Sequel: We All Fall Down
Status: Updates when possible.

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Vaulted away inside my head

“Lucy! Dinner’s ready!” My aunt called.

It’s been three weeks since I arrived in Baltimore and most of it has been spent with me in the house. It’s a Friday night and Monday I’ll be starting school, something I use to look forward to but now I could care less. I have no friends, no excitement, no car, nothing. I left that all behind in Atlanta, Georgia; the place where my life was, my happiness. I sighed to myself and finally got up from my very comfortable bed. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the dining room.

When I got there and saw another family I stood there confused. The only person that noticed my entrance was the older male. “Am I in the right house?” I asked out loud looking around. I heard my aunt and the man laugh then the two who haven’t noticed me turned around. They looked exactly the same except one of them looked a few years older. Now I’m incredibly confused.

“Lucy, come sit down.” My aunt gestured for me to sit. I obey and sat down in the seat next to her, away from the others. “Lulu, these are the Dawson’s. This is Bob…” she pointed to the oldest man, “And these are his sons Chase and Rian…” she pointed to the young boys. “Chase is in college and Rian is in your grade.” She added.

“Okay…?” I trailed, “What are they doing here? You’re not getting rid of me are you?” I asked with concern.

“No! You’re not going anywhere; they’re just here for dinner. I invited them over to have dinner with us. And so you’d at least be comfortable knowing someone when you go to school.” She said calmly.

“Oh, sorry.” I spoke softly.

“It’s okay, dear. I understand…” she paused there was an awkward silence so I took the opportunity to say something. “Awkward…” I sang. Well, more like pointing out the obvious. After I said that the awkwardness went away and everyone has a small smile on their faces. “Well, now that the tensions gone, what’s for dinner?” I asked.

“Spaghetti and meatballs.” My aunt said proudly.

“Oh my favorite.”

“They’re not as good as your mothers but I try.” She laughed and I smiled. She left the room to go get the food and I sat there waiting. The three men in front of me just stared at me. I smirked and said, “Would you like a picture, they last longer.” That comment got Bob and Chase to smile but Rian chuckled.

“So, Lucy, is it?” Bob asked.

“Yes…” I trailed.

“How do you like Baltimore? Your aunt told us that you use to live in Atlanta.”

“Yes, I did live in Atlanta and I don’t really have an opinion of this place. I haven’t really been outside of the house since I got here.”

“Why’s that?” he asked.

Because I’m afraid of what I’d come home to. I thought.

“There’s not much for me to do.” I shrugged.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty to do after tonight.” He said.

“How would you know that?”

He smiled, “You and your aunt are allowed over at our house anytime. You don’t even need to call to say your coming. Our door is always unlocked for the both of you.” After he said that I couldn’t help but laugh. When I calmed down he stared at me like I was insane.

“Sorry, it’s just you barely even know me and you trust me. I know you’ve known my aunt for who knows how long but, you’re already allowing me to do the same. For all you know I could be a serial killer.”

“But she’s not so you can trust her as much as you trust me.” My aunt said as she placed the spaghetti on the table. I laughed, “Thanks for ruining my fun Aunt Kay.”

“No problem, Lucy.” She winked. “Well, dig in.” she said as we started scooping food onto our plates. We ate silently, my plate half way finished. Then Chase asked, “You’re not really a serial killer are you?”

I smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

He laughed, “Well, I’m leaving for college Sunday and I’d like to know that I wouldn’t be coming home finding them all dead.” The smile on my face fell as he said those words. They hurt more then I thought it would. It’s not like I knew he’d say that but it still hurts to know. I felt a sting in my eyes and said, “Excuse me…”

I rushed quickly to my room. With no one calling after me but I heard Chase question, “What did I say wrong?”

I shut the door to my room and collapsed onto my bed putting my face into my pillow and crying softly. It hurt to know my parents were gone; they left and it was because of me. If I didn’t leave my window open I wouldn’t be here right now crying. I would still be at home probably having a Ben and Jerry’s night with Brooke. I’d be going shopping with my mom and playing video games with my dad. I miss them so much. It’s my own fault, why did I have to go to that stupid party? God, I’m so stupid!

When I finally composed myself I went to my bathroom and splashed some water onto my face. I didn’t care if I looked like I’ve been crying; it really wasn’t Chase’s fault for what he said. I knew he was joking but it was just the things that happened only weeks ago that hit me hard. I walked back into the dining room where they were still all seated. I sat in my seat and none of them said a word. I was getting really annoyed with the silence, “If only there was a cricket noise, I bet that would show how quiet this room is.” I softly joked. Rian and Bob smiled but Chase looked like something was bugging him. “It’s fine Chase, it’s not your fault. It just what you said kind of brought back something that I wish I could forget.” I said. My aunt placed her hand on mine and I looked down at it and smiled up at her. “I’m fine; just don’t let it bug you. It’s not your fault, I promise.” I told him.

