
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands

"The problem is... the problem is..."


"We know each other too well."


"No one else below the stars knows us at all."


"I've tricked you into falling in love with me."

"That's true, but you forgot about one thing."

"Which is?"

"I tricked you first. Now get out of bed, the sun's already up."


"This isn't going to last long."

"How so?"

"Well... we're like a test-drive rocket ship. Built to be destroyed. Ask NASA."

"We'll prove them wrong."

"Even the scientists?"

"Especially the scientists."


"I'm going somewhere far."

"Take me with you."

"I got your ticket at the station. Pay me back later."


"Simon says, follow me."

"Who's Simon?"


"I'm blaming it all on you."

"That's fine, if you like lying to yourself."

"I've made self-deception an art form."

"The closest thing you've made to art is your asshatery, unmatched in this galaxy and the next."

"So you're a rocket scientist now?"

"Fuck you to space."

"Fuck you too."


"We can go anywhere we want... but probably on different flights."