Status: We're waiting for the post man.

Paper Aeroplanes

Letter Eight, Gerard

Frankie Frank-Frank,

Wait, hypocritical? So that means...hang on, I gotta search the word...
Wait, so that means you're gay? Or are you bi? Or neither, maybe you were just telling lies?
Don't know about you, but this just got awkward...

So, yeah um Claire's does some great nail varnish! There's this pack of some I got which had black, navy blue and silver, it's lush! They also do awesome eyeliner, although it's a little expensive.
And where do you shop for jeans? I find Hot Topic is a good shop, they have stronger material and it's not too expensive either!
Haha, oh gosh, sorry for rambling, I just love fashion!

Anyway, my secret...yeah well, I'm gay.
So yeah.
I'm gonna, like, go now.
So bye,
Gee-tard xox

P.S do you have any bullying advice? I got slammed into a locker today, it hurt. :L