“I’m sorry Lucy. I really didn’t-”

“Chase, shut up I said it was alright. Now eat this delicious spaghetti my lovely Aunt made for us.” I smiled. He laughed and rolled his eyes, “I’ve already ate two plates.”

“Fatty.” I joked.

“I am not fat, this is all muscle.”

“Whatever floats your boat.” I laughed.

“Who wants desert?” My aunt asked.

“I do!” we all cheered.

“Alright, Lucy would you like to help me?” she asked.

“Of course.” I smiled. I stood up and grabbed my empty spaghetti plate along with Chase and Rian’s. I walked into the kitchen where Aunt Kay was already at. I placed the dirty plates in the sink and washed my hands.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” My aunt asked.

I dried my hands and sighed, “I’ll be fine. I just wasn’t excepting someone to say something like that. It just hurt…” I looked at the necklace and said, “I miss them so much.”

“I know you do. I miss them too. But Lulu, you shouldn’t blame yourself for it. Even if you didn’t go to that party, who would know what would’ve happened. They would’ve found another way to brake in and you’d be gone too. I’m glad that you’re safe though. Promise me one thing…” she paused, “Promise me that you’ll never run away from your problems.”

I smiled, “I promise.”

“Good, now I suggest we give these men some desert.”

“What are we having anyway?” I asked.

“Apple pie and French vanilla ice cream.” She smiled.

“Yummy!” I cheered. I went to the freezer and pulled out the ice cream as my aunt pulled the pie out of the oven. I grabbed a spoon and a pie knife and we walked into the dining room where the boys where still seated but having a conversation. “And when is this bonfire?” Bob asked.

“It’s tomorrow at the beach.” Rian said.

“And whose idea was it?”

“Alex and Jack’s, it’s just to say goodbye to summer.”

“Who else is going?”

“Zack, Matt, Kara, and I think Lisa.”

“That’s it?”


“Alright, you can go but you have to bring Lucy with you.” He said. I started chocking on my pie. I was coughing uncontrollably and took sips from my water. When I could finally breathe I said, “Why do I have to go?”

“I think it’ll be a great way to make friends before your first day at school. That way you’d go in knowing a few people.”

“Okay… Do I have to go?”

“You don’t have to go, if you don’t want.”

“Okay.” I simply said and started eating my desert. It was silent once again. I looked up and saw that the three men were staring at me…Again. “Yes…?” I asked.

“Do you want to go?” Bob asked.

“If its okay with Rian? I don’t want to go if it makes him feel like I’m intruding.” I said emphasizing the word intruding.

Rian laughed, “Its fine with me. And you won’t be intruding.”

“Okay then I’ll go with.”

“Okay but to warn you. Beware of Alex and Jack.”

“Why? Are they serial killers too?” I joked.

He shook his head a chuckled, “No, they just like to flirt with anything that has two legs. Mostly Alex, Jack might be shy at first.”

“Then they’re in for a big tease.” I smiled evilly.

“Good luck with that.” He smiled.

I shrugged my shoulders and finished off my desert. “What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s 8:37. Why?” My aunt said.

“Crap! I’ll be right back.” I said as I rushed back to my room. Brooke said she’d call me on Skype at 8:30. I got to my room just as I heard the call being made. I quickly sat down and hit answer.

“Took you long enough!” she yelled.

“Sorry, I was eating dinner. My aunt invited the neighbors over. I lost track of time.”

“It’s all good. I forgive you. So, how are you?” she asked.

“Better, but I miss you so freaking much.”

“I miss you too.” She sadly smiled.

“Anyway…” I trailed. “What are you doing this week?”

“Darren is throwing a party tomorrow. Then Sunday I have to put all my school stuff together. There’s not a lot since its senior year. I can’t wait to get out of this freaking school. If only you were walking down the isle with me.”

“I wish I could too. But you know what, forget about that because vacation time is for us lovely ladies and we’ll still have these amazing video calls.”

“Yes, that’s true. What about you? Any plans this week?”

“Uh, yes actually. My neighbor and his friends are having a bonfire tomorrow at the beach and I’m going with. Then I don’t know about Sunday, but Monday I start school.”

“Whoa! Hold on! Your neighbor is a he?!” she asked.

“Yes…?” I became confused.

“Why did you not tell me? Is he cute?”

I laughed, “I just met him tonight. And yes, he’s cute but not my type.”

“Lulu, you don’t have a type.”

“I do too!” I protested.

“Oh really, do you want me to show you the multiple pictures of you and your exes. They look nothing alike and they all have different personalities. Hun, you have no type.”

