Status: One shot

Long live the one that got away

Long live the one that got away.

Kayne had always been a real piece of work. Even at twenty-nine years old, he held no responsibility for his actions, and never took others into consideration. He'd woken up one morning, lonely, and went out and got himself a wife, just as everyone who knew him expected he would.

Linda was a beautiful, young attorney who only married Kayne to make her family happy. They lived in the same house, but slept in different rooms, and put up with each other. Kayne loved her as a sister, but was glad that she wanted nothing more out of the marriage than he did. Linda viewed him as a man who paid the bills.

One day, Linda was going out for a jog while Kayne mowed the lawn. Only two blocks down, while crossing an intersection, a car didn't stop in time. She was dead instantly.

Kayne got a call from the police several minutes after the accident, telling him what happened. He jumped in the car and sped towards the intersection.

Once there, he identified his wife's broken body, just before it was covered up. Linda had always had a way of annoying him, but he didn't want her dead....

The officer that had called him explained that the situation would need a gentle hand to clean up. Linda's office would need to be informed of the accident, along with her family and close friends.

Kayne was stunned. Though he was terribly sad for Linda's death, he didn't want to have to call the family that he'd refused to visit over thanksgiving two weeks previously. He didn't want to have to explain to his wife's assistant that she was dead, much less her close friends, whom she complained to about his lack of interest in her life all the time.

Kayne had a choice. A choice to either accept this responsibility for this women whom he never treated right, or walk away. If he walked away, he could sell his ring, and move on with a life of loneliness, or he could own up to a situation that was going to cause him a lot of troubles.

Kayne owned up. He owed it to Linda to make sure that she would get a proper burial, an obituary, etc. He'd been given an opportunity to show the world that he wasn't as cold as he seemed, and he was going to take it.