Sequel: We All Fall Down
Status: Updates when possible.

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

And it's screaming "goodbye"

After the night of Homecoming I was extremely exhausted! Luckily, our teachers gave us no homework to work on over the weekend and on top of that it’s a Sunday.

“Hey Lucy, it’s time to get out of bed.” Aunt Kay said once she opened my bedroom curtains.

I groand and pulled the covers over my head to block out the bright light.

“Just a few more hours, please.”

She laughed, “Honey, as much as I wish I could do that myself, you need to get up. Bob invited us to go with him and the boys to Atlantic City. It’s a two hour drive, so just sleep in the car.”

That’s when I shot out of bed.

“Atlantic City? Wait, New Jersey? Who’s going?!”

“Yes, New Jersey and it’s only going to be us and the Dawson’s. We usually do it every year and Bob thought it’s a wonderful time to go now.”

“So, Kara, Jack, Alex”- I was going to name them all until she politely cut me off.

“Are not going. It’s a family event, and as much as we love them, they aren’t invited.”

“But we’re not family with the Dawson’s.”

“Well, I’ve always gone with them, so we’re all sort of one family. Now, get ready. Don’t forget to pack your baithing suit and towel. I got everything else handled.”

“Okay.” I said as she left my room.

I looked over at my clock and read 6:57 am. We have to leave so early in the morning? The sun isn’t up that much, but damn is it bright today!

I sighed and crawled out of bed. I changed into comfortable clothes for the trip and packed my baithing suit and towel in a beach bag. I then went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.

When I finished brushing them I leaned down and spit out everything and washed my mouth out with water. I spit out the water and turned off the sink. I then wiped my face with a towel to dry it off. After setting the towel down I turned around and almost had a heart attack.

I screamed my lungs off as I saw Alex’s body standing in the doorway. I fell to the floor and started to calm down. Alex just stood there wide eyed, and trying his hardest not to laugh at me.

Once my breathing was back to normal I glared over at him.

“Thanks asshole, next time knock.”

He smiled and came over to help me up, which I gladly took.

“You know, it’s not nice to be calling your boyfriend an asshole.” He said as he held my waist, pushing me against my bathroom counter.

I smirked, “It’s also not nice to scare your girlfriend shitless.”

He sighed, but kept that smile that I love on his face, “You’re right. Will you forgive me?”

“I don’t know? You tell me.”

He started giving me a puppy dog pout and I couldn’t help but smile because it was too damn cute! I giggled and leaned forward and kiss his lips.

I pulled away slightly where our lips were still touching but I could still talk.

“I forgive you.” I said against his lips.

“Thank you.” He said and then kissed me.

I kissed him back and pulled away. He gave me a confused look but I pushed him away. I took hold of his hand and dragged him out of my bathroom. I made him sit on my bed as I continued to finish packing.

“Why are you up so early?” I asked him.

“I came to say goodbye since I won’t see you all day. Once I go home, I’m going straight to bed. Then I’ll probably mope around all day because we don’t get to spend our first day as boyfriend and girlfriend together.” He pouted.

“Well, that’s awefully sweet of you, but don’t mope around all day. When I get back and hear that’s what you did, I’ll kick your ass. Why don’t you and the guys, including Kara, do stuff today?”

“Fine, I’ll message them all later, but only for you.”

I smiled, “Thank you.”

“Lucy, we’ll be leaving in 5 minutes. So, hurry up and don’t forget to lock the house on your way out.” Aunt Katherine yelled from downstairs.

I sighed and looked over at Alex.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” I said to him as he stood up.

“Yeah, don’t forget I’ll be picking you up from now on.”

“Trust me, I won’t. I’ll just let Rian know later today.”

Alex smiled over at me and then stood up. He grabbed my beach bag and laced our hands together as he led me out of my house. I locked the door behind us and then we started walking towards Rian’s house, where everyone was already in the car waiting on me.

I turned towards Alex and smiled up at him.

“Don’t miss me too much today, alright.” I said while poking his stomach.

He laughed at my touch, “I’ll try, but please don’t poke me again. I’m very ticklish.”

I smirked, “Now, I have something against you.”