“Fine, I don’t have a type but I wouldn’t date him because he seems too good of a person. I’d take him as a friend over a boyfriend.”

“So, you’re going to replace me with a guy?” she asked.

“Brooke, no one can replace you. Now, shut up.”

“Hey Lucy.” A male voice said from my doorway.

“Who’s that?” Brooke asked.

“Yeah?” I said as I saw Rian in the doorway.

“Alex and Jack are downstairs.”

“Who’s that?” Brooke said again.

“Why are they here?” I raised an eyebrow.

“They came to my house and when I didn’t answer they called and I told them I was here and were wondering if I wanted to go to the movies. Would you like to come with?” He asked as he moved closer. He leaned down and stared at my laptop and smiled. “Who’s that?!” Brooke yelled. I laughed at her eagerness.

“Brooke this is Rian. He’s my neighbor. Rian this is Brooke. She’s been my best friend since kindergarten.”

“It’s nice to meet you Brooke, but is it okay if I steal Lucy? My friends are downstairs in her foyer waiting for me to go with them to the movies and I want to surprise them with Lucy.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you later Lulu…” She winked. “Oh, and before I forget, use protection!” and then she logged out.

Rian and I both burst out laughing, “I’m so sorry. She really didn’t mean that. She says that to everyone. I swear I don’t know where she gets it from.” I said.

“Its fine, Alex and Jack are just like that. So, do you want to go to the movies with us?” he asked.

“No, I’m good. How about I just show them what they’ll be seeing tomorrow.” I smirked.

“Sounds better, you might even give them a serious case of blue balls.”

“I hope that was some sort of compliment.” I laughed.

“It was.” He smiled.

“Okay, lets go downstairs.” I said as I got out of my seat. Rian walked ahead of me and I followed behind. We walked down the stairs where two other boys I’ve never seen before were standing. One had brown hair and was about the same height as Rian, but really skinny and the other one was super taller, lanky and had skunk hair. They were both very attractive. This is going to be fun.

“Hey guys, this is my neighbor Lucy. She moved here three weeks ago, she’s in our grade and I’m bringing her to the bonfire tomorrow.” Rian said casually. Both boys finally looked over at me and their eyes grew wide and mouths hung open. I bit the inside of my cheek holding the smirk that was about to form on my face. “Lucy this is Alex…” he pointed to the one with brown hair, I looked at him and smiled. His eyes were a gorgeous chocolate color, darker than Rian’s and stood out perfectly. “…and this is Jack.” He pointed to the skunked haired kid. I looked up at him and smiled again. He seemed like a good person. I can’t see him as the type that flirts with every girl. But, I should never let looks deceive me.

“It’s nice to meet the two of you.” I smiled, showing my teeth.

“Pleasure is ours.” Alex smirked.

“Okay, well let’s go.” Rian said.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I said to the new guys. “And Rian is it okay if I come over tomorrow?”

“Remember what my dad said at dinner?”

“The whole thing about me being allowed in your house whenever?”


“He was serious?” I gasped.

He laughed, “Yes, he was. But yeah, come over tomorrow.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Wait, you’re not coming with us?” Jack whined.

“No, I’m going to stay here.”

“I think you should come with us.” Alex suggested.

“I’ll pass. Movies aren’t my thing.” And then I walked away. I turned the corner and stopped in my tracks when I heard Rian cry, “Ow”.

“Dude, why didn’t you tell us your neighbor was a girl?” Jack asked.

“And that she was fucking hot as hell?” Alex added.

“Okay, one I didn’t think it mattered and two, I don’t want you guys messing around with her.”

“Why? Do you like her?” Alex sang.

“Dude, I’m dating Kara and yeah, I like her, as a friend. She’s a pretty cool person. I don’t want you two to hurt her.”

“Okay, I promise.” Jack said.

“Alex…?” Rian said.

“But, she’s hot!”

“What about Lisa? Aren’t you dating her?”

“It’s just a fling. Nothing’s serious between us. So, can I?” he begged.

“No, Alex. She’s not a toy. She doesn’t act like the girls your always with. So, as hard as you try, she won’t give in.”

“Please, no one can resist the sexy Alex Gaskarth.” I couldn’t help but laugh, I quickly shouted, “I sure can!” and walked into the dining room with a shit eating grin on my face.

“What’s with the face?” Chase asked since he was the only one sitting there.

“Rian’s friends, Alex and Jack, were here to pick him up. I said hello and walked away then they interrogated Rian asking why he didn’t mention me being a girl and Alex said I was fucking hot and that no one could resist the ‘sexy Alex Gaskarth’. I decided to let him know that I heard him and yelled out ‘I sure can.’ Then I came in here.” I explained.

“His face was probably priceless. Knowing Alex he would say that, but since you heard him who knows what he would’ve looked like. I’m sure Rian will tell you.”

