Sequel: We All Fall Down
Status: Updates when possible.

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Your love is the barrel of a gun

“Rian, Paris is beautiful! I can’t believe you’ve never been there! Next time I go, I’m begging my aunt to bring you with!” I gushed to him as we drove back to school. My suspension weeks are over and I wished they weren’t. Paris was beautiful! Aunt Kay and I stayed in the hotel’s penthouse and it had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. I would’ve told everyone about it while I was there but my phone isn’t international and I left my laptop in my room.

“I believe you, and you don’t have to do that but if you do, I’d be glad you became my friend.” We pulled up into the school parking lot and parked the car.

“And you’re not glad I’m your friend now? I see where I stand with you.” I teased him as we went into the school and to my locker.

“I didn’t mean it like that Lulu. You’re a great friend and I love you no matter what. Actually you’re like the sister I’ve never had. I’d protect you and be there for you in an instant.” He said honestly. I smiled at him and thank him and as I was about to say more a sudden scream coming from the one and only, Kara. She jumped on top of me and tackled me to the ground in a hug. “Where have you been the past two weeks?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, completely confused.

“Well, you’ve been M.I.A! I couldn’t call you and you never went onto Skype. I thought you were kidnapped!”

“Well, no need to worry. I was just in Paris with my aunt.”

“For two weeks? How come no one told me?”

“Jack knew about it and I just told Rian about it.”

“Well, I don’t have time for him. Tell me what happened!”

I laughed, “Kara you’ve got no clue how beautiful it actually is. The way school describes it is boring, but once you get there you’d wish you’d never leave.”

“What did you do?”

“Well, I learned the ropes of how to run the hotel, I learned how to fix a machine, and when there was a problem with a tourist who spoke no French, I got to translate to them.”

“Don’t most workers need to speak English?”

“Well, Travis didn’t take English, he took Spanish, and at the time there were no other workers.” I explained to her as she nodded. The bell had rung and I quickly put my things away and grabbed my books. We went to our first class and I was still talking to her about Paris. The teacher walked in and the class silenced as he took role call. When he got to Alex’s name it was silent. I looked at his seat and just now realized he wasn’t here.

How could I be so blind and miss the one person I’ve grown close to? Where is he anyway? Last time I saw him he was in a pissy mood when I left after his performance? Did I do something that angered him into not coming to school anymore? Or did he get into trouble while I was gone? To sum up all the questions running through my mind I concluded it all with, what happened while I was gone?

I leaned forward to Rian and asked him. He just said that Alex has been gone since Friday and that he even cancelled two weeks of band practice. No ones heard from him since Saturday.

That got me really confused and worried. What’s going on wish him? After the concert he was being…distant. And now cancelling band practices? What happened to him?


I decided to stop my questioning mind on what Alex has been up to and go on with my day. At the moment Kara and I were in French class and she couldn’t help but brag about my experience in France. So, our teacher, Madame Cash, asked me to answer questions from my classmates. I stood in front of the class and hands began to rise. I picked person after person and answered many questions.

One person asked me if I had visited the Eiffel tower, but I sadly said no. Another person asked why I didn’t go, and I told them that it was becasue I was too busy working at my aunt’s hotel. I basically had to explain my whole trip to the entire class… in french. I was getting really fed up with explaining and just took a seat without a word. Madame Cash laughed at my outburst and decided to begin teaching the new lesson. I seriously hate having the attention on me, especially when people ask questions… in a different language. And I have to answer them… in a different language.

As soon as class was over I just wanted out of there, but was stopped when I heard my name being called. I looked behind me and smiled when I was Ross.

“Hey Ross.” I said as she walked closer to him.

“Hey Lucy. How have you been?” he asked and I was relieved to hear him speak English.

“I’ve been good. What about you?”

“Same. By the way, I never would’ve imagined someone getting special privledges while suspended from school. You’re a lucky girl.” He complimented me, sort of?

“Thanks, I guess?” I said awkwardly. He smiled and didn’t say anything so I laughed and asked, “Yes?”