Alex’s mouth dropped and then he started giving me a lecture about how if I ever poke him, I’ll regret it because he’ll get me back in the worst way possible. All I did was laugh at his banter.

The car horn honked, making Alex stop talking and sigh.

“Text me when you get there, I want to make sure you’ll be safe. Then text me when you get home, so I can kiss you goodnight.”

I smiled, “I promise. I’ll see you later.”

Alex nodded with a smile and then leaned down to kiss me. I tried my best to savor the feel of his lips against mine, but once he pulled away I knew it was time to go.

“Bye Luc.”

“Bye Alex.” I smiled sadly and then walked towards the car. As I sat down in my seat and buckled up I noticed Chase staring directly at me.

I turned my head, “You know, pictures last a lot longer.”

He rolled his eyes with a smile, “Sorry, I was just trying to picture what Alex has that I don’t.”

“Chase!” Bob, Rian, and Aunt Kay yelled at him.

“What?” he whined.

I laughed as he started getting a lecture from Bob about how rude it is to say that Alex wasn’t enough and that he shouldn’t put his two sense into anyone’s realtionships. It was quite amusing, especially when they said that Chase should learn a few things from Alex if he ever wants to get a girl himself.

This is going to be a long two hours!


To: Lex<3
From: Lucy
Hey Babe! Just thought I’d let you know that we made it to Atlantic City safely. I miss you and wish you were here! Lots of stories to tell you when I get back. The car ride was extremely eventful! XD

I sent the text message to Alex as soon as we set up on the beach. It was honestly the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. I seriously think bringing Alex here soon would be wonderful. Maybe when it’s a lot warmer outside though. Why Bob chose to go in the middle of Fall is beyond me.

“Lucy, have you seen my dad and your aunt?” Rian asked.

I nodded my head, “They said they went to go get changed into their swimwear, what’s up?”

“Nothing, but you said they were going to get changed?”

“Yeah?” I answered hesitently.

“That’s weird because my dad was wearing his trunks in the car and I’m pretty sure your aunt was too.”

I furrowed my eyebrows together, “That is weird…” I paused, “Let’s go check the changing rooms. Maybe they’ll be there.”

He nodded his head and then helped me up from the sand. We walked over to the changing rooms and looked in every stall to find absolutly nothing.

Rian said his dad wasn’t in the boys room and my aunt wasn’t in the girls room. The only room left is the family room, but there’s no way they’d be in there, but I spoke to soon when I heard my aunt giggle and say, “We shouldn’t be doing this. What are we going to tell the kids?”

I looked at Rian with wide eyes and his facial matched mine.We then made a run for it, back towards our beach set up. Why did we just have to hear that?

“I think I’m going to be deaf.” Rian stated as a fact.

“I might have to join you on that. Never will that happen, ever again.”

“Let’s hope not.” He pleaded.

“What are you two going off about?” Chase asked from beside us.

I looked at Rian curiously to see if we should tell him or not. When he didn’t give me a sign he told him himself.

“We overheard Katherine in the family changing room… with dad. We think they might be”-

“Hey guys, you ready to get our beach on?” Bob exclaimed, clapping his hands together as he walked over towards us. Rian immediately shut up, mouthing to his brother that he’ll finish later. We all smiled and started doing whatever was possible to make us not suspicious of anything.

Rian and I walked the boardwalk and went into a few shops to look around, then we went back to the beach and went to the tide pools and looked at all the weird sea earchants. On our way back we noticed that Chase was just sitting there and my aunt and their dad were nowhere to be seen.

“Alright you two, what was it you were saying earlier about Dad and Katherine?”

I looked at Rian to see if he should tell him but instead he nodded towards me to tell him.

I sighed, “We think they might be… intement?” I hope that was the best way of explaining it.

Chase laughed, “You two are ridiculous. There’s no way that’s possible. We’ve lived next to Katherine since Dad and mom divorced. They’ve been friends ever since. Why would they all the sudden start a relationship with each other?”

Rian shrugged, “Well, since Lucy came into the picture Dad and Kat have been with each other a lot. We’ve been going over to each others houses mother than ever two weeks, now it’s like three times a week. Lucy comes over all the time. Plus, dad has been spending a lot of time out of work the past few days. He even said he gets two full weeks off and getting paid for it to!”

