Status: We're waiting for the post man.

Paper Aeroplanes

Letter Seven, Frank.

Gee-tard. That actually made me snort, I'm going to call you that from now on.

I don't see why people are homophobic... Someone's sexuality doesn't change who they are. And if I was homophobic, it'd be a little hypocritical...

It was so weird getting the piercing done though, they have to put your lip in a clamp...

I have the remains of black nail varnish, I'm too lazy to search my room to find my nail varnish. But oh my, pink tips! I've never thought of that... Too bad I don't own any pink nail varnish.

I've lost count of the amount of skinny jeans I've had to throw away because I've ended up ripping the crotch... it's unbelieveable. I go through so many and my mom gets really pissed off.

I can keep a secret, yeah. And I would never hate you or Frank freak out.

~Frankie x