“So, I was wondering. Since the first time I asked you gave me a rain check, but how about a second time?”

I was a little confused about what he was talking about. So I asked, “What do you mean?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to go out this week?”

“On a date?”


“Uh, I’m sorry Ross. But I don’t think I can.”

“Oh, okay. Maybe another time then?” he asked, sounding a little irritated.

“Yeah, maybe.” I said hoping to make him feel better, but it didn’t work because the guy was out of my site in the matter of seconds. I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my day.

Lunch was very interesting. I, again, had to explain to everyone how my trip was. And when I finially finished I was glad that was the end of it. If anyone else asked I’d officialy hate Paris. But lunch still seemed pretty empty. It’s not the same without Alex. And again, he creeps up into my mind. Why is this happening? Yes, I like the guy, but why when he’s missing there’s a problem? I asked Jack if he’s heard from him and he shook his head no, but said his mom was told that he didn’t want to see anyone because he’s ‘sick’. Obviously, Jack and I both understood that Alex wasn’t sick. I debated with myself whether to go over there and check on him again, but I didn’t because Aunt Katherine needed help cooking dinner and setting the table since Rian’s family was coming over for dinner.


As the doorbell rang I quickly went to answer it. Before I could get a good look at my guests I was pulled into a tight hug and dragged backwards and almost falling over. But before I fell I was picked up and spun around in the arms of a cheering older boy.

“Chase! Put me down!” I yelled happily. I missed Chase so much!

“Lucy, shut up and let me have my moment. I haven’t seen you in forever and I just want to enjoy every second of your pressence.” He laughed.

“You two sound like you’ve been married and haven’t seen each other in ages.” Rian joked. Then Chase and I took a huge step away from each other and stared at each other with distaste. I started to make fun of him saying, “Ew! Don’t ever say that again Rian! There is no way in hell I’d ever marry your brother! I mean look at him, he’s… not even attractive!”

Then it was Chase’s turn, “Speak for yourself,” he gasped acting hurt, “I have to deal with looking at you everyday if I married you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you were my wife. It’s torture just staring at you.” As it quieted down I couldn’t help the fit of laughter building up. Chase will always be Chase and our answers won’t be expected if we were asked the same question or told the same statement. It’s nearly impossible for us to be serious around each other. Rian rolled his eyes and when my aunt mentioned food he bolted to the dining room. I yelled after him, “Fatty!” And he just flipped me the bird.

During dinner, Chase and I conversed like crazy. I asked him how college was and he said that everything was going wonderfully. He’s upset that it’s his last year but he’s mainly upset that it’s his last year being on the Tennis team. It may be the beginning of the year, but I completely understand his reasonings. Time goes by when you start to finish up the last of your greatest year. We also apologized for the lack of contact but we both had good reasons. He was busy practicing for the season, as well as studying and I was busy in France while I stared at my un-usable phone.

“So, Lulu. Care to tell me what’s been going on between you, Barakat, and Gaskarth?” Chase asked as him, Rian, and myself sat in the movie theater enjoying each others company. I looked over at Rian who had an innocent smile spread across his face. I gave him a playful glare before I answered the question. “I messed around with Jack a lot, not that I had a say in it. They were all surprising. But he asked me out on a date and we went out. I like him a lot, but we both learned we’re better off as friends than anything else. And of course Jack had to put in that we didn’t have to be just friends but we could mess around with each other as well. Honestly, I don’t think that’ll happen.”

“What makes you so sure about that?” The oldest boy asked.

I scoffed, “I’m not a sex doll. I’d like to be treated with class.”

“More like in the ass.” He mumbled. Knowing that he was joking I still hit him upside the head. We both laughed and then he continued, “What about Alex?”

“Alex and I, well, I actually don’t know. I know there’s something between us, but I just can’t put my mind to an answer.”

“Have you done anything with him?” he asked. Both Rian and Chase were staring at me intently and I started to heat up. Then Rian exclaimed, “You two did something didn’t you?!”