“Really?” I asked. This was news to me. “That’s strange because a few days before Homecoming, Aunt Kat said to me that she’s getting two weeks off of work as well.”

“They could have planned it, you know. We could be doing a bunch of things together for the next two weeks. Who knows?”

“I don’t think so. They would’ve told us by now because if we had plans then they wouldn’t interfere with that without telling us.” Rian stated.

“Who exactly has plans?” he kept asking.

“Chase I have a concert in Chicago next Saturday. Plus we have school.” Rian explained to him. I guess that’s what gave Chase the light bulb that went off in his head.

His eyes widened, “What if they are hooking up?”

We both shrugged, but I was the first to answer, “I honestly wouldn’t mind. She deserves to be with someone who won’t screw her over, unlike my so called uncle.”

“Kat was married?” they both asked with shock.

I nodded, “Yeah? She married a guy name Thomas McKnight. They were high school sweethearts and aunt Katherine and him were deeply in love. My dad never approved of him and neither did grandpa or grandma. He said it was just a feeling in his stomach, but aunt Kat thought he was the one. They married right out of high school and all through college. Then by the time I was born they started fighting because she wanted kids and he didn’t. She got over it, but then found out why a few years later. Thomas cheated on her back in high school and knocked up a girl that they knew. He had a kid and would secretely go and see his son and the girl saying he was working. She found out because the girl came up to aunt Kat and explained to her what was going on because she didn’t even know he was married till he saw them out on a dinner date they usually had every Friday night. She thanked the girl and then told Thomas that she knew. Next thing I knew they got a divorce and Aunt Kat surrounded herself with work. It paid off because now she runs all these hotels and is probably richer that Bill Gates himself, yet she doesn’t show it.”

Chase and Rian stared at me with big eyes. They obviously did not know this part of my aunt’s life. At least now they do.

“Wow, I never knew.” Rian said quietly.

“She doesn’t really speak much about it. No one really knows what happened to him actually. After the divorce he just left.”

“Well what do you think is going to happen? We aren’t even sure if they are hooking up, so how about we just stop what we’re saying and go on with the day until this whole consperisy is proven true?” Chase said in a rush. I guess it was because the adults were coming back because next thing I know, I heard my aunt laugh.

“Bob, you I didn’t mean that!” she whined.

He smiled, “Yes you did!”

“It’s his fault though.”

“What are you two talking about?” I said, having enough of what my aunt was doing. I gave her a weird look and she just brushed it off like she wasn’t acting like a giddy school girl.

“Oh nothing”- my aunt was cut off by Bob’s scoff.

“Nothing my ass, she basically just spit her entire drink on a guy because he was flirting up a storm with his girlfriend.”

“It wasn’t my fault. His flirts were too damn halirious because the girl was obviously not interested.”

“So you spit your drink on the guy?”

“I couldn’t contain my laughter.” she shrugged, but then her eyes widened.

“Alright guys time to pack up before that boy comes to find me and yell. Chip, chop! Let’s go!” she yelled at us as she covered her face with a sun hat. We picked up all our stuff and stuffed it in the trunk. Next thing we knew we were heading back to Balitmore.


“You must have pissed that boy off very much if he had the nerve to chase after the car.” I told my aunt as I helped her make dinner. We arrived back at the house earlier than expected. I had called Alex on the phone while we were on the highway. I told him what had happened and all he did was laugh. I told him we’d be home soon but Rian and Chase stole my phone right when I asked if he’d like to join us for dinner.

“Hey Alex, how are you doing? I’m doing great thanks for asking. College is good, life is good, your girlfriend is good…” Chase said mischeiveously.

There was a long pause and I could see the enjoyment on both of their faces. Rian was trying his hardest not to laugh.

“Oh no, that’s not what I meant at all! When I meant your girlfriend is good, I meant that she’s fine, she’s safe. You know? I didn’t mean it in an intimate way.” he said as if it wasn’t what he meant. Luckily Aunt Kay and Bob were pretending not to listen.

