“I’m not going to reprint all of the pieces because one little part sounds cleaner.”

Amanda shook her head standing up, “You asked for my help, I gave it. If you want to waste time keeping shit of a piece then fine. Don’t go asking me to take out my own time to help you if you don’t want it you damn hippie.”

Amanda stormed up out of the pit and Ryan rubbed his temples. “She’s such a bitch.”

Christine rubbed his back, “No she’s not. She does have a point though, you did ask for her help.”

“Do you know how much that will cost?” He snapped and looked up seeing Christine taken back by his tone, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell, I’m just frustrated.”

Christine sat down on the small bench next to him and rested her head on his shoulder, “I can organize another fundraiser. Halloween is coming up.”

“We’re going to have to. Especially after the vandalism.”

“Well, I’ll start planning. Just focus on the music with or without her edits. Just don’t take it out your anger out on her.”

Ryan nodded slightly calming down from his frustration. He didn’t need this right now. He always argued with Amanda. Sure Palmer was talented but she just didn’t get along with him. He tried numerous times to get on her good side but he was sure she didn’t have one.

Now the theatre was going to have to do another fundraiser because he knew the group was going to need Amanda’s edits. He had just wished the vandals hadn’t ruined the sets and light. They could have easily used that money on the new copies. He sighed knowing the crew could get it figured out but Ryan was ready for this production to just come together so money could come in that way instead of the town donating but not seeing anything in happen in return.

“Things will work out.” Christine smiled as she watched Spencer follow Kelsey out of the pit, “So what’s up with Spence and Kelsey?”

Ryan shrugged, “He’s trying to ask her out on a date. I told him to stop being a pussy and go for it. He’s 24; he shouldn’t have a problem asking a girl out on a date.”

“If I remember correctly you didn’t exactly have the courage to ask me either.” Christine chuckled.

“That’s different.” Ryan wrapped his arm around her, “I didn’t know if you liked me or not. He knows she likes him. We all know it.”

Spencer eventually came back to the pit to see Dallon, Ian with Ryan and Christine. He looked a little uneasy with the four staring at him. He slowly jumped down into the pit landing near his drums. Dallon was beaming ear to ear, “So you ask her yet?”

Spencer nodded, “Yeah, this Friday we’re going out.”

Dallon turned to Ian, “Five bucks, man. I told you he’d do it today.”

“Shut up.” Ian sighed taking out his wallet, “He only asked her because you instigated it.”

Christine laughed, “You guys took bets? You dicks.”

Spencer shook his head with a faint smile on his lips. He expected as much from them. Ryan spoke up congratulating him. Christine could see a faint blush on Spencer checks and she jumped over to pinch his cheeks, “Aw, look at you. Finally growing up. In all seriousness, if you need any help planning let me know. I’m probably the one you’d want to talk to. ”

He pulled away from Christine sighing, “Thanks.”

“Psh,” Dallon scoffed, “I’m married. He should come to me for date plans.”

Ian looked in deep thought when he turned to Dallon, “You know how I said they had rhythm so it worked? Do you think when they have sex when they’re dating that Spencer’s moans will be the same pitch as hers?”

Dallon nodded, “Of course, he doesn’t want to be too flat.”

The small group busted out laughing with Spencer groaning, “You guys are such assholes.” He eventually laughed letting showing that the joke hadn’t offended him. He all knew they were his friends and the joked just to mess with him.

Christine turned to Spencer, “You love us and you know it.”

Spencer grabbed his drumsticks before climbing back out of the pit, “I do, but I don’t know why.”

Dallon lunged over a row of chairs, “We still going out for pizza?”

Ryan nodded, “Yeah, hurry your asses up.”

The small remaining group started making their way across the stage to the side stage door. By the time they reached their cars in the back everyone had turned to Christine who was going through her back searching for something. Dallon leaned against his car, “What are you missing?”

“I think I left my script in the theatre, do you guys mind if I run and go get it real quick.”

Ryan offered her the keys, “What me to come with you?”

She took the keys from him, “No, I’ll be alright. I’ll lock up after.”

Christine walked back into the empty theatre and quickly walked across the stage. She found her script near one of the tables backstage. She tucked the highlighted script into her back and slowly walked back towards the exit. She looked over up at the catwalk and froze in the middle of the stage.

He was clear as day, whoever he was. She could see a man on the catwalk with something over his face. He was looking right back at her like a deer in the headlights. Neither of them moved; Christine wondering if she booked it she could reach the catwalk entrance in time if the guy ran or not.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to be there.”

The man ran towards the catwalk exit and Christine ran to catch him, “Hey wait!”

She didn’t know if she should call Ryan or the cops. She ran down the hall and made it to the stairs. She tried the door finding it open with ease. She reached in to flick the light on seeing no one on the stairs up to the catwalk. She stepped back into the hallway when she heard footsteps and continued down to Amanda’s, “Wait. Stop!”

Christine turned the corner seeing Amanda with Brian relaxing against the entrance that connected her house. They turned to see Christine panting, “Did you see anyone?”

Amanda and Brian shook their heads and Brian furred his eyebrows, “Sorry honey. We didn’t. What’s wrong?”

“Someone was on the catwalk. They froze when I did and then they ran.”

The two shifted looks between each other and Brian continued, “Ryan locked up sweetheart. There isn’t anyone here but us.”

Amanda snorted, “Maybe she saw a phantom.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “Don’t put stories in her head! Next thing, she’ll think Brendon Urie is haunting the place.”

Christine shook her head, “Viggy, I’m being serious. I saw someone.”

Brian walked forward, “Go home. I’ll be here with Amanda. We can keep an eye out tonight and make sure no one breaks in and does more damage. Besides, you said yourself this morning you had little sleep. You probably thought you saw something.”

“Christine?” She turned to see Ryan coming up the hallway. “What’s going on?”

She sighed, defeated, “Nothing.”

Amanda pushed off the wall, “Go home Christine. Get some sleep tonight.”

Christine sulked and followed Ryan out, ignoring his questions. She was sure she saw someone up there. There wasn’t any other explanation, he froze when she did and then ran. If only she could have seen his face, though she’d admit the catwalk was pretty far up and she was tired. Not to mention she was one to daydream.

If something else was vandalized by tomorrow she’d know it was someone in there. Though for some reason she didn’t even bother telling Ryan. He hadn’t believed her the last time she thought was someone was up there, he might not now.

Brendon watched Ryan and Christine from one of his secret entrances he’d found about a year ago letting out a sigh of relief. That was too close for comfort for Brendon. Amanda had told him he was fine to go towards the stage. He hadn’t expected Christine to come back to get her script. When he did see her he thought he’d be fine but she had killer eyesight.

He leaned back against the wall thankful for the mask so she couldn’t see his face. Hopefully she’d shrug it off as a ghost encounter. Next time he would wait longer before he came back up to the theatre. He can’t be risked being seen, at least not yet.

Though he’d admit, having Christine see him made him feel calmer then he had expected.

♠ ♠ ♠
So I'll admit, that joke about the pitches was from my friend Willy when he was reading over my shoulder as I was writing. He gave me what I needed and I had to keep it in there. lol

Anyways, thanks so much being so supportive. But do expect more Brendon in the next chapter. We're finally getting somewhere. The funny thing is I have all the later stuff done. So once I get there I can update a lot more.

Please comment and subscribe guys! Thanks so much!