“Yeah, and I’m seeing both of them tomorrow at that bonfire.”

“Well, that should be fun.”

“Are you going?” I asked.

“No, I have to leave early in the morning on Sunday.”

“Boo!” I gave him double thumbs down.

He laughed, “Sorry, we’ll get to talk more in the future… Give me your phone.” He commanded. I handed him my phone and he started typing on it. “There. Now you have my number so call and text me when ever. You’re going to be the sister I never had.”

“I feel so special. Let’s get to know each other.” I smiled.

“Sure. You go first.”

“Okay, what’s your full name?” I asked.

“Joseph Chase Dawson. What about you?”

“Lucy Ann Johnson. Why do you go by Chase?”

He shrugged, “I’d rather go by Chase than Joe or Joseph.”

“I see. Uh, what’s your favorite sport?”

“Tennis, what’s your favorite sport?”

“I don’t have one; I like music and I use it to dance.”

“You’re not going to be one of those girls that say dancing is a sport.”

“That’s because it’s not a sport.”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s a form of art. The way you express yourself while people watch you create a story.”

“Wow, that was… different?”

I shrugged, “I have very strong opinions. But, yes dancing has its plus side of giving a girl I nice flexible body.”

“You have such a beautiful way with words.” He joked.

“I try.” I smiled.

“Hey, Chase! It’s time to go home.” Bob called from the living room.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” He yelled back. “It was nice meeting you today Lucy. You’re an amazing person.”

“Thank you, Chase. It was nice meeting you too. I’ll see you around.”

“Yes, you will. And don’t forget to call and text me after I leave.”

“No problem. Bye Chase.” I said giving him a hug which he gave back. We pulled away and walked to the living room where Aunt Kay and Bob were talking. They said goodbye to each other and then switched to where I was now talking to Bob.

“It was nice meeting you Lucy. You seem to have caught both of my boys’ attention.”

I giggled, “It was nice meeting you too. And they’re both very kind people.”

“Yes, they are. Very mature, but they still have their moments.”

“That’s for sure.” I laughed.

“Are you coming over tomorrow?”

“Yes, I am. Rian and I are going to hang out and then he’s going to drive us to the beach for the bonfire. I hope that’s not a problem.”

He shook his head, “No, its not. Like I said, you and your aunt can come over uninvited anytime.”

“Okay, as long as you’re okay with it then I guess I’ll use that privilege.” I laughed.

He smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lulu.”

“Bye Bob.” I gave him a hug. He gave me a hug back and I smiled; this family was the best. They make everything feel all homey.

“Bye, guys!” Aunt Kay said out the door as both of the older men left the house. She shut the door behind her and locked it. “How do you like the Dawson’s?” she asked.

“I like them. They make me feel like I’m at home.” I smiled. Aunt Katherine looked down at my chest and smiled. When I looked down I realized I was holding onto both of my parents rings.

“They’ll always be with you dear; always in your heart, always apart of you.”

“Thank you Aunt Kay.”

“For what dear?” she asked with confusion.

“For… everything. All of this, taking me in, taking care of me, being a parent for me.”

“Oh…” she smiled, “You’re welcome dear. I would’ve done it in a heart beat and under any other reason it would’ve been for. I love you so much. Just as much as if you were my own child.”

“I love you too, Aunt Katherine.” I walked over to her and we gave each other a tight hug. It lasted longer than I expected. When we pulled away we gave each other sad yet happy smiles.

She looked over at the clock, “It’s getting late Lulu. We should probably head to bed. Plus, you’re going to be up all day tomorrow.”

I laughed, “Probably, Would you know how long these bonfires last. I’ve never been to one.”

She giggled, “They last a long time and knowing Rian’s friends they party hard. So, don’t get too hammered. Alright?”

“Wait, what? You’re allowing me to drink?”

“I’m thirty-three Lucy. I’ve already experienced that life. Now, it’s time for you to do the same. Plus, it’s your senior year at a new school. Make the best of it.”

I laughed, “Thanks Aunt Kay.”

“You’re welcome dear. Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to sleep. Goodnight.” She sang as she walked up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at how she acts. Like a loving person one minute, then a hard partier the next. Maybe I’m just like her? I laughed to myself and walked into the kitchen turning off the light, and then I did the same with the dining room, living room, and stairway. I walked the short distance of the dark hallway to my already dimly lit room. I went to my dresser and shed off the clothes I wore today and replaced them with pajamas. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and then plopped down onto my bed curling up under the covers. I leaned over to my night stand and turned off the only lit lamp. Then I slowly fell into a deep sleep with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's an update! And I brought in Rian, Jack, and Alex!
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and three subscribers? I'm pretty happy!!

NEXT UPDATE | December 31st

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Lucy - Dinner
Lucy - Bed