“Chase give me my phone back.” I told him calmly.

“Oh alright, Lulu. I’ll give you your phone back… What’s that Alex? You want to speak to her too? Oh, alright.” he said cheerfully as Rian took the phone next with a devilish glint in his eye. He coughed like he was about to say something very intelligent but as soon as words came out of his mouth –attempting to sound like a girl- we were all misjudged.

“Alex, you’re so sweet and so charming. You were such a pig when I met you, but I’m so glad you’ve changed. That Lisa girl, was so ugly but I’m so glad you chose me because we’d make cuter babies…! Shoot, I’ve said too much. Well, there’s no harm in telling you now. Alex, when we get older I want a big wedding! Then I’ll watch you live out your dream with your best friends. Including the sexy drummer friend we know as Rian. He’s gorgeous. His hair, oh, my god. And those eyes! Oh and don’t forget that dashing white smile that all the girls will swoon over. Then when we decide to settle down and have children I want two. A boy and a girl. The boy will be named Alexander Jr and the girl will be named after your mother. Oh, Alex. I love you so much! Kiss me!” he yelled at the end and started making kissing noises.

That’s when I took my phone away since both boys were too distracted.

“Hey Alex, sorry about that. I’ll see you tomorrow. If not, it’s because I’ll be in jail for murdering my neighbors. Bail me out if you can. Love you! Bye!” and then I hung up.

Except after the call, I then realized that I had told Alex I love him. Now, I’m scared and I’m freaking out inside because even Rian and Chase stared at me wide eyed after I hung up. God, I’m such a fuck up.

“Probably, but who knows.” she shrugged.

“Yeah I guess, he did look upset though. I still can’t believe you did that.” I laughed.

She started laughing to, but we were interupted by Bob.

“Hello ladies, I see you two are enjoying time. Lulu, is it alright if I speak to your Aunt?” he asked me. I swear I even saw something flash in his eyes. Was that a sparkle?

“Dinner’s done anyway. Lucy, go get the boys, they’re in the living room. Bob can you help me get the plates and everything out?”

“Yeah sure.” he smiled as I just left the room.

When I went into the living room the boys weren’t even there. I decided to go back to the kitchen to tell them, but as soon as I saw what was going on I rushed straight to the basement. When I caught site of the boys I tackled them both.

“Whoa! What’s going on?” Rian asked with a chuckle.

I shivered and he instantly went into protective mode. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“Kissing… make out… old people… kitchen… I think I’m going to puke.” I said in a sickly voice.

“Wait, are you saying you just saw Kat and my dad in your kitchen making out and now you think you’re going to puke?” he asked, hoping that’s what I said.

I nodded quickly and Chase started laughing.

“Well, it looks like you guys were right. Time to confront them.” Chase said like it was nothing.

“No!” I yelled.

“Why?” he asked.

“They would’ve told us by now. Give them time, let’s not embarrass them. Okay?”

“Embarrass our gaudians. I like the sound of that. Let’s go!”

Before he took off I tackled him next. We wrestled on the ground yelling at each other. When we knocked over a lamp, my aunt came running down the basement stairs.

“What in the world are you two doing?”

“Uhh…” we both said as we took in the position we were at. Chase was on top of me while I was underneith him. He straddled my waist and had my arms pinned above my head. Oh, my god this must look awkward.

“Chase get off my neice now. All of you, upstaris now. I don’t even want to know what was going on anymore.”

All three of us got up. Mine and Chase’s face were red as a tomatoe and we walked past Aunt Katherine with shame. But of course Chase had to say somehting.

“Sorry about the lamp Katherine. We sort of weren’t watching where we were wrestling and hit the table. It just fell. I promise to replace it.”

She sighed, “You don’t have to replace it. It’s fine, really. I was thinking about re-doing the basement living room anyway. But please, don’t wrestle Lucy again.”

He laughed, “She strarted it, I swear!”

“Hey!” I said. That was really offensive, even though it was true.

“Oh shush, and sit down. Bob and I want to tell you guys something.”

I turned around and went straight to the dining room table and took my seat next to Rian. I gave him the ‘I-know-something-you-don’t-know’ look and his eyes were curious. When Aunt Kay and Chase took their seats. That’s when the talking began.