I blushed madly, “Yeah, I guess we did. Well, the day we received our punishments and you guys had your concert, well we hung out since we were told to leave the school. And well it started raining and we kissed…”

“Oh my god, wow. You and Alex… there’s more isn’t there?” Rian said as if he were reading my mind.

I nodded, “When we got back he um kissed me again. Kara saw it and she flipped a lid, but more excitedly. Well, basically she went all Kara about it. And well, we actually kissed about, I want to say three times and made out once?”

“Wow, you and Gaskarth… getting down and dirty.” Chase commented and high fived his brother. I rolled my eyes, “You two are such boys. At first you’re acting like girls wanting the information… oh wait, I’m sorry. Wanting the deats and then all the sudden the boyish charm kicks in and you get all excited that Alex and I had a few moments.”

“Hey, you can’t blame us. We just like hearing information about other people’s lives since we don’t have any.” Rian defended himself and his brother very poorly. I sighed even though the mood was still happy. Both of the brothers’ smiles faultered as they looked at me. “What’s wrong?” Rian asked.

“Nothing, it’s just, I’m worried about Alex. How come he’s been avoiding everyone?”

Rian shrugged, “I have no idea. This is all new to me as it is for everyone else. Kara said it might have something to do with you.”

“Why me?”

“Because ever since you walked into all of our lives, both Jack and Alex changed. Jack is more cocky than he ever was. And Alex has gotten softer.”

“Wow.” Was all I could say. I never knew the difference but I guess it was because I haven’t been around them as often. I mean, I could tell a difference since the first night because Alex had this huge ego and Jack was just sweet and didn’t say much. Could I have changed them that much?

“Chase! Rian! Time to go home!” Bob yelled from up the stairs.

“Well, that’s our que to go. Goodnight Lulu. I’ll see you next time I come and visit, and don’t forget to text me!” Chase said as he got up and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before he made his way up stairs. I looked over at Rian who smiled softly at me. “I’m sorry so much has happened since you’ve gotten here. We might’ve just met but I already think of you as a sister and best friend. If you need anything just call me or come over. Okay?”

I nodded my head and gave him a tight hug, ‘Thank you Rian.”

“You’re welcome Lulu.” We pulled away and he kissed my forehead as he went upstairs and I followed closely behind. I said my goodbye to Bob who told me to come visit more and then I said a goodnight to my aunt. When I walked into my room I heard my laptop ring indicating that Brooke was calling me off of Skype. I hit answer and the face of my best friend popped up. “Guess what!” she screamed in excitement. “You finally realized that you’re the loudest fucking person in the history of loudest people?”

“What? No, can we be serious…?” she asked.

I laughed, “Yes, now please do tell me you’re amazing news.”

“My mom bought me and Moose tickets to come visit you over winter break!”

“Really?!” I asked excitedly.


“Oh my god, I can’t wait! I’ve missed Little Moose so freaking much!” I said, purposefully forgetting her. My best friend scoffed, “Thanks Lulu.”

I rolled my eyes, “You’re welcom Brooke, but don’t worry I’ve missed you more. And I know we haven’t talked that long today but I seriously need to go to sleep because I’m about to pass out.”

“Yeah, I understand. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Goodnight Brooke!”

“Goodnight Lucy!” she said as we both hung up. I shut down my laptop and changed into my pajamas. After a long day like today I needed a break. I crawled into my bed and tucked myself in. I tried going to sleep but I knew I didn’t get to sleep till late. Reason being because my mind kept drifting off to what was going on with Alex. Maybe I’m crazy, but there’s this feeling in my gut that’s telling me it’s my fault he’s been avoiding everyone. I wouldn’t get to know until I ask him myself.
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i know it's been forever! please, don't give up on me now. i have everything planned out and it's just one exciting adventure. There are exactly 25 chapters. It gets exciting i promise (:

please comment and subscribe

sorry for spelling errors, and such.


Also! Please check out my John O'Callaghan story. It's called Speak Now, and there's only one chapter left (out of five) and there will be a sequel to it afterwards, so it'll get exciting as well.

Thank you to all my readers and i hope you enjoy my stories! Love you all<3