“Boys, Lucy; Katherine and I would like to tell you something.” he said seriously. When we didn’t say anything Aunt Kay and Bob smiled and held each others hands. Here it comes!

“We want you three to know that we’ve been dating for the past two months.”

“Two months?!” I said out loud. I didn’t know it was that long! “You two have been together for two months and just now decide to tell us? Oh, my god. Rian and I didn’t even figure it out today!”

“You two found out today? What do you mean?” Bob asked with a confused look.

That shut me up, I looked at Rian for help and he jumped right in.

“When we were at the beach we heard you two in the changing room. It was nothing too intiment if that’s what you two were doing, but we heard Kat giggle and say that you two shouldn’t be doing that and asked how to tell us. That’s basically it, but when we told Chase he said to prove it, and I guess just a few minutes ago Lulu saw you two sucking face and came to us and almost puked because she saw old people kissing.”

“Old people kissing, Lucy, did you really say that?” Aunt Kay asked me. My faced dropped and I looked away and didn’t answer. I heard her start to laugh and then Bob started laughing.

“You guys that isn’t funny! I was confused, shocked, and I freaked out. Now stop laughing before I die of embarrassment!” I whined into Rian’s shoulder.

“No, dear, it’s fine. We promise we won’t laugh anymore… but on a serious matter, are you three okay with this.”

We all looked at each other and then back towards our gaurdians.

“I’m okay with it.” Rian smiled.

“Same here. I’m happy if you’re happy, Aunt Katherine. You deserve it.”

“Thank you, Lulu.”

“What about you Chase?” Robert asked his oldest son.

He was quiet as he stared at both the adults sitting across from him. Then he smiled, “I’m all for you two hooking up and getting hitched! That’d be awesome!”

Oh wow. He would say that. I thought as I watched the conversation go down.

“Well, we aren’t thinking about marriage yet, but we’ve talked about it. We think it’d be nice, but we’ve only known each other for so long and dated for two months. And on top of that, Rian and Lucy are about to graduate. So, we’re going to take it easy right about now.”

“So you two are hoping to get married?” Rian asked.

They both nodded and I watched as my aunt glowed with happiness.

“We are, but not till we feel like everything is all settled and we know the time is right. Maybe in two years, but for now it’s just going to be him and I.”

We all smiled, but I was the one who decided to comment after that.

“Aunt Kay, I haven’t seen you this happy in such a long time.”

“I haven’t seen you this happy either. I guess after everything that’s been going down, we all found what was right in front of us.”

Aunt Katherine looked over at Robert with loving eyes, “I think I finally fell in love with my best friend.”

“I think I fell in love with mine too.” They then leaned in and was about to kiss each other, but I quickly covered my eyes and yelled, “My virgin eyes! My beautiful virgin eyes!”

“Please Lucy, we all know they aren’t so virgin.” Chase laughed.

“Hey, not in front of the elderly! They aren’t supposed to know that their children are sexually active!”

Aunt Kay laughed, “If you keep calling us old, we might as well treat you like a bunch of children.”

My face dropped, “No, I’m good. I hope you two are happy with each other and hopefully the marriage is a good one. Don’t forget to send me an invitation!”

They all laughed and I looked around and saw the happiness in everyone’s features.

When dinner was over, we sent Bob and Aunt Katherine out on a date, since we didn’t really want to see the mussiness of the old people relationship; we sent them out. After a while of us three sitting in the movie theatre, just watching everything possible, Chase decided to speak up.

“You know it’s going to be nice having a hot step-mother… and a hot step-sister.” I looked at him with my mouth dropped and luckily since Rian was sitting next to him, he hit him upside the head. Then when we got up to go do something else, I hit him upside the head as well.

Got to love him, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I have mostly everything done. Just need one more chapter to write and then I'm finished :D Plus there's the re-reading for errors and then the actual posting. And creating outfits. I told you that I'd work on it while I was on vacation :3
I worked hard for you guys!

This is just a filler, so I hope it makes up for some lost time.

haha, Love you guys. Please comment (: I miss hearing from you all!

<3, Jenna
